Dislocation (17)

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night talk

​​ Gu Xiaomeng watched Jin Shenghuo leave from the window, so she didn't look any further, she closed the curtains, turned around and said to Gu Minzhang, "This kind of vulgar wastes a good book."

  "People are ordinary people, but they have a pair of piercing eyes."

  Gu Xiaomeng rested her chin with her hand and said, "Dad, you're right, and Sister Yu said the same thing." Perhaps he relaxed his vigilance and said casually, but Gu Minzhang didn't let go of Gu Xiaomeng's name.

  "Who are you talking about?"

  Gu Xiaomeng seemed to realize that he was sloppy and hurriedly made a mistake, "Dad, you said, is he here to find out today? I always feel that Jin Shenghuo always has doubts about me, but I can't see through him."

  "Jin Shenghuo is known as a military spy catcher. How can it be so easy to be seen through and played with applause? It's not hard to imagine that this time, although he is intentionally clinging, he also means to explore the bottom. Now you put the code on the ship. , tell me exactly." Then he took Gu Xiaomeng to the study.

  Gu Xiaomeng recounted, "That's all, so Jin Shenghuo insisted on sending me home. I knew that I was full of flaws, so I felt that Jin Shenghuo came to visit your father, in fact, to find out the bottom."

  "Are there any details missing?" Gu Minzhang asked again.

  Gu Xiaomeng still hid the interaction between Li Ningyu and herself, pondered for a while, but still did not tell Gu Minzhang.

  "In the past seven days on the ship, you have made too many mistakes. First, you acted without permission despite my orders, tried to frame Jin Shenghuo with a miniature camera, and then brought Jin Shenghuo to see me without asking for instructions. That's right. You assassinated Morita without authorization, although it is excusable, but the crime is unforgivable. Your biggest mistake is that when you contact Li Ningyu, you risk exposing yourself with careless words."

  "No, Dad, this is the only thing I have confidence in. Li Ningyu will not betray me, and Sister Yu will definitely not."

  "Why do you believe it?"

  "I just follow my gut, I just trust her."

  "Do you know what intuition is? Intuition is not a magician's crystal ball, or a miracle of God. Intuition is the heartbeat of a ghost's memory in a past life. It is a blood inheritance left by a mother to a child. It is like the wind, invisible, colorless and uncaptured, but He must have the breath and temperature of the place he has passed through. The spy's intuition is that he has to go through countless tests of life and death. The experience hormones accumulated in the blood, once triggered by the environment, will surpass rationality and directly direct the brain, so only like Only a trained spy like Jin Shenghuo is qualified to talk about his intuition, like Li Ningyu, a genius who has deciphered the Enigma code is qualified to talk about his intuition, you are a newbie with neither experience nor qualifications, what qualifications do you have? Talking about your intuition, huh, I don't know what to expect."

  "No, I just have an intuition. This intuition has nothing to do with espionage or passwords. It's only about her Li Ningyu. For me, I just believe her Li Ningyu. When she came against the light, when she held my hand, I knew she was Li Ningyu, no, sister Yu, I just believed her, sister Yu, sister Yu..." Gu Xiaomeng suddenly fell into madness, and a voice repeatedly appeared in her mind, "Xiaomeng, believe me."

  "Sister Yu, I believe in you, don't leave me, don't leave me..." Gu Xiaomeng shouted these words and fainted on the ground after losing her strength. Countless fragmentary fragments flashed through my mind. Li Ningyu who deciphered, Li Ningyu who sewed clothes, and Li Ningyu who danced with herself, flashed scene by scene, and was extremely unsteady in a coma.

  Soon after the doctor's examination, "It doesn't matter, President Gu, Miss Gu was only stimulated for a while, and she will wake up immediately after resting for a while. Don't worry, just let her have a good rest recently."

  "Okay, thank you doctor."

  Speaking of asking miss Zhao to send the doctor away, Gu Minzhang looked at Gu Xiaomeng, who was lying on the boat very uneasy: Xiaomeng, what did Li Ningyu do to you to make you protect her like this. In fact, Gu Minzhang found that this time Gu Xiaomeng returned home less arrogant and more cautious. Except for the matter of Li Ningyu, she hardly refuted herself, but Li Ningyu... Gu Minzhang still couldn't understand why after thinking about it. , Just in these short days, what did Xiaomeng meet?

  Gu Xiaomeng was confused by the dream for a while, and passed out. After a while, he slowly woke up. Except for a little loss of strength, there was no other problem.

  "Dad, what's wrong with me?" Gu Xiaomeng was surprised to see Gu Minzhang at first glance when he woke up. He was supposed to be talking in the study just now, but why did he suddenly return to his bedroom? Obviously, Gu Xiaomeng had forgotten about the things that were out of his control.

  "It's nothing, Xiaomeng, are you okay?"

  "I'm fine, Dad, did I pass out and worry you? I'm probably too tired recently, but I'm fine now."

  "You better rest."

  "No, Dad, I've made a lot of mistakes. In order to commit crimes and make merit, I must achieve something. The German army's intelligence in Chongqing should have been ignorant. If such good news is delivered to the door, Dai Li will definitely be happy." Gu Xiaomeng still felt a little tired and leaned on the head of the bed.

