Dislocation (8)

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​​ On the murderous cipher ship, Jin Shenghuo and Wu Zhiguo got together again, Jin Shenghuo was playing with a goblet, "Unfortunately, there are exactly eight cups in a set, and one was crushed by Wu Brigade, or else they just made it up. Eight notes, you can play a Christmas Eve." He slid the goblet and made a sound of seven notes.

  "Director Jin, are you so sure that it will be safe tonight?" Wu Zhiguo said, looking at Jin Shenghuo, smiled and turned around to pour the wine. "It's almost dawn, and in eight hours, it will be the time set by Morita. If the deciphering fails, all of us can be executed for any crime."

  "There is no way out in the sky, why should the Wu team be so pessimistic."

  Wu Zhiguo raised his cup and pointed at Jin Shenghuo. "You are killing people."

  "What does Wu team mean?"

  "There was a spy on the ship, Morita didn't move for a long time, just wanted to kill everyone, wait until the mission is successfully cracked, and then kill everyone, I believe you can see this, but you are still so free, you should be looking for a scapegoat Bar."

  "Brigade Wu is worried about yourself?"

  "Not just me."

  "According to what you said, then Wu Brigade, you are also killing people."

  "Only you, Brigade Wu, know the content of the telegram sent yesterday. You can put all the suspicion of a spy on my head, Jin, and when Morita finds out the content of the telegram, both you and Section Chief Li can do it. Cleared. But I still want to remind you, Brigade Wu, that the relationship between me and Commander Zhang is actually very thin. If this suspicion is all on my head, Jin Shenghuo, he will definitely lose the car and protect the commander. , will not take risks to save people, at that time, your Wu team will harm others and yourself!"

  "Don't worry about it, there is nothing about the director of money in the telegram sent by Wu."


  "But when Commander Zhang receives it, he must come." Although Wu Zhiguo replied like this, he was not at all sure. After all, the telegram planned according to Li Ningyu's intention was not enough for Commander Zhang to appear and save people. But he was still unwilling to go against Li Ningyu's wishes.

  At this time, Morita received a secret telegram deciphered by the headquarters: code deciphering, the new target of the Japanese army is the money case. Morita was shocked, "Code breaking?"

  "It's also a little strange," Mitsui continued to report. "According to the investigation of the headquarters, this telegram was actually sent to the Suppression General Headquarters."

  "What? Is it possible to conclude that this spy was dispatched by the Chief Suppressionist, in Jin Shenghuo's group."

  Morita shook his head, "I believe that no professional spy in the world will be so stupid as to expose their headquarters directly, and send out such telegrams desperately, although the content is extremely important, but the same approach will reveal their The base camp, moreover, it's just code breaking, no information, and the so-called money case. These are not enough bargaining chips for a spy to expose his base camp. Especially now that the second-generation machine has not been completely cracked, this ship is still there. There are secrets involved in the so-called money case."

  "Master, what does this money case refer to?"

  "If I guess correctly, it's the case of the death of Commander-in-Chief Qian Huyi."

  "In this case, it seems that you should report to the secret service."

  "Do you want that lowly-born guy from Longchuan Feiyuan to investigate the internal affairs of the Intelligence Department?"

  "There is no need to investigate. Everyone on this ship is more complicated than an Enigma machine. I have lost the patience to crack it."


  "There are still four hours left. Whether Li Ningyu succeeds in deciphering it or not, it is time to end. The fewer geniuses like this among the Chinese, the longer the empire's rule will last. Now we will wait for the time, for the sake of Li Ningyu's Fate decides."

  In the conference room at this time, Li Ningyu's body has become weaker and weaker, and Gu Xiaomeng's brows have become tighter and tighter. In order not to waste time, Li Ningyu urged Gu Xiaomeng

  "Don't worry about me, go on."

  Gu Xiaomeng looked helpless and wanted to say something, but looked at Li Ningyu's eyes but swallowed it back.

