17 or XVII- Alya and Nino make an apearence

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-Video continuation-
"You should probably take the food out of the oven." Adrien changed the subject for both their sakes.
"I'm not walking." Marinette said acting like child or a Marinette after waking up. Marinette had shifted to a blue instead of a pink.
["Marinette is Blue." Maylean said.]
["Yes it appears when waking up Marinette is in an insecure needy mode." Mrs Bustier said.]
["You mean babyish." Lila said.]
[Marinette feeling pathetic. Adrien hugged her comfortingly.]
["Hey she can't help it. When Marinette is tired she acts like a baby, so what? I think it's cute." Adrien said not fully comprehending what he had said.]
["Do you? What else about her is cute?" Max asked.]
"But the food will burn." Adrien tried.
"No, you're not putting me down." Marinette said in a childish voice.
"Fine by me. I'll walk you to the kitchen but you need to take the food out of the oven then." Adrien agreed, not wanting to put her down either. All the while Ella taped the whole scene.
"No." Marinette kept using her baby voice.
"Who's the child now?" Adrien teased. Adrien started walking to the kitchen. Ella close behind.
Marinette stuck her tong out.
"More like a baby." Adrien joked.
Marinette wasn't being silly. In all honesty, this is morning Marinette. When Marinette's tired she acts like a baby. Not even joking and Adrien found it absolutely adorable.
"I'm going to put you on the bed and wait outside so you can get changed into your cloths." Adrien said putting Marinette on the bed, that's probably the only reason she let him put her down because it was into a bed.
The video skipped to the next scene.
"You can come in." Marinette called. Adrien came in and Marinette was changed he took his shirt from her put it on along with his jacket.
"Come on we don't want the kitchen to set on fire." Adrien said but as he went to leave Marinette grabbed his hand. Sparks and sparkles of pink flashed just like every time they touched.
"I don't want to get out of bed." Marinette said like a baby. You could basically physically see Adrien's heart melt.
"But you have too." Adrien didn't like Marinette sad but she was the only trust worthy person in the house who could work with the oven.
"No." Marinette said getting back under the covers.
"Do you want me to carry you? Then will you leave the bad?" Adrien asked.
"Mhm." Marinette nodded. Adrien pulled the covers off her and picked her up like a kid.
["You really have to do everything for Marinette when she is tired huh?" Lila asked a little bit rudly.]
Adrien carried Marinette into the kitchen and said to Marinette,
"Okay time to take the food out." Adrien.
"Uh uh." Marinette made noises with her mouth shut shaking her head.
"You be a baby I'll do it." Adrien gave in and managed to get Marinette off him, to both her and his displeasure. Adrien placed Marinette on a chair around the table.
​Adrien went into the kitchen and managed to take out the brownies and lasagne without setting anything on fire.
"No fire? Weird." Adrien said to himself. Adrien turned off the oven and let the food cool for a few minutes.
["Yeah weird." The class said, expecting another catastrophe.]
Ella started setting the table. She had put the phone where the kids had earlier showing the full lounge room again. Adrien went over to Marinette who held her hands up for him to pick her up, which he did so happily.
["Wow girl baby much I just thought you don't leave the bed and talk like a baby that's all." Alya said.]
["Well I don't Adrien just managed to get me out of bed." Marinette admitted.]
Adrien held Marinette like he did before and thought out load.
"Morning Marinette is a baby, adorable." Adrien accidentally said out load. In response Marinette hid her head in his chest again.
["Adorable we see where this is going." Kim said.]
The other kids woke up one by one.
Adrien tried to put Marinette down again so he could bring the food to the table but... that wasn't going to work again.
["Fool me once, good on you. Fool me twice, shame on you. Fool me thrice, shame on me." Marinette said.]
[That had her friend thinking isn't she supposed to be baby Mari and that's not so baby Mari like.]
"Okay plan B." Adrien said. Adrien walked into the kitchen and adjusted Marinette onto his hip holding her only with his left arm. He then used his right arm, good arm to fill six plates with food.
"Lunch time." Adrien announced making all the kids cheer and sit at the table.
Adrien brought a plate to each kid and then one for Marinette and one for him. When Adrien went to put Marinette in a seat she wouldn't let go and he assumed she was going to be baby Mari for a while so he sat down and Marinette sat on his knees, like a little baby.
["Yeah you really weren't letting go." Adrien said.]
["Na, uh you're too warm plus soo tired." Marinette said.]
"Thank you." The kids said and stared eating.
"Your welcome Marinette made it but I think we're stuck with Baby Marinette for a bit." Adrien said truthfully.
Adrien placed Marinette's plate next to his and hoped Marinette would eat but no such luck.
"Come on you need to eat. It's your favourite you told me yourself." Adrien tried to convince Marinette.
"Not gonna feed your self are you?" Adrien asked with a straight face like 'really'. Marinette shook her head.
"I will feed you if I have to." Adrien threatened.
"Fine but I'm not moving." Marinette told him.
"If you're this much of a baby when you wake up I'll just treat you like one, nothing else works." Adrien answered and started feeding Marinette both blushing like the cherry tomatoes in the lasagne.
["Don't even bother. Trying doesn't get me anywhere. But you got pretty far I mean she's out of bed and eating." Alya said.]
["Thank you, I did try." Adrien said in a funny way.]
"*laughter* you've never met baby Mari have you?" (unknown sibling asked.
"Nope." Adrien said.
"*laughter*" Etta, Ella, Manon & (unknown sibling) Laughed at Adrien's lack of experience with 'baby Mari' as Alya dubbed it.
"Why do you call her baby Mari when she acts like this?" Adrien asked even though it was obvious.
["I don't know Adrien, I really don't know." Alya said as if it were a mystery.]
"Alya came up with the nick name." Etta explained.
"Oh that makes perfect sense." Adrien said.
The table was round and if the door is in the top left corner of the room then Etta sat on the seat in the middle back then next to her in the left back was Manon, next to her on the front left (Unknown sibling, next to them is Ella on the front centre, and the front right was empty finally the back right had Adrien with Marinette on his lap.
Alya and Nino came in and everyone looked at them.

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