dislocation (forty)

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​​ No one disturbed him except Wang Tianxiang all morning. Gu Xiaomeng fell asleep after treating the wound. Li Ningyu stood at the window and looked at the west building, the place where she once let herself fall asleep, if I remember correctly, If nothing else, the only method that Longchuan can use is the devil's vote, which is the identification note. Then it's almost time for Wu Zhiguo's first mistake. Since he plans to go out, he must avoid this problem. You can't go wrong. The more people who survive, the higher the possibility of going out on your own, which will also bring great convenience to future cover. Turning to look at Gu Xiaomeng, she was still asleep. She already had some guesses about Gu Xiaomeng's inexplicable cry in the morning, maybe she was dreaming of her leaving.

  Looking at this person who always creates accidents for herself, Li Ningyu is helpless, but she is doted on. Li Ningyu thinks about Gu Xiaomeng's words,

  "Sister Yu, I really like you."

  "Okay, I'll wait for you." Li Ningyu said softly. For a while, some people couldn't tell which Gu Xiaomeng they liked. Later, after thinking about it, she felt that she was a bit funny. He was obviously alone, so why did he like which one? Which one do you not like. Having experienced life and death emotionally, Li Ningyu has seen it thoroughly. It is what he should do to pity the talent in front of him. God gave him the opportunity to cherish this person.

  The other people in Qiu Zhuang did not have the same mood as Li Ningyu, and everyone had their own concerns. As Longchuan Feiyuan said, Longchuan had been beaten many times during the day and night he entered Qiu Zhuang. The confusion of information received, as well as external pressure, made Longchuan Feiyuan have some doubts about his ability.

  However, Bai Xiaonian found some different clues in each conflict. Qiu Zhuang, Qiu Zhuang, it is not accidental that he was included, so to get rid of his familiarity with Qiu Zhuang, many things must be kept silent. Otherwise, Qiu Zhuang's secret could not be kept by himself, and his life would be lost.

  Wu Zhiguo couldn't stop thinking about how he could send Li Ningyu out. Even Wang Tianxiang's heart was very tangled. Longchuan Feiyuan's many temptations, he didn't feel it, he understood that he was actually a prisoner of Qiuzhuang, but he was the same. The other five are different. The others still have a chance to breathe, and he is always under Longchuan's eyelids. If he makes a mistake, he will be Qiuzhuang's next ghost. I always thought that I would have the opportunity to make meritorious deeds, but I didn't expect it to be hell.

  Long Chuan has been considering the files of several people all morning. There are some problems in the files of his past life. Although they are not perfect, they are not too faulty and cannot be constituted as evidence. Then they must use other methods to provoke their own internal struggles.

  Thinking of this, Longchuan summoned Wang Tianxiang to inform him that he was going to find everyone individually to record a statement this afternoon. As soon as the news came out, Li Ningyu knew that Longchuan was too superstitious about Akutagawa Ryunosuke. He hoped that he would be like Akutagawa Ryunosuke, as if he was a good show in hell, with his eyes in the tragic world, just holding a pen and drawing. A drawing of hell. But Longchuan Feiyuan forgot one thing, living in hell, either a god or a ghost, no one is clean.

  Under Longchuan's notice, no one went to the hall for a boring lunch, and they all settled it hastily in their own room. Only Gu Xiaomeng didn't seem to be worried. After all, with Li Ningyu by her side, Gu Xiaomeng seemed to be extraordinarily reassured, without the slightest emotional fluctuation. And Li Ningyu also intends to invite Wu Zhiguo to come here, just like the last time. So Li Ningyu didn't plan to change her confession. She wanted to see if Longchuan Feiyuan would have new methods. I don't know if I will do it too perfect this time, or if Longchuan's strength has really weakened. Li Ningyu always has an illusion that this time he came up with Qiu Zhuang, or completely understood this matter. An old man so simple.

  The first person to be taken to the West Building was Jin Shenghuo, and sure enough, the first question was.

  Jin Shenghuo's answer made Longchuan Feiyuan a stunned, "Dr. Longchuan asked who is the old ghost, to be honest, I have no evidence for Jin, so I can't infer it, but I know that if I don't say a person, I will give an answer to Longchuan. I'm afraid Chief Chuan won't let me go."

  "Director Jin, but transparent."

  "Dr. Longchuan praised me, I'm not transparent, but I've been ups and downs in this world for a long time. If you don't wink, I'm afraid that this little life will be broken into someone's hands without knowing it."

  "Then who did Director Jin identify?"

  "Gu Xiaomeng."

  "Oh, why is it her?"

  "Because if you insist on giving a reason, then the main reason is that the leak only appeared after she entered the command. Before that, the entire command was almost monolithic, and there were no loopholes. He was an undisguised and willful person. , If she opens her mouth to speak like a devil, doesn't that explain the problem? Moreover, her unclear relationship with Colonel Li has almost made it easier for her to obtain information."

  "But she is the only daughter of King Gu Chuan. With such a family background, can her identity become a CCP spy?"

  "It is said that there are also Indian princesses among the British spies. What's more, it was your Colonel Longchuan who asked me to identify them."

  "Director Jin is trying to put the blame on me?"

  "Isn't it? Didn't you, Chief Longchuan, force me to identify someone? I'm just trying to cater to you, Chief Long. It's just for reference only when I say a little doubt in my heart." Jin Shenghuo laughed to himself, and Long Chuan just smiled with the corners of his mouth raised.

