Dislocation (19)

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​​ Li Ningyu still smiled, "Captain Gu, what is your basis, why should I trust you?"

  "I'll first explain to Sister Yu why she's not trusted. I came to the door for the first time with a gift in hand. I should be your guest, but she's not polite to your guest, so she shouldn't respect you very much. What's more, she There is also the bad problem of snooping on your privacy. I want to say, Sister Yu, you will never trust such a person. As for me, I can tell you anything, such as my random nonsense on the cipher ship. And I can guarantee that I will absolutely listen to you. You Li Ningyu, my sister Yu."

  Li Ningyu felt that although Gu Xiaomeng was different, it seemed that the direction had become her. Can't figure out why, but still want to reject her, because if you can convince Lao Gun, then you can get her out of this place of right and wrong. So she still rejected her, "You are so clever that you should go to the telecommunications department, the action team, it's of no use to me."

  "Senior Li, I remember you once told Morita that you have a memory like a camera, right?" Then he was about to take the things on Li Ningyu's table.

  "do not move."

  "Don't worry, I won't touch your confidential documents, but your office is not only confidential documents, Jiayuan, I only read this one Chinese magazine, page 2829, on Gone with the Wind, China and Sri Lanka. The willfulness of Carrie's love. Literary and artistic film reviews, there are about 700 words in two articles, I only read it once to prove to you my memory, how about it?"

  Li Ningyu looked at Gu Xiaomeng with a doting smile, following the familiar Captain Gu's routine, and then looked down at her watch, "I'll give you three minutes."

  "five minutes."

  "Four minutes."

  "Three and a half."

  When the time came, Li Ningyu took the magazine away, "Time is up."

  Gu Xiaomeng got up and started to memorize, "Looking back at the beauties and beauties in our country's ancient and modern legends... It can be a mirror of new women in our country."

  Li Ningyu raised her head and exhaled lightly, smiled and asked Gu Xiaomeng, "How do I know you didn't memorize it beforehand."

  "The magazine is yours, the article is not mine, not to mention this is the latest issue of Jiayuan, which only started selling this morning. I have neither the time nor the opportunity."

  "But you got three words wrong."

  "Who told me that I'm just a normal memory, and I don't have a memory camera like Sister Yu."

  "My name is Chief Li."

  "Yes, Chief."

  "Then I can officially enter the Intelligence Department now."

  Li Ningyu returned to his seat noncommittally, "It's only temporarily, I'll give you one month of inspection time. During this month, you will be responsible for deciphering half of the total amount of the department's telegrams. No mistakes are allowed, otherwise you will still be Go back to Director Jin and let him arrange a more suitable job for you, will you accept it?"

  "Accept, can I go back to the office now?" Gu Xiaomeng smiled.

  "When I finish speaking, memory is important in this department, but there is one ability that is more important than memory, and that is forgetting." He tore off the article Gu Xiaomeng had memorized just now.

  Gu Xiaomeng just smiled and said, "There is one thing I will never forget."

  "Oh, yes? But I'm not interested."

  "That's my Jade Sister." Gu Xiaomeng turned and left, closed the door, and finished in one go. Then he snickered at the door. "What am I laughing at here, really." Gu Xiaomeng muttered to himself and walked away.

  Li Ningyu still put her left hand on her forehead and continued to read the documents in her hand, but she still smiled when she thought that Gu Xiaomeng's eyes were no longer as stern as before. I feel that Xiaomeng is different from before, maybe it is really different from what I know. Keep working without thinking.

  Gu Xiaomeng returned to the office and deciphered a secret telegram - Zhuang Shengxiao dreamed of butterflies, and Wang Di's spring heart was entrusted to the cuckoo. Gu Xiaomeng was angry and called, and then broadcasted a phone call, "Hey, find Liu Zonglin."

  "Hey, Zhuang Shengxiaomeng's telegram was sent by you, right? What the hell are you doing?"

  Gu Xiaomeng questioned.