  And Gu Minzhang took a chair and sat in front of Gu Xiaomeng's bed, "Alas, the German army's attack on the Soviet Union is a good thing for Chongqing. Once the Soviet army joins the war against Japan and Germany, the situation in the Far East battlefield can be reversed. We will not warn the Soviet Union that this information is of no value to Chairman Jiang and to Dai Li."

  Gu Xiaomeng was silent for a while and said, "Dad, please report to Dai Li, I will wait for the punishment."

  "Juntong's family law is not just about punishment."

  "I know that Juntong's family law is the most important. If there is anything, I will bear it alone, and I will not affect you, Dad."

  "Hey, now it's not the daughter who is implicated in the father, but the father who implicates the daughter. If it weren't for me, the king of Suzhou and Hangzhou, how could Dai Li put his hand on you? Although the information from the German army is useless, the second generation Ennig The structure of the code machine is invaluable. I once wanted to inquire about the secrets of the second-generation machine through Schlumberg, but unfortunately failed. The German army attaches great importance to his encryption method. The United Kingdom and the United States have never been able to decipher the code machine. The government can use this as a bargaining chip to trade more strategic resources and military support with Britain and the United States, as Morita said, it is worth a thousand troops."

  Speaking of this, Gu Minzhang still changed the conversation, "But now, Xiaomeng, you still have to rest well. Let's go here first today." He patted Gu Xiaomeng and turned to go out.

  Gu Xiaomeng lay on the bed and closed her eyes, silently recalling everything on the cipher ship, and decided to draw the structure of the Enigma machine, so she did not continue to rest but came to her study to start the night battle.

  Li Ningyu was not peaceful here either. After Pan Hanqing came back, the family was relatively silent. It was not until the lights were turned off that Li Ningyu and Pan Hanqing began to talk.

  "You shouldn't come back, go back to this home that will only give you nightmares. You should leave without thinking about me, but I will never allow you to go with him."

  "I have my mission."

  "Mission, you have done so much for them, can't you get your life back?"

  At this time, Ma Liu came upstairs and knocked on the door, "Madam, your number."

  Pan Hanqing scolded Li Ningyu, "Get out, get out of here, get out." But just as Li Ningyu went out, she threw a note to Pan Hanqing. Go downstairs to answer the phone, the phone is still silent, no sound. Li Ningyu's thoughts turned around and he didn't say anything. Now is not the best time. Wu Zhi will do bad things. Hang up the phone and go back to the room. Pan Hanqing did not sleep, but waited for Li Ningyu to come back in the bed.

  Because when Pan Hanqing opened the note, Pan Hanqing saw only two words, help. To allow Li Ningyu to speak to him in such an obscure way at home proves that things are far from simple. Li Ningyu knew what Pan Hanqing meant, but she still didn't speak, she just gave Pan Hanqing four words: the wall has ears. Everything is somewhat different from what he remembers, and there are variables. Longchuan is a very shrewd person. Since he is playing against him, everything has to be guarded against. Li Ningyu didn't make a loud voice, just communicated with Lao Pan with simple characters by means of the light of the matches.


  Soon the paper we communicated with turned to ashes, and Pan Hanqing set off a huge wave in his heart. Pan Hanqing knew that in the next half month, his daily life would be very fulfilling. He did not doubt the source of his sister's intelligence. On the contrary, as a spy, Qing Deng or Lao Pan was extremely sensitive. What Li Ningyu said should be true, otherwise she would not care so much about her surrounding environment.

  After explaining to Pan Hanqing, Li Ningyu closed his eyes and rested a little, because in addition to the old gun that he had already laid out, and his brother Qing Deng, there were still many unstable factors. The first unstable factor was Longchuan, although this time I have more time to deal with him well, but he is still the one that I am most afraid of right now. In addition, Jin Shenghuo must be removed. If Qiu Zhuang still happens as always, then Jin Shenghuo will definitely reveal his identity, and he must die. Then of course his daughter must be protected in time. There is also Bai Xiaonian, the old man must find a way to control Bai Xiaonian, otherwise Bai Xiaonian will become the second most unstable factor.

  The night was extremely long. What Gu Xiao dreamed of most was how to make up for her mistakes and open up a life for herself and her father. She didn't want Jade Jade to be her stepping stone, but now, Gu Xiaomeng was extremely conflicted in her heart. On the other hand, Li Ningyu hoped that Gu Xiaomeng could leave and not get involved in this Qiuzhuang incident, so that he would have more time and energy to deal with Longchuan.

  When it was almost morning, Li Ningyu fell asleep in a daze. The darkness before dawn is often the longest and the most difficult, but the moment when the sun rises is also the most beautiful.

  Gu Xiaomeng was still fighting in the study with the light on, but was interrupted by Gu Minzhang, who opened the door and came in, "It's time, come out."

  "Which country's time?"

  "When a failure is declared, no country has the same time." Yes, Gu Minzhang's words meant that Gu Xiaomeng couldn't draw the structure diagram of the second-generation Enigma machine. Gu Xiaomeng threw the pen in decadence and left. go out. 

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