Dislocation (2)

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First meeting or reunion?

​​"Stand up" With the slogan of the military police, everyone stood up one after another.

  This time it still hasn't changed, it's the exact same process in my memory. Li Ningyu kept deducing in her heart that this time may be different. But without making her think too much, Mitsui motioned everyone to sit down and spoke slowly.

  "I'm Toshiichi Mitsui, Section Chief of the Second Section of the Intelligence Division, and I'm here to convey the deployment of Mr. Morita in this business seminar." Mitsui Ichi waved and asked the military police to distribute the folder to everyone in the cabin and continued.

  "The document in front of you is a foreign military secret cable that we just intercepted. Experts are requested to decipher it within two hours. Mr. Morita has already obtained the permission of Commander Matsui to be the first to decipher the secret cable. Class, let's get started."

  Li Ningyu didn't have any fluctuations on the surface after listening to these words, but secretly mocked in his heart, this is considered a death decipher, and it depends on whether he is alive or not. Poor none of you here is aware of this problem. But I still picked up the document in front of me and read it carefully. Yes, it was exactly the same as the document in my memory, and there was no change. At this time, Li Ningyu was deeply worried. She didn't know why such a thing happened to her. It was too absurd and completely inexplicable. Is she really going to die as she remembered.

  This kind of thinking did not last long before being interrupted by Director Jin.

  "Why hasn't Section Chief Li started?"

  "It's not necessary." Li Ningyu answered Jin Shenghuo lightly, just like the answer in memory.

  "Did you see it?"

  "Because it can't be solved, this complex algorithm must be the German Enigma code. The first Enigma machine was deciphered by the Poles eight years ago, and no one has used it anymore. That is to say, this code is composed of two It is encrypted on behalf of a cipher machine, and without an Enigma machine, it can't be counted in two years, let alone two hours to decipher it by hand."

  The applause that sounded around was exactly what Mr. Morita was hiding behind. Morita, Deputy Secretary of the Intelligence Department. At present, the red man of the Japanese military intelligence department.

  "In thirteen minutes, I finally heard my satisfactory answer." Morita said as he walked to the conference table.

  Everyone present also stood up.

  "You are Li Ningyu, the ace decipherer under Chairman Wang's command. You really deserve your reputation. You can tell the real gold at a glance." Morita motioned the expert who stood up to sit down and continue the topic.

  "These secret telegrams in your hands are not ordinary telegrams, but the German Enigma codes. Your task today is not for you to decipher these telegrams, but for you to deduce Germany from all the secret telegrams that the Empire has intercepted over the past year. The structure of the second-generation Enigma code. At the same time, we provide you with the cipher machines of the four countries of the United States, Britain, France and the Soviet Union as a reference."

  Sure enough, this is still the case. Li Ningyu plans to get up and leave. After all, he will definitely be stopped, so it is better to continue acting according to the script he already knows. Sure enough, he was stopped by Morita before he took two steps.

  "Stop, Miss Li, what do you mean?" Mr. Morita unexpectedly stopped Li Ningyu. "You still want to say it's impossible"?

  "It's impossible to just rely on these cipher machines. In the 26th year of the Republic of China, the Japanese and German allies signed an intelligence exchange agreement with the Soviet Union. It is still in use to this day, and later the Germans modified the first-generation cipher machine to form the second-generation Enigma machine they are using now." As he spoke, he sat down and continued to explain his point of view. "The original Enigma code machine has only three rotors, and each rotor will replace and encrypt the input characters once. After three replacement and encryption, the total number of password tables will reach more than 100,000, and the signal will pass through the three rotors. The reflector then passes through the three rotors in reverse, and the rotors will also be linked together. The position of the rotor changes with the input, causing the password table to change. In addition, before the keyboard transmits the signal to the rotor, it will also pass through a wiring board. The specific wiring of the wiring board It is also a part of the key, which greatly increases the number of cipher tables. In 1933, Reyevsky in Poland cracked a generation of Enigma by creating a replica model, and Germany was forced to add a scrambling turntable. The Poles were never able to crack it again, and theoretically it would have been impossible to crack it by hand without an Enigma machine."

  "As long as the encryption mode is replaced, it means that the input result after the different characters are replaced will not be himself, so as long as the probability of occurrence of different letters is counted, and the German linguistic statistical model is used to calculate, the Enigma code can also be derived. The replacement law of the machine. As long as the intercepted secret electricity is long enough. Uh..." Jin Shengxian looked at the data on his calculation paper and suddenly became silent, and took out Rendan and threw it into his mouth.

  The corner of Li Ningyu's mouth was slightly raised in mockery as always. This time, Jin Shengxian was the first to attack. No matter what, it was beneficial to him. Now that I think about it, I have to thank him.

  "Please calculate how long it will take for the intercepted secret codes to count hundreds of millions or billions of codebooks, and to be able to decipher the information key, so if Mr. Morita wants to decipher the second generation in a short time The only feasible solution for the Enigma machine is to take out the first-generation cipher machine, including the purple secret, for us to study and modify, so as to complete the replica machine like Reyevsky."

  After finishing speaking, Li Ningyu leaned back on the chair and looked at the people whispering around with a smile, waiting for Gu Xiaomeng's arrival.

  "Senior Li, do you know what you're talking about? Whether the first or second generation Enigma machine is the most reliable encryption method in our army at present, once our army's encryption system is exposed, our army's encryption system is like a lion with its belly exposed. Such an adventure is never allowed." Morita retorted with a serious face.