  "There is a ruthless person who hasn't called me back for ten days and thirteen hours. I can only use this method."

  "This way of spreading the word, I can warn you," he said, looking back at Zhao Xiaoman and then saying, "I can warn you that the transmission of ordinary radio stations is also within the monitoring range of the intelligence system. If an abnormality is found, you can be arrested directly without deciphering, and you will be less crazy in the future."

  "Don't be angry, but if you are angry, your heart is not so cruel. You go and buy a new edition of Jiayuan. The willfulness of Scarlett's love in Gone with the Wind was written for you."

  Gu Xiaomeng sighed and rolled his eyes, "Boring." He hung up the phone.

  "What, boyfriend?" Zhao Xiaoman asked gossip.

  "No, don't get me wrong."

  "You don't have to hide it from me, anyway, you can't hide it from me, just like that one, you don't know her relationship with Captain Wu Zhiguo, right?"

  "What's the matter? It's a colleague relationship."

  "You really don't know, let me tell you that she is already married for the third time. It is said that this first husband is the son of a squire, and he is for her to study abroad, but she is good, she will divorce the young master when she comes back. , I got angry with the young master and hit the car." Zhao Xiaoman said to himself, completely ignoring the murderous look in Gu Xiaomeng's eyes, and he was still chattering.

  "This second one is even worse, it is said to be Zhang Xueliang's confidant, this young marshal lost his foot, and she tried to kick others, but this temperament made her so angry, is this the third one? , I used to be proud, but now I'm down again. No, it's about Captain Wu. Is she a five-element Kefu? They are all good men. Why did they all lose, but Captain Wu posted her. But after you get it, do you know why people have made so many merits? As soon as the information from the Intelligence Division comes out, Director Jin has not read it yet, so he will know it first." Zhao Xiaoman said this and looked back at Gu Xiaomeng's writing. So curious to ask

  "Write what?"

  "Your words involve the secret work of the Intelligence Section. I have to write them down so that I can report to Section Chief Li." Gu Xiaomeng looked at Zhao Xiaoman with a defiant expression.

  "You, flatterer." After saying that, Zhao Xiaoman turned his head and left.

  After finishing Zhao Xiaoman's sentence, although Gu Xiaomeng was extremely happy in her heart, her face remained calm. Continue to work, after deciphering several telegrams, go to Li Ningyu to sign,

  But he didn't want to be stopped by Zhao Xiaoman.

  "Hold on, give it to me, I'll give it to Chief Li."

  "It's okay, you're busy." Gu Xiaomeng refused. After all, she wanted to see Sister Yu, but this person was really annoying.

  "Why are you so busy? Section Chief Li said that you need to decipher more than half of the telegrams sent by yourself. Don't waste your precious time on these procedures. These are secret telegrams No. 417-423." Saying that, Zhao Xiaoman threw the telegram in his hand onto Gu Xiaomeng's table.

  Gu Xiaomeng glanced at her, and Zhao Xiaoman sneered, "This is my job, but I'm not afraid that you won't be able to fulfill the quota given to you by the section chief, according to the time requirements, before twelve o'clock tomorrow noon, To complete all the deciphering, the time in our line is the most important, just like the personnel relationship in this office, and the time is first come, first come."

  "Okay," Gu Xiaomeng smiled, then handed the document to Zhao Xiaoman. Just as Zhao Xiaoman was about to pick it up, Xiaomeng let go and threw the message on the ground innocently.

  "I'm in a hurry at this time, and I can't give you the documents properly." He turned around and sat down at the table again.

  Zhao Xiaoman was placed again, and she was angry and wanted to accuse her, but she had no choice but to pick it up by herself, then went to open the door, opened the door, only to find Jin Shenghuo standing in front of the door and said in surprise.

  "Yeah, Director Jin, why are you here? I heard that the Director was promoted to major general, and I haven't had time to go to the mansion to congratulate." Zhao Xiaoman sat around Jin to make a fire.

