dislocation (fifteen)

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​​ Gu Xiaomeng came to Li Ningyu's room, opened the door gently, and saw that Li Ningyu fell asleep without waking her up. Instead, she just stared blankly. When Li Ningyu opened the cabin door and the backlight came, Gu Xiaomeng knew that she had fallen. She was someone who wanted to keep close, even in her dreams. It's just why Sister Yu appeared in my dream, I don't know, or I don't want to know at this moment, it's a blessing to see her like this for the rest of my life, although I'm full of doubts, I don't want to interrupt this kind of thing. happiness. Gu Xiaomeng quietly squatted in front of Li Ningyu's bed and wanted to reach out to touch her sister Yu, but she didn't want to disturb her, she just gently stroked her injured hand, with a distressed face, and put her face on Sister Yu's hand, Recalling the comfort from Jade Sister in the restaurant from time to time. Li Ningyu didn't want Gu Xiaomeng to squat in front of the bed all the time, pretending that she had just woken up and gently holding Gu Xiaomeng's hand.  "Sister Yu, did it wake you up?"  "It doesn't matter, I was just taking a rest, and I'll get to the shore soon."  "Well, there are still nearly three hours." Gu Xiaomeng answered while picking up the pillow and supporting Li Ningyu against the head of the bed. Then he sat beside Li Ningyu's bed and thought for a while, but still held Li Ningyu's hand and said nothing.  Li Ningyu is distressed in the end, the first time she killed herself, I am afraid that the knot in Xiaomeng's heart has not been solved. Although she knows that it is not difficult for a spy to solve this knot, she is reluctant to let her feel sad, so although she holds He didn't want to let go of his hand, but held Gu Xiaomeng in his arms and gently comforted her. Gu Xiaomeng felt Li Ningyu's comfort, and she couldn't hold back her tears, which quickly came out and wet Li Ningyu's shirt. It was as if all the fear, grievances, and emotions after the murder had been vented in an instant.  After crying for a while, Gu Xiaomeng felt embarrassed, so she raised her head and said, "Sister Yu, I'm sorry for getting your clothes dirty."  "Captain Gu's family has a great career, so he shouldn't care to accompany me with a shirt."  Li Ningyu still couldn't help teasing the girl with tears in the corners of her eyes.  "That's my father's money. Sister Yu, when I go back and pay the salary, I will pay you back as soon as possible, using my own money." Gu Xiaomeng looked solemn, but made Li Ningyu laugh, Li Ningyu He looked at Gu Xiaomeng with a faint smile and said  "Why do you want to pay me back the money you earn?"  Realizing that there was something wrong with what he said, Gu Xiaomeng pushed the door open and left, "Sister Yu, I'm going back, the ship will dock in a while."  Quickly just dropped this sentence. Li Ningyu shook her head and smiled. She felt that she spoiled her too much. Would you like to be stricter? After thinking about it for a while, there was no answer, so I got up to pack my clothes, organize my belongings, and plan to dispose of the rest of the Rendan box.  The ship quickly docked, and everyone disembarked with their luggage for inspection. The soldiers provoked Jin Shenghuo to get angry and said to Wu Zhiguo, "Brigade Wu, if you can show kindness, take care of you rough soldiers. "  "Director Jin, you still carry these treasures with you during this kind of meeting. Who is to blame if there is any loss." Bai Xiaonian smiled and watched Jin Shenghuo handle his luggage.  "Those who are in our line of work may be born and die at any time. This love in my heart cannot leave for a moment." He closed the suitcase and turned to leave.  At this time, the person who searched Wu Zhiguo's luggage just wanted to check the photo frame in Wu Zhiguo's luggage, but Wu Zhiguo used violent means to stop him. The sound of the fight alarmed the others. Li Ningyu still frowned and cast a glance at Wu Zhiguo. Wu Zhiguo didn't either. He explained that he went straight to Li Ningyu's luggage inspection office and put the boxes together, "It's alright." After saying that, he took Li Ningyu's box and took the scarf and left. The soldiers who searched did not dare to continue the search and could only let them go.  "The chess in the mountains has not been scattered, the world is already young, but this ship has turned the other way. The fireworks in this world have not changed, but we have died and reincarnated again." Bai Xiaonian chatted with Jin Shenghuo.  "If it can be reincarnated again, I am afraid that the flesh will still enter the new net again." Jin Shenghuo responded.  "It's all nonsense. If you jump down now, you will be reincarnated."  