  "Deciphering is inherently an adventure, and there is no need to pay for any deciphering. It is impossible to decipher the cipher machine according to the secret electricity, just like drawing a rooster according to an egg. If the chief really wants to crack the secret of the second generation cipher machine, he must Expose the original encryption machine to us first."

  "Senior Li, I suspect that you are an enemy spy who deliberately spied on the secrets of the military cipher machine." He gestured to Mitsui to point at Li Ningyu's head and threatened Li Ningyu, "You have three seconds to confess." He stretched out his hand and pointed to "one, two, three".

  The sudden voice of "Report" interrupted Morita

  "Come in"

  I saw Wu Zhiguo's soldiers drag Gu Xiaomeng into the cabin, Li Ningyu looked at Gu Xiaomeng who came in, and lost his mind for a while, Xiaomeng, you still boarded the cipher ship and came to this hell of swords and shadows. Li Ningyu quickly adjusted her state and waited for the soldier's report.

  "Report to Chief Morita that Gu Xiaomeng of the Intelligence Department of the General Command brought a camera on board in violation of regulations, and tried to take pictures, but was stopped by us."

  "Catch her" Morita gave the order. At this time, Jin Shenghuo looked different. Li Ningyu frowned and looked at Gu Xiaomeng. It was hard to guess whether she was angry or worried.

  Jin Shenghuo hurriedly defended, "Boss, this must be a misunderstanding"

  "It's not a misunderstanding, it's a premeditated plan. These two people are your subordinates. One wants to expose the cipher machine, and the other wants to bring the camera privately on board. There is only one possibility for such mutual cooperation, and that is the secret stealing operation planned by you, Director Jin. , detain the three of them and report them to the headquarters, and I will personally interrogate them." Morita instructed Mitsui, saying that he would detain the three of them.

  "Wait, don't bother Chief, I'll try it myself." He walked towards Gu Xiaomeng. At this time, Jin Shengxian's expression of watching a play was captured by Li Ningyu. No one knew what Li Ningyu was secretly planning, but there was a little more indifference in his eyes.

  "Miss Gu, I want to ask who this is and what is her name?" Jin Shenghuo asked Gu Xiaomeng.

  Li Ningyu just looked at Gu Xiaomeng silently, her eyes were so calm that people couldn't see her thoughts. Gu Xiaomeng followed Jin Shenghuo's hand and looked towards Li Ningyu's direction. A trace of unknown emotion flashed in her eyes, and the corner of her mouth moved slightly. People could understand what two words she said. Jin Shenghuo thought Gu Xiaomeng was referring to which one he was referring to, but only Li Ningyu understood the two words Gu Xiaomeng said at that moment, and did not reveal the two words. The word is clearly the name "Sister Yu" by Gu Xiaomeng in her memory when she whispers in her ear every day.

  Li Ningyu became nervous for a moment, and her brain was running fast. Could it be that Gu Xiaomeng is the same as herself? If that's the case, why did she even set foot on this cipher ship, and the old gun really didn't stop her. Her mind turned around, and when she looked at Gu Xiaomeng again, Li Ningyu had already adjusted her state, and she found that Gu Xiaomeng was as confused as she remembered, and at this time Jin Shenghuo also walked to her side and said again, "I mean her. ,What is your name?"

  "Who is she?" Gu Xiaomeng looked at Jin Shenghuo in confusion. Li Ningyu almost applauded Gu Xiaomeng's confused face. If she hadn't seen the vague words in her mouth, she would have believed it to be true.

  "Secretary, this young lady just joined the job yesterday. The two of them have never met each other, so there is no need to cooperate with each other. At the beginning of the establishment of the Confidential Office, the Colonel personally approved to cooperate with the commander-in-chief's two cameras, and one of them was directly used by me. I If you want to steal the secrets of the military's Enigma machine, why not hide the camera in a walking stick, a teacup, or a humidor, so that you can easily evade search and inspection. I have been in the intelligence community for more than 20 years. It's not too stupid to let this young lady Gu bring this kind of camera to this occasion blatantly, what do you say?" Jin Shenghuo directly blocked Morita's speech with his human instincts. mouth.

  "From the time you appeared to the present, you have walked 85 steps and said 341 Chinese characters. My memory is more reliable than that of a camera. I can even remember what I can't take a photo. I want to steal the second generation. The secret of the Enigma code machine, I don't need any cameras at all. As for this person, he only arrived at the secret place yesterday, and it is not enough to cooperate with me."

  Looking at Li Ningyu, Gu Xiaomeng didn't smile this time. Li Ningyu could feel that Gu Xiaomeng was different from the first sight in his memory. It seemed that there were some inexplicable meanings in his eyes, which made Li Ningyu feel a little strange. It's really the same as herself, so there's no reason why she hasn't come to find her all the time, but her current state is obviously not normal. Just as Li Ningyu kept guessing in his heart, Mitsui checked Gu Xiaomeng's documents, and the red ink pad was printed on the gloves.

  "Sure enough, it's new," Mitsui said as he handed over the certificate to Morita.

  "Gu Xiaomeng, all this is your personal behavior. I'm sorry I can't do anything. Take it away."

  When the soldiers were about to take Gu Xiaomeng away, Gu Xiaomeng slowly turned around and smiled slightly. And this smile happened to be seen by Li Ningyu, which made Li Ningyu more and more strange. She was clearly not like this in her memory. Could it be because of her own memory that everything that happened was deviated? Li Ningyu felt that she should not be obsessed with her memory, otherwise it would greatly affect her judgment. However, Xiaomeng, this time I can't see through you. Li Ningyu thought silently.

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