Dislocation (ten)

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​​ After pondering for a long time, Li Ningyu said, "You guys go, I'm not leaving."


  "Because even if I succeed in escaping like this, I will be a fugitive for the rest of my life. I will no longer be able to engage in deciphering work. What is the difference between dying in Morita's hands."

  "Is deciphering so important to you? Is it more important than life?"

  "I lived to be almost thirty years old, and I have nothing. The most proud thing is my achievements in the deciphering industry, so it is as important as my life."

  "But even if you can't work for the Nanjing government, there is still Chongqing, the Communist Party."

  "Shut up, if you say this again, I can go to the Anti-Japanese Section to report you. Even if I don't do it, how many lives will you have to lose if someone who wants to hear it? It's because of your father's seemingly friendly relationship with Chairman Wang, Or is it your father's seemingly important economic status? The superiors are ruthless, how much do you think these superiors are? They are just using each other." Li Ningyu said while thinking of Gu Xiaomeng, the warrant that Chairman Wang once issued by himself. He was also deeply imprisoned, which shows that Wang Jingwei and Gu Minzhang did not have a very close relationship. He, a genius who was praised by everyone, still committed suicide in exchange for information, so he couldn't help laughing at himself.

  "What a deciphering genius, no one is just floating up and down in this sea of ​​swords and flames. No matter how smart you are, you will not be able to withstand your destiny. What supports you is just a little light in the chaotic world, hope."

  "Sister Yu, you should understand that I really want to save you, we can go out, don't you believe me?"

  "It's not about trust, it's just belief."

  "But this is your last chance."

  "Tell Wu Zhiguo, forget it, don't say it anymore, Xiaomeng, we can't escape the impetus of fate, and sometimes it seems ridiculous in the eyes of others. However, I hope you can all live, I believe, You too will be alive."

  Gu Xiaomeng kicked off the stool and turned to leave, but stopped at the door, "You are the most stubborn and self-righteous person I have ever met."

  "One day, you will understand that there are some things that can't be avoided, can't be avoided, can't be avoided, so just accept it. Remember not to underestimate Jin Shenghuo, he is an iceberg, all you can see is his thousand points. One of them." Li Ningyu closed her eyes and rested while Gu Xiaomeng turned to leave.

  Gu Xiaomeng closed the door, and Li Ningyu opened his eyes and looked out the window for a while. He was a little out of strength. The replacement of the telegram in this life hoped to change the fact that Bai Xiaonian was on the ship. He did not succeed. He hoped that he could lure Commander Zhang to join the game. Now it seems to have failed. Next, there is no other way but to continue to muddy the water, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to escape from Qiu Zhuang.

  At this time, there was a sudden rumor in Jiming Temple. The guards sent by Commander Zhang to protect the intelligence section were stopped by the Japanese on the spot. Even the intelligence section personnel on the boat were not seen, and they also took Secretary Bai away. Now, the Japanese apparently began to plot against the Intelligence Department of the General Command, with the intention of targeting Chairman Wang. At this time, the wind was surging, and a simple cipher ship had already begun to stir up the Suppression Headquarters, which was completely different from what Li Ningyu remembered.

  Gu Xiaomeng returned to Jin Shenghuo's cabin to tell Jin Shenghuo the result.

  "She doesn't agree to go?"


  "You make it clear to her that if you don't leave, you will die?"

  "It's all said, but don't you know what kind of person she is?"

  "What kind of person is she? Someone who can't be killed?" Jin Shenghuo asked suspiciously.

  "A person who considers deciphering as important as his life."

  "Just because of her, she really thought she was a genius who cracked the second-generation Enigma code machine, hmph, it wasn't because of that fake telegram." Jin Shenghuo mocked.

  "She didn't." Gu Xiaomeng took out the fake secret code and gave it to Jin Shenghuo, "The sealed paint is still there, she didn't receive the fake secret code at all, she really cracked the second-generation Enig code by her own strength. machine."

  Jin Shenghuo opened the box and glanced at it and asked, "She really did it?"

  "Li Ningyu is a lunatic, but also a genius. Her life is worth more than all of us put together. Director Jin, you have to save her."

