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The hideout is still filled with all of the VK's stuff. When Rain went up earlier, all she did was put her helmet down. Rain catches sight of herself in the mirror carefully placed on Evie's side of the room. She remembers spending hours with the others trying to get it upstairs without any more damage being done to it. Her reflection still doesn't feel like her, maybe it was her makeup...she'd re-do it.


After she finished, Rain felt better, more her. Rain starts adding to the portraits on the walls. Spray paint was basically all she packed and there was still loads of Mal's old colours still there.

"At least I don't see a picture of me with horns and a pitchfork," Rain's eyes widen and she turns around suddenly. There stands Ben. In Isle clothing. Of course, they brought him. Evie did a good job on the clothes. Apart from it suiting him so well it's obvious who he is, but Rain thought it was attractive.

"Ben!" he goes to walk forward but Rain stops her with his hand.

"Rain, I am so sorry about our fight. It was all my fault," she just keeps staring at him. "Please come home," he pulls out the beast ring.

"Ben," Rain steps down and drops the spray can onto a beanbag Evie fixed "I am home,"

"I brought the limo. It's a sweet ride," he's really trying, she'd give him that.

"I don't fit in, I'm sorry, I really gave it my best shot. And if you think that I can change. I think you're wrong. I did change. And look where it got us," she gestures to their surroundings.

"Then I'll change," Rain scoffs "I'll skip school, have more fun. You know, I'll blow off some of my responsibilities,"

"No!" he looks surprised and Rain feels the tears in her eyes "why would I ever want that. You're the perfect one here. I'm the one always in the wrong,"

"Why did you ever think I wanted you to change then?"

"See?" Rain sniffs " I'm such a terrible influence. It's only a matter of time, before I do something so messed up, that not only does the kingdom turn on me, they turn on you!"

"Don't quit us rain," Ben puts the ring in her hands

"I don't want to. But you're the King of Auradon. I'm just...some kid who was raised a villain and who can't control her emotions"

"The people love you. I love you," Rain just stares up at him. She couldn't go back, no matter how much she cared for Ben. "don't you love me?" Oh she does, she really does. She wanted to put the ring back on and reassure Ben everything would be okay. But she was doing this for him. Rain puts the ring back in Ben's hand, slowly closing it in a fist around it.

"I can't go back..." Rain pushes his hand back. Blinking back the tears, she rids any emotion from her voice "I have to take myself out of the picture because it's what's best for you, and it's what's best for Auradon,"

"Rain no, Please," he tries to get closer, but Rain pushes him back.

"I can't do this..."

"Please! Just think about it!" she shakes her head "If it's still no in three hours, I'll go. I'll go cry about it back home. Just please think about it, please," Rain tries to say no, to deny his request. But the tears glistening in his eyes and the begging tone make Rain give in.

"Okay..." Rain has to look down "I'll think about it," Ben sighs in relief "just, please go," he nods and walks back the way he came. Rain finally lets the tears fall. Rain sees Ben turn back and physically stop himself from going over to comfort her.

"R!" she walks over to the area of noise, which happens to be next to a detailed spray painting of Uma, with a bright red cross over it which was done after her and Rain's breakup. "Rain, it's Evie. lemme just talk to you for a sec," Rain pulls back the lever "come on,"

"Go away!"


"If you guys never have of brought him here, this never would have happened!" The VK's eyes find themselves looking at the floor. Well, except for Mal's "what on earth were you thinking?!"

"He was gonna come with or without us and we just wanted to protect him,"

"Yeah, and we completely blew it!" Carlos looks to Evie.

"Ok, Ok," Mal stops the bickering

"so, what're we gonna do?" Jay looks around at everyone. Rain had just been informed that Uma and her 'crew' had kidnapped Ben.

"'We', are not doing anything!" Rain steps down from a raised part of flooring "this is between Uma and me, and she's a punk, and guess what? Now I have to go get Ben," She pickles up backpack. Rain was less angry and them, and more upset with herself. She thought that if she'd said yes, right there and then. They'd all be back in Auradon right now and Ben would be safe.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Rain. You're still gonna have to go through Harry Hook and his wharf rats," Carlos tries to her

"Yeah, you're gonna need us," Jay agrees

"Uma said to come alone,"

"Rain, come on," Evie pleads

"Think about this sensibly," Rain scrunches up her face in Mal's direction. She thought she'd agree with her on this one. Rain found it funny how one minute the group can be bickering and the next, completely agree.

"She said to come alone. I know one thing. I'm not going anywhere," Carlos falls onto the armchair next to him and Rain remembers spending many late nights on the exact chair.

"We'll be here when you get back," Jay gestures to him, Evie and Mal.

"Thanks," sarcasm laces Rain's words as she storms out

Edited: April 2021

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