  Soon Jin Shenghuo went back and brought Bai Xiaonian with him. Bai Xiaonian looked much smoother.

  "Jin Shenghuo, Director Jin is an old man in the military, but he suddenly surrendered and retreated into a small headquarters. It would be too unreasonable to be the director of some confidential department. As he said, in the battle between Zhongtong and the army, Dai Li wanted to lose his pawn to protect the car, but the Zhongtong army has been fighting for so many years, that time it was not Dai Li who had the upper hand. Ah, it shouldn't be difficult to be a double spy, take advantage of the wind and push the boat with the current."

  "Your guess is too bold."

  "Master, according to your reasoning, isn't it too suspicious for him to forge the secret telegram? I'm just making a guess based on your speculation. Don't you believe the judge?" Bai Xiaonian turned and left. .

  Wu Zhiguo was soon invited. In view of the current situation of Gu Xiaomeng and Li Ningyu, Longchuan decided to put them last.

  "Brigade Wu, now that Jin Shenghuo and Bai Xiaonian have finished asking, do you have anything to say?"

  "If you dare to frame me, I will kill you." He turned and left. Wu Zhiguo's directness did not exceed Longchuan Feiyuan's expectations. And the next one is Li Ningyu or Gu Xiaomeng? In view of Gu Xiaomeng's state, Longchuan planned to put her last in order to cope better, so he invited Li Ningyu first.

  When Li Ningyu left Gu Xiaomeng's room, she just smiled at Gu Xiaomeng.

  "I talked to three people before you, and of course someone exposed you as an old ghost. Time is life, don't waste our lives."

  "Someone exposed me, I believe, after all, isn't that the purpose of Chief Longchuan? Let's report each other and kill each other. If you say who is the old ghost, I think the old ghost is two people."

  "Oh, how could Colonel Li have such an idea."

  "It's still the inspiration given to me by Chief Longchuan. Don't you also guess that the old ghost is two people, and those two people are me and Xiaomeng? Then it should be reasonable for me to doubt it now."

  Li Ningyu asked Longchuan blankly.

  Long Chuan was at a loss for words and had to say angrily, "Then who is Colonel Li saying, and what is the basis for that?"

  "I guess it's Bai Xiaonian and Wu Zhiguo. Based on it, it's natural reasoning. After all, Colonel Longchuan said that I'm a master of logic, so what I'm talking about now is naturally my logic reasoning. Assuming that the information is white If it was sent in Xiao Nian, then the other person was Wu Zhiguo. The telegram from Commander Qian should have been sent by Wu Zhiguo. The cipher ship can display extremely professional killing techniques, as well as perfect response and hiding methods. Except for Wu Zhiguo, I can't think of another person. And this telegram was sent to the Suppression Headquarters. During the time when Director Jin and I went abroad, once there was such a telegram, the person who handled it must be in the hands of Commander Zhang's most trusted confidential secretary, Bai Xiaonian. Maybe this may be the secret code agreed between Wu Zhiguo and Secretary Bai. Taking Commander Qian's murder as the secret code, there is a very important piece of information on the ship to be passed on, but Wu Zhiguo could not guarantee that he would disembark alive, so Secretary Bai took the guards with him. It is required to get on the ship, and it is when the secret code has just been deciphered. In this way, as long as two people can ensure that one person disembarks alive, the information can be transmitted. And Wu Zhiguo can ensure the safety of Secretary Bai and escort Secretary Bai off the ship, so that the information can be transmitted smoothly. already."

  Hearing Li Ningyu's words, Longchuan's brain was instantly confused. This idea is consistent with the idea that he intends to apply to Bai Xiaonian and Wu Zhiguo, why does Li Ningyu know.

  "How could Colonel Li have such an idea?"

  "At yesterday's dinner party, the suspicions of the three of us have been refuted by Captain Gu, and it's just Secretary Bai and Team Wu. Of course, I have to help Chief Longchuan to come up with a reasonable explanation and a reasonable method to give Secretary Bai and Team Wu. Team Wu concocted a reasonable suspicion."

  "Colonel Li, it seems that you misunderstood me deeply. I just made a series of reasonable speculations to catch the old ghost."

  "I also made a reasonable analysis in order to clear my suspicions. Besides, Wu Zhiguo also came to ask me about the content of the secret cable. Because of the secrecy regulations of the Suppression Command, I didn't tell him the content."

  "Wu Zhiguo asked you about the content of the secret cable, can anyone prove it?"

  "No one can prove that he came to my cabin alone. Besides, Chief Longchuan thinks that Wu Zhiguo will let people find out about such a secret matter? However, I am a little confused by the behavior of Wu Brigade."

  "how do I say this."

  "Everyone knows that Wu Zhiguo was able to get to where he is today, all of which depended on human lives. As long as he resisted the Japanese, he would kill them, and the CCP's human life must be indispensable here. I ask you, sir, is there such a CCP spy?"

  "Colonel Li, are you refuting your own speculation? The inconsistency of your words is too obvious."

  "No, I'm just protecting myself and giving a reasonable guess. As for the final result, it's what Chief Longchuan needs to decide, that is, the person in charge is not me, right?" Li Ningyu asked.

  Long Chuan couldn't see Li Ningyu clearly for a while, and couldn't guess what Li Ningyu was thinking. He just looked at Li Ningyu carefully.

  Seeing that Longchuan was silent, Li Ningyu asked, "Can I leave, Chief?" Li Ningyu turned around and left without waiting for an answer. 

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