Jin Shenghuo looked at Gu Xiaomeng with a bewildered expression when he heard the words. He didn't know why Gu Xiaomeng said this. Now should not be the time for infighting. Before Gu Xiaomeng could say anything, Li Ningyu started to cough again, and said that she took out a bottle of medicine from her pocket and was about to take it.  "Sister Yu, are you okay? Is the medicine you gave you ineffective? I'll ask the doctor when I go back. I'd better change the medicine for you to see. I always cough like this."  Before Li Ningyu said anything, Gu Xiaomeng continued to say so much, and Wu Zhiguo put on a scarf again before he could say anything. But the scarf was snatched away before it got to him. Li Ningyu was stunned. Sure enough, he still changed the direction of many things. Before he could say anything, Gu Xiaomeng rushed to say it again.  "Sister Yu, I don't know what material this scarf is made of. I heard that some scarves are made of bad materials and can induce asthma." He threw the scarf out and patted the ashes in his hand and said, "Sister Yu, wait for me to go back. Ask the doctor to choose a scarf for you, using my own salary." With a serious look on his face, Li Ningyu looked at her and couldn't help but smile again.  Seeing that the two of them completely ignored Team Wu, who had a bad face and wanted to kill, Jin Shenghuo still smothered the field, "Captain Gu, what do you mean, Chief Li hasn't said anything yet?"  "Xiaomeng, before disembarking, I still want to persuade you to get off this boat and enter the Suppression Headquarters again. It's not an escape from death, nor is it a new and old net. You are just a person who escaped from the gallows. I don't know when I will be hanged again. At that time, I may not have the luck of today, so you can only believe in yourself, and you can only rely on yourself... No one is distressed." After thinking about it, I made up this sentence, after all, I The preference for Xiaomeng has been seen by too many people, so after careful consideration, he added a sentence.  "Don't expect any affection, so that you can live for a long time." Li Ningyu still said it, and felt very distressed for Xiaomeng, but in this wave of turbulent times, if she is not allowed to grow up quickly, then she is about to face Qiu Zhuang will once again become a hell for two people.  "Sister Yu, I understand." Gu Xiaomeng didn't feel uncomfortable, just looked at Li Ningyu's serious face, and thought secretly in her heart, Sister Yu did this, and reminded me that she wanted me to stay out of the matter. If you can't get out, you can only fight a little bit of life in this life-and-death battle arena.  Li Ningyu looked at Gu Xiaomeng who was still putting her hand on her arm and knew that...it didn't work much, and she really liked it a lot. If you want to be stricter, it's impossible to rely on Xiaomeng's character. After all, Captain Gu has always been a man of his own. So I decided to be more stern. "Call me Colonel Li, this is the last time." Then he walked forward.  Jin Shenghuo rounded up the situation, "Captain Gu, Colonel Li is just for your own good, don't take it to heart." After all, none of the people present were blind, and Li Ningyu's maintenance has made it clear to everyone... Knowing if the two were in conflict, the words that suddenly popped into his mind made Jin Shenghuo feel a little strange, so he didn't say it any further.  At this time, Mitsui came out and stopped Gu Xiaomeng, "Captain Gu, you seem to have forgotten something." Then he took out a micro camera and explained, "This is an important intelligence equipment. If it is lost, I am afraid that it will not be explained in your headquarters. Bar."  Gu Xiaomeng tilted her head and smiled and asked Jin Shenghuo, "Director Jin, will I still be punished if I take back the camera now?"  "Captain Gu really knows how to gossip. How could it be against military regulations for Major Mitsui to return your camera?" Jin Shenghuo replied.  Gu Xiaomeng smiled and nodded, walked to Mitsui and stretched out his hand to take back the camera. Mitsui returned the camera to Gu Xiaomeng without hesitation. Gu Xiaomeng replied, "Thank you, Major."  "I'm going to disembark soon, let's say goodbye." After saying that, someone dragged Jin Shengxian out and looked at the five. The faces of the five people were different, but most of them looked like they were watching a good show.  "Look, take a good look, obviously you are a criminal, but you are a judge of the innocent, and you see your victim dying, shouldn't you be proud?" Jin Shengxian asked the five people angrily.  "Professor Jin, I feel sorry for you." Li Ningyu still took Jin Shengxian's words. Jin Shengxian was a very strategic person twice, but unfortunately he fought against the wrong person. It's just a pity for him.  "It's not a pity, because my today is your tomorrow." Said Jin Shengxian when he was taken to walk past Li Ningyu.  "Professor Jin" Jin Shenghuo stopped him this time, "You and I are from the same clan, for the sake of being a family 500 years ago, I want to send a message to brother Jin, Jin Feng has no idea beforehand, plotting impermanence and death without knowing it. ."  "What do you mean?" Jin Shengxian blurted out.  "It's a pity, it's a pity, it's ridiculous, you are dying, and you still don't understand why we are all alive, but you are going to die." Jin Shenghuo said this, Jin Shengxian looked back at him, and Jin Shenghuo continued.  "You and I are both spies, and we don't rely on chasing shadows, let alone deciphering the code. What you and I need to decipher is the human heart. If you don't believe me, listen to it. What kind of code is in the wind."  Jin Shenghuo said and walked as if he really listened to something, "Why is there a smell of blood everywhere, this is obviously human life."  Jin Shengxian shouted like crazy, "I lost, I lost completely, I'm just a mathematician, you guys, you are a life-threatening one." He rushed to Jin Shenghuo and shouted. "Play, let's play, it won't be long before you will play on your own heads. It's not the password or the life that is passed on in the wind, it's your blood, your blood."  Mitsui waved his hand to let the soldiers drag the out-of-control Jin Shengxian away. Li Ningyu was thinking carefully. The last time he didn't pay attention to Jin Shengxian's words, and again, his words still sounded the alarm for himself. Qiu Zhuang is coming soon. , must act as soon as possible, otherwise this time Qiu Zhuang, there will be more variables. She glanced at Xiaomeng quietly, and found that she had a dignified face, as if she had thought a lot. She knew that this time, Xiaomeng had heard and knew more of these words than she had heard.  While thinking about it, I heard Mitsui's words. "Colonel Li, as a deciphering expert, you should know that there are thousands of ways to decipher, but there is only one safest way to keep secrets and that is..."  "Destruction," Li Ningyu replied following Mitsui's words.  "I really feel sorry for your talent. Mr. Morita is right. Your brain is worth a thousand troops, so don't force me to destroy you. I hope you can understand before you get off the ship that each of you owes this ship a death. ." After Mitsui said, he looked at the five people seriously and then bowed and left.  "Xiao Meng, do you still have papers to hand in?" Li Ningyu asked.  "One more volume."  Hearing Li Ningyu walking to the railing, the adjutant also stopped Mitsui, "Master, look." Mitsui turned around and looked back at Li Ningyu.  Li Ningyu looked at the clouds in the sky and said to Gu Xiaomeng, "Take a picture of me, right here, right away."  "Little Li, why should I suffer from the immediate loss?" Jin Shenghuo still reminded.  "This photo is like they declare that when I leave this ship, I, Li Ningyu, are still alive. I'm not a walking dead where my death is stored. Come."  Gu Xiaomeng took out the camera and watched Li Ningyu Qingqing press the shutter. At this moment, Gu Xiaomeng seemed to know Li Ningyu again. Li Ningyu's many facets flashed across his eyes, proud, angry, gentle, and now, tough. Which one is you - Sister Yu.  Disclaimer: Because of some settings, maybe no one noticed that I changed Xiaomeng's licorice tablets to a magical drug name - Kechuan Shun Wan. Well, on the one hand, in order to echo this dislocation, Gu Xiaomeng must take the medicine for asthma when she is affected by the strange, and this medicine must be owned by the Republic of China. , so after using this medicine, as for why Sister Yu's hand is still swollen... Well, I didn't give Sister Yu an anti-inflammatory medicine at that time, and the cut on her hand didn't hurt at all. I guess redness and swelling are inevitable. Of course, in order to develop Gu Xiaomeng, Sister Yu would make excuses to let her participate. The reason for this design is to highlight Xiaomeng's somewhat strange setting. Is it misplaced? As for whether Xiaomeng is reborn, I can definitively say that it is not. All pits will have an explanation at the end, everyone is patient. The key lines in this drama and some small foreshadowings can't be lost. It's nearly 50,000 words. The cipher ship is over, and I haven't finished laying the groundwork. Now I really continue to update it with a passion. Because the Republic of China should have more love with a heartwarming ending, even though it is our fantasy.

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