  "Forget it, it's just some official courtesies, girls, don't be too tired to learn that the white secretary next to Commander Zhang is too tired, don't blame me, Lao Jin, for not being a gentleman, the conversation between the two ladies in the room just now is my pair of old spies. My ears couldn't help myself, and they all heard it, occupational disease?"

  Just as Zhao Xiaoman was about to explain, he was interrupted by Jin Shenghuo, "Listen to me first, everything you taught Gu Xiaomeng was right, and I support it, but there is one thing you didn't explain, the interpersonal relationship in this office, It is indeed the same as deciphering the secret code, but the most important thing is not the time limit, so it is not important to say that the first come and then come, the most important thing is the passage of time, are you right?"

  "Yes." Zhao Xiaoman nodded in agreement.

  "The world is like this. With those who are in a hurry, those who come first will have to stand aside first." After speaking, he turned around and told Gu Xiaomeng without caring about Zhao Xiaoman's expression.

  "Gu Xiaomeng, put down all the work at hand, and go all out to decipher this secret code first. Before dawn, you must report the result directly to me, understand."

  Gu Xiaomeng cast a glance at Zhao Xiaoman, and found that Zhao Xiaoman left with an indignant expression, and then closed the door.

  "Director Jin, you are too big to use it." Gu Xiaomeng said.

  "What's the meaning?"

  "It's just a few quarrels between young girls. How dare you help Director Jin to play Taiping. I can't stand this kindness."

  Jin Shenghuo smiled, "It's hard to be a good person since ancient times, don't think I'm angering her for you, I'm saving her life in the face of her dead uncle, this Zhao Xiaoman is the former commander Qian Huyi. Niece, this person is not very talented and has a lot of problems. Qian Huyi forced her into my place, just to monitor my every move in this critical department. Now, Commander Qian died unexpectedly, and the cause of death is still unsolved. , the new Commander Zhang is doing his best to remove the traces of power left by his predecessor, this Zhao Xiaoman is still so daring, you think she is dying." Jin Shenghuo said and took the stool and sat opposite Gu Xiaomeng.

  "Director Jin, you look like the King of Hell, but you are actually a Bodhisattva." Gu Xiaomeng complimented.

  "Sometimes, in order to practice the heart of a bodhisattva, you have to use the methods of the king of hell. You can't go home tonight, you must close all communication with the outside world, decipher the secret code, and give me the results directly before dawn."

  "What kind of secret electricity is this? It's so important."

  "This is a secret telegram that was intercepted by the telecommunication department and sent to the Shanghai station by the senior officials of the military system. This band has been sent frequently recently. I judge that this is Dai Li's espionage work on Hangzhou and Shanghai, and has a major deployment. Xiaomeng, you should know the importance here. Now, Section Chief Li is still making things difficult for you everywhere. If you succeed in deciphering and deciphering Dai Li's intelligence network in Shanghai and Hangzhou, then you have made a great contribution and stood your ground in the Intelligence Section. At that time, no one will dare to move. You got it, do you understand?" Said Jin Shenghuo, picked up the phone and dialed the number of the Internal Affairs Office

  "Is it the Internal Affairs Office? I'm the Confidential Division. Gu Xiaomeng will stay in the department tonight, perform urgent deciphering tasks, prepare meals, and implement first-level security. Thank you." He hung up the phone and said to Gu Xiaomeng.

  "Everything is arranged for you, decipher it with peace of mind, remember, time is not important, timing is the most important, and the opportunity must not be lost and will not come again."

  "Director Jin."

  "Any thing else?"

  "What if I can't decipher this secret code."

  "Don't be kidding, if the failure to decipher delays the military plane, I, Lao Jin, can no longer keep you in the confidential place." After saying that, Jin Shenghuo turned and left.

  Gu Xiaomeng always felt a faint uneasiness in her heart, but now that she is isolated here, she can only think of countermeasures while deciphering. 

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