  Li Ningyu then warned her, "Remember, one mistake will cause the cipher machine to be damaged and the modification cannot be completed."

  Gu Xiaomeng hesitated, stopped moving and looked at Li Ningyu, but Li Ningyu didn't say anything, just gave Gu Xiaomeng a positive look, and Gu Xiaomeng continued to lower her head. Li Ningyu looked at Gu Xiaomeng and thought to herself: Xiaomeng, I believe in you, because you are such a beautiful girl and a person as smart as me, how could you not complete such a task. If you were not born in this era, you should be happier. Realizing that she was thinking farther and farther, Li Ningyu retracted her thoughts, coughed twice, and secretly blamed herself, why every time she encounters Xiaomeng, she always thinks so much, thinks so far, and now she must solve the immediate crisis first.

  The time went by faster and faster, the countdown had begun, Jin Shenghuo couldn't hold his breath after all, "This Chief Li has done too much drama, she had to wait until the last moment to confirm that she couldn't crack the Enigma code before she agreed. Did you pass the border with that fake secret electricity?"

  "Maybe, she won't use your fake secret telegram at all." Wu Zhiguo's words carried a sarcastic tone.

  Jin Shenghuo didn't care and continued to say, "Then we only have Commander Zhang, the last straw. Can he come?"

  Wu Zhiguo's heart became more and more uncertain, and he did not answer Jin Shenghuo's words. "Brother Wu, you must think that people like me must be lust for power, but you know why I have to lust for power, do you know?" Wu Zhiguo looked at Jin Shenghuo suspiciously.

  Jin Shenghuo suddenly became excited, "Because I just don't want to see Shang Fang's sword waiting for someone else to keep someone under the knife, you understand."

  The time passed by and the countdown had entered. Morita sorted himself out and walked to the conference room, when he received a message from the Suppression Headquarters.

  "It's even more interesting. Commander Zhang reported that there were traitors on the ship, and he actually wanted to send someone on board. On the one hand, he wanted to explain the matter of the telegram, and on the other hand, he hoped to assist us in catching the spy. It seems that the telegram is very likely to be sent. To someone in the Suppression Headquarters, especially Commander Zhang."

  "Could it be that Commander Zhang is suspected of collaborating with the enemy?"

  "Notify the chief officer that the next port will dock and let Commander Zhang's people come up."

  Saying that, Morita pushed open the door of the conference room and said, "Time to..."

  Li Ningyu interrupted Morita's words, "There are still seven minutes, Xiaomeng will do as I said just now."

  Gu Xiaomeng's hand began to hesitate, and he was reluctant to do it. Li Ningyu saw Gu Xiaomeng's nervousness, and patted Gu Xiaomeng's hand lightly, "In our business, we are playing hide-and-seek with death all the time. If you can't pass this level, you can't become a qualified person at all. The spies can't see my world clearly."

  Gu Xiaomeng looked at Li Ningyu's pale face, and the words of Jin Shenghuo sounded in her ears, "There is only one way, and all the charges of being a spy in the military are blamed on Li Ningyu."

  "It's inevitable that they will all die together on the same day on the boat, so you can do it yourself."

  "The professional life of an espionage is to destroy, destroy the darkness, destroy the light, destroy the conspiracy, destroy the justice, destroy the secret, destroy the trust and destroy all existences that cannot be destroyed."

  Gu Xiaomeng kept saying these words in her ears, feeling Li Ningyu's hand comforting her, and looking into Li Ningyu's eyes, there was trust, encouragement, and a hint of inexplicable meaning. Gu Xiaomeng decided to trust Li Ningyu, and her eyes became firmer. Gu Xiaomeng stringed the parts together one by one, and closed the machine when the bell rang. With Li Ningyu's "refit completed", the deciphering officially came to an end.

  During the last period of time, everyone's heart seemed to be on a roller coaster, going up and down. When the bell rang, Jin Shenghuo's first words were "It's time to write to my daughter."

