Dislocation (37)

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​​ Everyone was shocked by what Gu Xiaomeng said. Although some people have realized that Gu Xiaomeng and Li Ningyu have an ambiguous atmosphere, they did not expect Gu Xiaomeng to say such a thing. And Li Ningyu was only shocked by the sadness in Gu Xiaomeng's eyes, it was not the sunshine in Gu Xiaomeng's eyes. Li Ningyu felt distressed, yes, but she was extremely restrained, so she just looked at Gu Xiaomeng without saying a word.

  Longchuan only thought that Li Ningyu didn't want to talk about it, but there were still doubts in his mind, a logical loophole in Gu Xiaomeng's words.

  "Captain Gu said that he didn't know Li Ningyu before the suppression of the General Headquarters, but now it seems that Captain Gu should have known Colonel Li a long time ago. Your words are inconsistent."

  "No contradiction, I just fell in love with Colonel Li at first sight, such a charming person who helped you out when I first met you, and then took on such a complex task of cracking alone, for the cause she loves, such a woman is here Isn't the eyes of Colonel Longchuan charming and heart-warming? As for the contact, I am dissatisfied with Colonel Longchuan who said that I took care of Colonel Li when he fainted on the cipher ship for the first time. How can the weak Colonel Li be my opponent? , of course I want to do something that I like, what do you think. Of course I went to Colonel Li's room, and Captain Wu saw it too. Is that Team Wu?"

  Gu Xiaomeng looked at Wu Zhiguo's provocative face.

  Wu Zhiguo had already held back his anger at this time, and the knife in his hand seemed to be able to be thrown out at any time. But Gu Xiaomeng got up and walked in front of Longchuan, separated between Longchuan and Li Ningyu, Gu Xiaomeng smiled first, because her back was to Li Ningyu, Li Ningyu did not see the sternness on Gu Xiaomeng's face, but Gu Xiaomeng's maintenance showed no doubt.

  Gu Xiaomeng grinned and said, "Of course, Chief Longchuan can say that this is me covering Li Ningyu. After all, my identity and my experience are enough to keep both Chongqing and the Communist Party away. Money and their so-called beliefs are for me. It doesn't matter. But the person I like is not necessarily the same. Sometimes women will act impulsive for what they love, but now Jie Yu has not been caught by me. After all, it is not very easy for a person as good as Jie Yu to succeed Is it strange? Besides, if there is any problem with Li Ningyu, I will definitely report her, so that I can get her completely, a prisoner who can control is better than a superior boss. A spy who will go his own way may be blamed for his own mistakes Judgment or in order to cover up some kind of secret of oneself and selfishly use various means to try to make the secret never see the light of day, especially killing people, there are always people who think that killing people can keep secrets, but sometimes death really reveals a person's true secrets, you Are you right, Colonel Longchuan?"

  Li Ningyu panicked. It was the first time that she was so panicked because she knew that Gu Xiaomeng was angering Longchuan and that she was provoking. At this time, Longchuan was no longer patient because of the failure of the layout during the day. Now Gu Xiaomeng is like the tip of a knife. Dancing, a little careless will arouse Longchuan's desire to kill. So Li Ningyu quickly grabbed Gu Xiaomeng, "Xiaomeng, what are you talking about?" The anxiety and anger in her tone were very obvious.

  "Sister Yu, did I tell you about your pain point? People like you, Sister Yu, can't get it with strength, but if there is an opportunity to be strong, I won't miss it. After all, I'm better than Team Wu. I can use my brain, but the Wu team can only use a knife, right?" Gu Xiaomeng provoked Wu Zhiguo again, Wu Zhiguo couldn't bear the knife in his hand and let go, Gu Xiaomeng didn't dodge but just let the knife rub Gu Xiaomeng's ear.

