Motionless in White Funny One Shot

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*All in point of view of Chris*

I walked into the back room where almost everyone was.

Balz was making something, Ghost in his bunk, Josh and Ryan were playing video games and Ricky was.... in a kid leash.... tied to a wall post..... slamming his head against the wall repeatedly....

"Guys, why is Ricky like that??" i asked.

"He snuck three Rockstar drinks and 5 packs of Fun Dip. Now he's all hyper and bored," Korel said. "Lucky i had that around from when Braelynn reached her terrible two's," Josh said. "It fits him alright."

"But it was hell putting him in it," Ryan said.

I then looked up, seeing what Balz had made- a fishing hook with a long rod and a guitar string. He tied a chicken wing to the end of the string as if it were fishing bait, and waved it a bit near Ricky.

"Riiiiiiicky. Here, Ricky, Ricky, Rickyyyyy," he said, waving the chicken wing around.

Oh, that's just cruel. Hehe.

Ricky looked at the chicken wing and then ran towards it, but was pulled back by the leash and falling back, everyone bursting into laughter.

"NOT COOL!!! Gimme gimme gimme!!!!" he said, getting back up and reaching again for the chicken, Balz keeping it from Ricky at arms length.

Geez. He's not just hyper. He's like a squirrel on a sugar high.

It was then Brandon and the girls walked in, and laughed at the sight.

"Why is Ricky in a kid leash?" Jessica asked.

"Sugar rush," Josh said.

"Ahh," they all said.

"Balz, you are a very cruel asshole," i laughed.

"Am not," he said, waving the chicken wing above him and taking a bite out of it. "Well, maybe a little."

"Hey!! My chicken!!" Ricky snapped, trying to run again, but slingshot himself back again, and everyone bursts out laughing again.

"Is it bad if i agree with this??" Jessica laughed.

"I find it cute," Kylie giggled.

"Agreed," Allie said.

"Not funny!!!" Ricky whined/snapped.

"Should we get him out of this, though??" Ghost asked.

"Nah, he'll tire himself out eventually," Josh said.


"Chili's?" Ghost suggested.

Some of us got up, except Balz, Josh, and Brandon who decided to take Ryan's place in video games.

 "Bring me back some chicken!! Balz won't share!!" Ricky shouted.

Balz was just waving another chicken wing on the fishing pole, making Ricky trying to bite on the leash like if he were a dog to try and break free.

"Here, Ricky. You you know you want it," Balz smirked.

"When i get out of this...." Ricky glared.

I shrugged and followed everyone outside.


We got back, Josh and Brandon in the lounge room on their phones.

"Where's Ricky??" i asked.

"Finally tired himself out. He's asleep," Brandon said "And so is Balz."

I walked into the bunk room, seeing Balz was already in his bunk, and then to see Ricky's bunk empty.

I then lok, seeing Ricky asleep on the ground, snoring a bit, and cuddled with a beanbag chair.

I laugh and decide to leave him there, considering he looked comfortable enough.

We all then decide to go to sleep, Jessica in Ricky's bunk (she took some funny pics of Ricky).

Just a usual day in the Motionless in White bus.


Let me tell you now i respect all members of MIW. But come on, can anyone else imagine this as a cartoon or something?? It would be HILARIOUS seeing this happen someway somehow.

Anywhore, let me know if you died laughing. XD

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