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Rain walks through the streets of the Isle, ignoring the stares from the other occupants. Eventually, she reaches her destination - 'Curl up and dye'. The makeshift sign outside says it's closed until midnight, but Rain is positive she'll be an exception.

When Rain enters the familiar shop, she's greeted with a place that's nearly unrecognisable. There are paint splatters everywhere, and Rain smile at the colour. Music is blaring from some headphones and Rain looks to the source. There stands Dizzy Tremaine.

"Rain!" she drops her broom and embraces Rain; the older girl ruffles up her hair a bit.

"Hey kiddo,"

"Is Evie back too?!" Rain laughs at her question. Evie would not come back here.

"As if," her smile drops "sorry Diz," Dizzy goes to pick up her broom

"I uh, forgot that you guys don't open 'till midnight," Dizzy nods "place looks good," She giggles at Rain's compliment "so what is your deal? Has your grandmother given you any customers yet?" running her fingers over any new object, Rain works her way through the salon.

"Eh, just a witch here and there, Mostly, it's a lot of scrubbing and scouring and sweeping. Lots and lots of sweeping,"

"Sorry 'bout that. Sounds like the old Cindy treatment,"

"Yeah, she's gone from Wicked Stepmother to Wicked Grandmother,"

"Not much difference there, sweetheart," she blushes slightly "hey Diz, if I remember correctly, you did Evie's hair. Am I right, or am I right?"

"Yeah, I thought of the little braids!"

"She kept them in for a while," Dizzy smiles again. Rain thought she was a sweet kid. Her and Evie were closer. But Dizzy liked playing with Rain's hair when they were younger because she liked the natural blonde and loose curls. Rain let her play with it, but she did the cutting and dying herself - with a bit of help from Evie.

"Got any ideas for me?" the ginger frames Rain's face with her hands, then walks up to her, taking the hair in her hands next.

"Platinum blonde with a red underneath?" Dizzy asks rhetorically, yet Rain nods "The best of no worlds," Dizzy waves the ends at Rain "It's so straight! There's not a semblance of even a wave! Y'know, there'd be more if you haven't straightened it -"

"Dizzy," Rain warns and she nods

"That's past hair issues though... You can't see where your face ends and your hair begins!" Dizzy drags Rain to one of the chairs, then picks up her hands "what is this?! 'Lilac panic'." Rain laughs, enjoying the young girl tearing apart Auradon style "How far can I go?"

"Everything, well whatever makes me look and feel like me," Rain looks up at her as she spins her round "but way worse,"

"Yay!" Dizzy goes and gets some scissors that look more like sheers. Rain gives her an uneasy smile. She shouldn't be worried. Right?


"And done," Dizzy spins Rain around in the chair. Rain stands up and examines herself in the broken mirror. Her hair's now a deep red and her hair's in tight curls, it was different...but Rain loved it.

"Hey, there I am,"

"In all your glory!" Rain takes out some money to give Dizzy "for me!?"

"Yeah, you definitely deserve it Kiddo," As Dizzy goes to put it away, Rain takes out a piece of gum, placing it into her mouth. A familiar face stops Dizzy though.

"Fork it over, your runt," Dizzy gives him the money "Now the rest of it," she takes the money from the cash register and hands it over "Hmm. Thank you,"

"Still running errands for Uma, or do you actually get to keep what you steal?"

"Well, well, well," and with that, Harry Hook himself turns around to face Rain "Nice surprise,"

"Hey Harry,"

"Just wait until Uma hears you're back," he walks forward

"Aw, does she miss me that much?" he tries to stop the smirk "I mean, I know we ended on bad terms. But she was quite into me," he squints his eyes at Rain "go on, you can smile. I won't tell her you find me funny," he looks me her up and down - basically checking her out.

"She's never gonna give you back yours's and Mal's old territory," he completely ignores the teasing.

"Oh, well that's ok. 'Cause I will be taking it," he smiles before bringing his hook up to Rain's freshly permed hair. Rain runs her fingers down his other arm, like incy-wincy spider. Following it down, Rain maintains eye contact whilst she takes the money gently.

"I could hurt you," Rain grabs his hook before it can get anywhere near her hair. Taking her gum out, she places it on the end of his hook. She swaps the money with a packet of gum in his hand.

"Not without her permission, I bet," Harry puts the gum in his mouth, Rain nearly winces but she needs to assert her dominance in the situation. Harry walks of, though not before knocking everything from a side table onto the floor. He does a dramatic bow, then storms out the shop.

"Great! More sweeping,"

"Sorry Diz," Rain hands her the money she just took. Her eyes light up "I'd hide it, If I were you," Rain winks before trailing after Harry.


"Rain!" she turns around in shock. Gil looks shocked as well. It seemed Rain was into running to everyone today "you're back!"

"That I am," he hugs her. Rain and Gil continued to stay friends, even after the situation with her and Uma.

"Why though, you and the King looked so happy on T.V," Rain looks down at the floor.

"Yeah, we were,"

"Did you do that thing you and Uma did?"

"Have a huge fight because she didn't tell me the truth. Then when I found out, blamed Mal. So, I broke up with her" he nods "no Gil, we had a fight. Just, I might have been wrong this time..."

"Oh... so did you break up?" Rain raises an eyebrow

"Why are you so curious?" he shrugs "well, not officially. But yeah, we're not gonna be seeing each other ever again," that wasn't a happy thought to Rain. She really didn't think anything through properly "why're you out here,"

"Uma and Harry kicked me out cos I called her shrimpy," Rain lets out a loud laugh and pats Gil's arm.

"So, she's still bitter," he nods again "I bet there was a whole song and dance about my betrayal, and how she'll 'rule the world',"

"Yeah actually!" the sound of wedge heels fills Rain's ears and she looks to the shadow behind her.

"Right, off you go Gil. Nice seeing you,"

"You too!" he gives her a side hug before walking off.

"Mal," Rain spins around and raises an eyebrow to the shadow behind her. Said girl comes out of the shadows "what in Hades name are you doing here?!"

"Looking for you," Rain rolls her eyes

"Are the others here?"

"Probably by now," Rain sighs as she links her arm with Mal's and leads her in the direction of the hideout "I should have known something was up...I mean, you tried to tell us and we just ignored you -. I- I didn't know it was that bad, "

"Eh, I'm a good actress," Rain shrugs, but Mal still looked guilty "I'm not...I'm not going back,"

"I should have guessed... What happened between you and Ben?" Rain knew she'd found the note.

"He found out about the spell book. This I just - everything came out at once and he got angry, then I got angry...It was a big fight, I don't think...I don't think thing we're gonna work," The two continue in silence until Mal speaks up again

" guys really like each other; this is just a hiccup. If you come back, you can fix it,"

"No Mal! You don't get it! It's not just about me and Ben. I can't handle the stress of being a Princess. I'm a literal one! Everyone expects me to be this perfect little princess 'it's in my blood', but isn't the new thing that we're not like our parents," Rain looks down and lowers her voice "no one even noticed what I was going through, every time I brought it up...I felt no one was listening or cared, "

"I'm so sorry..." Mal unlinks their arms and wraps one around Rain, rubbing her back. They make it to the hideout, and after Rain throws the rock, she turns to Rain.

"Stay here, please. Go back with them," She lets go of her hand and walks up the stairs.

Edited: February 2021

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