  Gu Xiaomeng laughed, with a wanton laugh, and after laughing, she turned around and took Li Ning's hand and said to her, "Sister Yu see, it's useless to have a background and a backer in this hell. I, Gu Xiaomeng, are not still a prisoner. Speaking out, I am afraid that the two of us will be killed and become someone else's scapegoat. Do you understand?"

  Li Ningyu's brows furrowed even deeper. She didn't answer Gu Xiaomeng, but looked at Gu Xiaomeng's ear anxiously, "Are you injured? How's it going?"

  "Don't worry, Sister Yu, I'll be fine, and you'll be fine, too. Longchuan is looking for a spy, not a scapegoat, right?" Gu Xiaomeng looked at Longchuan aggressively again.

  Gu Xiaomeng's sudden change stunned everyone present, but Li Ningyu saw a tear in the corner of Gu Xiaomeng's eye, which was looming, and a sentence came to mind: If you are not crazy, you will not survive. She faintly felt that if Gu Xiaomeng survived the last time, she would not be able to live too well. She had to endure it on the surface, but her heart was like a tear, and all her emotions couldn't really exist. Then last time I left Xiaomeng alone... Li Ningyu didn't dare to think about it any more, but just pulled Gu Xiaomeng to stop her. Afraid... Afraid of her getting hurt, afraid of her going out and taking the blame.

  Of course, Li Ningyu all fell into the eyes of others. Naturally, Li Ningyu wanted to stop Gu Xiaomeng from continuing to say unbearable things about the two of them. But Longchuan saw that Gu Xiaomeng was abnormal, and returned to his seat unhurriedly. Then he said, "Captain Gu, I just asked a question. Are you too excited? You answered Colonel Li's question, so I want to know, how should you answer Captain Gu's question about you?"

  Gu Xiaomeng's eyes seemed to return to normal in an instant, and he sat back to his seat with Li Ningyu's pull. "Master Longchuan, may I ask?"

  "I want to know why you forged the testimony that Director Kim, Brigade Wu, and Secretary Bai knew the content of the intelligence. When I saw the testimony of Mitsui and Jin Shengxian, I thought it was very strange. This is a big crime that deserves internal punishment. , Jin Shenghuo and Wu Zhiguo have always been at odds and can't get the trust of Commander Zhang. Why did he open the fake secret in front of Bai Xiaonian and Wu Zhiguo? Putting his own handle into the hands of others, That can only show that your testimony is false. What are you doing this for? Is it to leak information and let more people know the content of the information?"


  "What?" Long Chuan's tone suddenly became severe.

  "I said that you are stupid, Colonel Longchuan. First, why should I let more people know the information? If it is to spread the information, I have already done it with so many experts present, so why bother?"

  "Because if an intelligence leak is verified, then it proves the existence of a spy."

  "Dr. Longchuan, has the information leaked? In fact, Director Longchuan, you said that Sister Yu is a master at playing with logic. In fact, I think it's because your logic is really poor. While you are talking about deciphering the murder case of Commander Qian, Seeing that the death of Chief Morita was deciphered again without consequence, and now he said that I leaked information. Your mind is the real hard-to-guess." Gu Xiaomeng looked at Longchuan contemptuously.

  Longchuan suddenly realized that there was a loophole in his words, so he had to make up for it, "Yes, according to my intelligence source, I have confirmed one thing, that is, the intelligence has been leaked before the cipher ship has stopped."

  "That means that except for the five of us, everyone on the ship is suspect, including the dead Chief Morita. And now you are interrogating the five of us alone, isn't it biased?"

  "Of course not, because I have been using various means to investigate for a year, and even enabled the dark line oriole that I have hidden for many years, only to find out that the CCP spy hidden in the Suppression Headquarters happened to be with you. Among the five people. So far, I will no longer hide from you. It is true that this time my purpose is not the murder of Qian Huyi, nor the death of Morita, but to investigate the old ghosts of the CCP spies. The question has already been explained by Captain Gu, so now please Captain Gu to explain the suspicion on him."