  Here Morita looked at Gu and Li with a blank expression, "This is your last chance, I hope you can succeed."

  "I implore you to call all the experts here for on-site verification."

  "If you fail to crack, then all the people will be witnesses. Even if the imperial army cherishes its talents, it has to implement military law, but it seems that you are still very confident in your modification."

  "I am not sure whether the modification is successful or not. I only know that the Enigma machine is the highest peak in the history of human mechanical encryption. If I can crack the second-generation cipher machine, it means that in the cryptographic world, human wisdom can still be used. Victory over the machines, and everyone who joins the crypto-intelligence profession, should witness this victory and remind ourselves of the value of our existence as human beings."

  Talking about Li Ningyu's physical strength gradually running out, Gu Xiaomeng supported Li Ningyu with a distressed look on her face, trying to stop her from going on. But Li Ningyu gave her a soothing look, patted Xiaomeng's hand and continued talking

  "If I fail to decipher it, I will search up and down, and I will not regret it even if I die. Then use my death to inspire them to continue to decipher the Enigma machine."

  Gu Xiaomeng gradually sluggishly muttered, "Mad..."

  "In any case, I admire the courage of the soldiers to rush to death. Major Mitsui, notify everyone and gather in the conference room immediately. Verify the cracking result on the spot."

  "Yes" Gu Xiaomeng stopped Mitsui just when Mitsui was about to turn around and leave, "Wait, Mr. Morita, please don't inform Director Jin Shenghuo."


  "Because he's just a bureaucrat and no longer worthy of being a spy."

  Li Ningyu lay on the table and looked at Xiaomeng quietly, although she knew that she would definitely make such a request, but she knew that it was Gu Xiaomeng's request to cover her. Li Ningyu didn't say anything, but a faint smile flashed across his eyes.

  The experts gathered, Jin Shengxian smiled faintly. Gu Xiaomeng still couldn't control his eyes and cast a sharp glance at Jin Shengxian, while Li Ningyu gently comforted Gu Xiaomeng. Gu Xiaomeng withdrew his eyes and did not move again.

  Morita saw everyone coming and said to Li and Gu, "Senior Li, Second Lieutenant Gu, everyone is here, you can start the verification."

  Gu Xiaomeng looked at Li Ningyu and moved the machine in front of Li Ningyu, Li Ningyu sat up, "Xiaomeng, come on." And looked at Gu Xiaomeng seriously, the encouragement in his eyes made Gu Xiaomeng more confident.

  Gu Xiaomeng nodded lightly, moved the machine over, and started operating it. When the message was successfully deciphered, Gu Xiaomeng was stunned. The content of the message shocked Gu Xiaomeng. Suddenly recalled the fake secret telegram forged by Jin Shenghuo

  "What's this?"

  "Deciphered German cables."

  "The intelligence department is so eager to crack the second-generation Enigma code machine, I think it should be to monitor the strategic movement of the German army against the Soviet Union."

  Seeing this, Gu Xiaomeng came back to his senses and was about to read out the content of the secret telegram, but was interrupted by Morita.

  "It's cracked." The surrounding experts all whispered to each other, Jin Shengxian was stunned, and the whole person was stunned.

  At this time, Li Ningyu was exhausted to the extreme, and Morita came to Li Ningyu's side, "Senior Li, you have successfully cracked the second-generation Enigma machine, your brain has defeated the machine, congratulations."

  There was applause around, Gu Xiaomeng looked at Li Ningyu with complicated eyes, then Li Ningyu coughed again, Gu Xiaomeng hurriedly stroked Li Ningyu's back lightly to help her feel comfortable,

  "Sister Yu, how are you?" Gu Xiaomeng didn't have the joy of deciphering it, all her attention was on Li Ningyu, and the worry in her eyes was no longer concealed. Gu Xiaomeng's heart was once again drawn by Li Ningyu. At this moment, Li Ningyu seemed to be more important than everything in the world. 

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