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Taking a deep breath, Rain pushes open the 'doors' to Uma's mum's fish shop.

"I'm back," The sing song tone in her voice makes everyone go quiet. Uma's lips turn ever so slightly upward.

"Looser. Party for one, right this way please," Uma gestures to a table.

"Aw, are you not joining me?" she pushes a chair out and Rain catches it whilst still remaining eye contact. Uma bites her lip and laughs lightly.

Rain drags the chair to sit at the table and Uma watches as she crosses her legs "place still stinks of fish," Rain was tempted to say shrimps.

"Oh, I'm sorry, we're down a butler today, princess," spite fills her voice at the word 'princess'.

"Isn't that what you keep Harry about for?" Rain leans back in her chair "where's Ben?" Uma pulls out a napkin. Always one for the dramatics.

"You know I've dreamed of this; you are wanting something from me. And me watching you squirm like a worm on a hook," she leans on another table.

"I'm so flattered that you dream of me. I haven't given you a thought since I left," Uma slams her hands on the table.

"Obviously," Rain raises an eyebrow at her ex-girlfriend, confused "You have your perfect little life, don't you?" Uma then turns her attention to the rest of the restaurant "doesn't she?!" screams fill the small space, then she looks back to Rain "while we're twenty years into a garbage strike,"

"Listen, if you have some kind of score to settle with me. Whether you're jealous, bitter or just straight up insane. Game on," Rain keeps her relaxed stance "I see no need to bring Ben into this!" she my eyes at Uma as she laughs.

"It may be a little unnecessary, but, oh, it is so much fun," she leans on the table in front of Rain. "Here's the deal,"

"Just like your mother...Always a catch," Rain looks her up and down.

Uma goes to sit opposite her, she puts her hand on the table for an arm wrestle "If you win... Ben is free to go,"

"Any excuse to hold my hand sweetie," Rain watches Uma's eyes flash with anger at her old nickname. Rain uncrosses her legs and puts her arm up.

"Don't you want to know what I get if I win?" the innocent voice doesn't fool rain and she raises an eyebrow yet again. and I raise an eyebrow yet again.

"Still dreaming,"

"Last time I checked, your mother thought she had things all sewn up, too, huh? Guess she forgot that genetics were a thing," Rain takes a deep breath and calms herself, wondering how bitter mal would be if it was directed to her.

"On three," Rain's eyes darken.

"One," Uma's still trying the innocent act.


"Three," The two push their palms together.

Their stay in one place for a solid 3 seconds before Uma starts speaking.

"You know that whole princess act? Ugh. Never bought it for a second. You can stick a tiara on a villain, but you're still a villain," so we're playing that game.

"And you can slap a pirate hat on, but you're still Shrimpy," Uma's grip loosens and Rain has the upper hand, she fake gasps. She'd never called her shrimpy before. That was more Mal's forte.

Uma tries to push harder but Rain stands her ground. She tries to focus on only her hand, and she feels her eyes start to glow as Uma's arm slowly lowers.

"If I win... you bring me the wand,"

"What?" Rain stops her focus, and her eyes turn back to normal as Uma slams her hand down. Cheers fill the restaurant.

Rain tries not to show how affected she was. If she lost, she was going to own it. Rain leans back in her chair, keeping her face blank as Uma leans into her, very close.

"Now... if you want beasty boy back. Bring me Fairy Godmother's magic wand to my ship tomorrow at 12:00 noon... sharp," she flicks her hair and starts to walk away "Oh, and if you blab... you can kiss your baby goodbye,"

Rain keeps staring forward. Uma kisses her cheek lipstick as Uma leaves and waves.

Edited: April 2021

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