  Li Ningyu sneered, "Dr. Longchuan, I want to tell you something, delusion is the mother of all troubles. In the past ten days, we have been accused of stealing the secrets of the Enigma machine, and then we were framed and murdered Mr. Morita. Another crime today is the murder of Commander Qian Huyi. I can't frame it that I'm an old CCP spy now. I don't believe it if the high-level officials of your army have no idea about what we should do to suppress the switchboard. I'm afraid that Chairman Wang, who issued the warrant to you, is still in the dark."

  "Colonel Li, are you in a hurry too? Are you jumping out now to protect Captain Gu? It's interesting, I think Colonel Li must have heard this sentence and imagine that he is the father of all progress. Since Captain Gu is cleared of suspicion for Colonel Li Exposing such a big secret of myself, then I want to know whether Colonel Li will clear the suspicion of Captain Gu. Will Colonel Li also tell his secret to clear the suspicion of Captain Gu. If so, then I may I have to reconsider my speculation, maybe the old spies of the CCP are not one person, but two people."

  "Ze Longchuan, you are really going to be stupid. Who doesn't know that in the intelligence community, every spy exists independently and performs every task alone. Isn't it easy for two people to be exposed together? This kind of mistake is absolutely not possible. It should appear on a person like Section Chief Li, so it is not logical to say that the old ghost is two people. It is very beneficial for you to frame the old ghost's crime on us in the future. The CCP spies break the rules and have two people under one name. Carrying out a mission to hide people's eyes and ears, and saying it out, it makes people believe it. But Longchuan's evidence, you have come up with solid evidence, from the murder of Commander Qian to the old ghost of the CCP, you have always said that you don't want to play logic anymore, but this whole day Everything you put forward here is logic, and the evidence you can come up with is very small. I think that neither the senior leaders of your army nor Chairman Wang want to see your logic, but your evidence, or our confession. "Gu Xiaomeng asked another question while talking and laughing.

  The dinner seemed to be the home of Gu Xiaomeng. From Longchuan questioning Li Ningyu to Longchuan revealing his true purpose, Gu Xiaomeng was like a knife, hitting Longchuan's patience and confidence layer by layer. Every time he stabbed hard, Gu Xiaomeng returned to normal and gave Long Chuan a second or two to breathe, and then stabbed him again.

  "Of course, in order to be able to find such evidence, I invite you to isolate and review. Isn't this a necessary procedure for reviewing spies?"

  "Oh, then I would like to thank Chief Longchuan for his kindness, not putting us in prison, but putting us in Qiuzhuang, although it is also imprisoned, it makes people look like Chief Longchuan, you have endless kindness, but this is also convenient. You falsify evidence, or even if you force us to become spies of the CCP, if I hadn't revealed my relationship with Sister Yu, I'm afraid that Sister Yu would be the first to be slandered by you as an old ghost." Gu Xiaomeng reprimanded Long Chuan, and her indomitable aura made her become an old ghost. Gu Xiaomeng looked sharper.

  "Senior Li can justify himself, instead of having to carry the blame himself, right?"

  "Oh, so to speak, the unbearable past in Longchuan's life is also willing to show it." Gu Xiaomeng looked directly at Longchuan, the provocation in his eyes gradually faded, and the atmosphere seemed to freeze.

  Long Chuan was furious, took out a gun and pointed at Gu Xiaomeng's head and asked, "What do you mean?"

  Li Ningyu's hand tightened, and Xiaomeng, who almost blurted out, was swallowed back by herself. She was afraid, she was afraid that when she opened her mouth, she would get a shot from Longchuan Feiyuan, so she held back, but the anxiety in her eyes betrayed her. Gu Xiaomeng looked at Li Ningyu and smiled. This was the first time at a dinner party that Gu Xiaomeng looked at Li Ningyu with a warm, naughty and innocent smile. As if he was just a kid who made mistakes and ignored the gun on his head.

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