3 or III- Lila makes a huge mistake

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Marinette slouched in the second back row on the left (Kim's spot in the show) looking at her nails with her left palm facing her.

She said without even looking up.
"Hey, Adrien wasn't something happening today?" Marinette.

"I don't think so but I am showing you all my latest prize." Adrien said as he stood up and walked to the left wall A.K.A the wall Alix is leaning on that is opposite the door. He steps on to the wall reverting his gravity then laying down and rolling sideways down until he is left of Alix's head and smirks.

"Babe did you break anybody's bones at your street fight last night?" Adrien asks as if it is a normal question for him to ask Alix. She smirks and turns her head to face him.
"You know I did." Alix said then they kissed.

"So okay now you. Name, occupation, power, love life go." Chloe interrogated Lila.
"Um Lila. I'm a college student, levitation of objects not me and I can't do anything but lift them and I have no love life." Lila replied scared by the people in this room.

"That's it? No criminal occupation, no useful power, no love life at all? You're a class 9 looser." Chloe realised.

Adrien was on the ground now and is now standing on the 'teachers desk'.
"Guys, I got a special prize at last night's heist." Adrien announced getting the gangs attention.

"Come on cat burglar show us what you stole." Maylean called from the front row on the right (Nino's spot in show).

"Yeah Adrien." Nathaniel.
"what cha got?" Alya. In front of her laptop (Ivan's spot in show)
"I robed..." Adrien stopped for dramatic effect.
"D'Argencourt the mayor of Paris!" Adrien yelled earning cheers.

"Go Adrien." Ivan. Standing at the top of the stairs up the rows.
"Cat Noir strikes again!" Max.
"Good going babe!" Alix cheered her boyfriend on.

"You wanna know what I took?" Adrien asked smirking.
"Yeah!" Nino.
"What did you snatch?" Rose.
"Don't hold back on us!" Marinette.

"I the Miraculous Cat Noir, Best thief in all Paris, Cat burglar of the Miraculous Psychos made off with... the mayors family jewels!" Adrien announces revealing priceless jewels that have been in Dugoncore's family for generations.

Laud cheers are heard everywhere throughout the room.
"Those have been passed down the mayor's family for centuries worth of generations you can't just take them." Lila said without realizing she did.

Everyone stopped and stared at her. All eyes were now glued on Lila. The feared and frightening Miraculous Psychos all glared at her.

Marinette slowly ever so slowly stood up and walked to the terrified girl in the front who didn't belong.
"Did you just say what I think you just said?" Quietly and intimidatingly. Lila shook her head 'no'.
"Really? *Lila nod* Because I'm purity sure I just heard you say 'you can't just take them' to Adrien, to Cat Noir to the best person at stealing anything in any style thievery in all of Paris and almost Definitely France. Look weakling you have no idea who you're messing with do you? No one tells him what he can and can't take now look I have had a long night and I am not in the mood to be putting up with you or any of your innocent crap. So I'm going to hear my leader's orders and if no one has any objections I'll deal with you." Marinette said in a very threatening and intimidatingly terrifying voice.

"Chloe what have you gathered from this pest?" Max demanded.
"Lila class 9 looser no love life useless power no criminal records or occupation has perfect innocent parents." Chloe inform fast and affectively.

"Class 9 looser you sicken me. Telling my gang right from wrong. Not knowing your place and not keeping your filthy mouth shut. And you know all our identities now, our school, our average age, our relationships you can't be allowed to spill the beans. Marinette I can see somethings got you riled up today you have my permission to be the one to deal with her." Max said with a disgusted voice and venom pouring through.

Marinette smirks evilly. "This is gonna be fun." Marinette starts walking closer to Lila as Lila backs away into the wall.
"Please don't tie me up and hold me hostage. My parents don't have any money to give you please." Lila begged. The Miraculous Psychos laughed at her pathetic display of hope.

"I'm sure you all wonder what it is I do at night. Hmm? what leads me to be late every day? Let me show you." Marinette's evil grin just got bigger as she lowers to the ground then. Pulls two daggers out of her jeans they were in their handles on both her lower legs hidden under her jeans.

She grabbed them in one swift movement and stood up then jabbing the one in her left hand wright into the wall just next to Lila's head.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh" Lila screamed from the fear then with one swift move while Lila was looking at the dagger in Marinette's right hand she didn't see Marinette twist her arm in unnatural ways. Grabbing another dagger from her jacket. Then Marinette plunged it in to Lila's heart with help from her flexibility power.

Marinette breathed heavily. "I kill at night. And I like it." She said looking up at her gang and family. Putting the daggers back where they came from.

The rest of the Miraculous Psychos look at her and then the body a few times then all one by one slowly start to smirk.
"Marinette you have proven yourself more useful than originally thought." Max said.

Nino grabbed Marinette by the waist and kissed her.
"I'm dating a murderer. You'll be supplying weapons from me from now on." He said smiling.

Mrs Bustier pressed pause.
"This was your sneak peek. I want you to write down all the important parts then we will discuss as a class." Mrs Bustier said.

All the class rote down all they needed quickly eager to talk about what they just saw.
"Okay class if I was a Universalist what would be the first things I note down about this short viewing?" Mrs Bustier asked the class."Well first of normally you would write down the reality number and date in viewing and date of viewed in which case it is 1523359846,  29/3/2017,   29/3/2017. But personally I would write down the fact that Lila died!" Max.

"Yeah what the heck Marinette?!" Lila yelled.
"That's not me in this world I could never do any of the things I do in that universe!" Marinette defends herself.
"So you have told me the basics, now what would the next thing you write down be?" Mrs Bustier asked.

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