  "Genius, if she's a genius, I have to save her." Then she took out the fake secret code and showed it to Gu Xiaomeng, "Did I guess the same thing? She Li Ningyu spent her life trying her best to decipher the code. Jin Shenghuo guessed it while smoking a cigar and tasting red wine. Am I, Jin Shenghuo, a genius? She Li Ningyu is a deciphering genius, Wu Zhiguo is a murdering genius, he Bai Xiaonian is a servant genius, and I, Jin Shenghuo, are a man who understands people's hearts. Genius, you lieutenant Gu, on the surface, you seem to be ignorant of the world, but Li Ningyu refuses to accept the fake secret telegram. You have been quietly hiding from me until now. You can also be regarded as a genius who pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger. In this circle, who is not a genius, and who is not a pity to die? Life is as thin as paper, genius... This genius is like this densely charged paper, it looks priceless, burns, and turns to ashes in the blink of an eye. Saying that, in front of Gu Xiaomeng, he ignited the fake secret electricity and burned it to ashes.

  Gu Xiaomeng didn't say a word, just looked at Jin Shenghuo seriously, Li Ningyu's words kept popping up in his mind: Don't believe Jin Shenghuo. Gu Xiaomeng did not expect that in just 4 days, he had a new understanding of espionage work, spies, and these people. This commander-in-chief is far from being as simple as he imagined. Li Ningyu alone is enough to write a story. This book is a good read.

  "You're right just now, compared with her Li Ningyu, you and I may be mediocre. Her life alone is worth more than the lives of several of us combined, so if she kills her, she can save us a few. value."

  Gu Xiaomeng was secretly afraid of Jin Shenghuo, and was thinking about how to make Li Ningyu go with him. At this time, Gu Xiaomeng hadn't found out that her balance had begun to favor Li Ningyu, and she would consciously protect her. The cipher ship did not stop, and kept heading into the distance. As Jin Shenghuo said, this ship may really be heading for hell.

  When night fell, everyone was ready, Jin Wu Bai Gu sat together and discussed the escape under the cover of playing cards.

  "Sister Yu has promised me that she will come with us when the time comes." He said and threw down two cards.

  "Everything is ready, then we will rely on the means of Wu Brigade." Jin Shenghuo threw a card and looked at Wu Zhiguo.

  "For a while, you will be responsible for entangling Morita." He said while looking at Gu Xiaomeng. "After I cut off the power supply, you escaped through the small door behind me, and I took you to the back warehouse. After escaping, two men, one responsible for Morita, and the other responsible for securing the lifeboat, it was dark and they were very It is difficult to pursue, so as long as we can drive out of the unreasonable, we will be safe." Wu Zhiguo explained the plan and everything.

  "Wu Brigade, don't say the same as Yi Shui's hero, we can't live without you, even if we escape from the tiger's mouth, the wind and waves on the rivers and lakes are still big, and you are here, everyone is at ease." Bai Xiaonian complimented Wu Zhiguo and said .

  After Bai Xiaonian finished speaking, except Wu Zhiguo, all three of them laughed, and Wu Zhiguo was stunned for a while and laughed, "What do you think, it's so easy to rob people and rob a boat and escape from this boat and then eat, drink, play cards and brag with you? I lost my life, and everyone's life depends on luck." He threw down the cards and turned to leave.

  Bai Xiaonian looked at Jin Shenghuo with a puzzled face, and Jin Shenghuo also wondered, "Just admit defeat?" Then he picked up Wu Zhiguo's card and looked at it, "It's a pity that Team Wu has a good card." up.

  At this time, Li Ningyu stepped into the cabin restaurant once, without expression, but seemed so solemn and elegant. Once again, Li Ningyu is no longer in a hurry. After all, Xiaomeng is different. Moreover, the cipher boat is an appetizer after all, different from Qiuzhuang. Hidden dangers in the future. Also, Xiaomeng...

  When Li Ningyu stepped into the cabin in a black cheongsam, Wu Zhiguo happened to come to her side and held her, "It's windy tonight, go back and get a coat."

  Li Ningyu didn't answer but just looked at Gu Xiaomeng who came down. Knowing her ghost idea, she ignored Wu Zhiguo and just let Gu Xiaomeng pull herself away.

  "Sister Yu, you can count it. Just now, Director Jin told Secretary Bai to give you a cup of honor to your hero. Come and sit down with Sister Yu." Then he pulled Li Ningyu to the seat and sat next to Li Ningyu Down.

  Li Ningyu smiled provocatively, "That Xiaomeng, don't toast me or thank me, because I can let you go home earlier."

  Gu Xiaomeng's hand pouring the red wine was stunned. "Sister Yu..." Gu Xiaomeng just stared at Li Ningyu blankly. It was the first time that Li Ningyu looked at her with such a relaxed smile. It was not encouragement, not trust, but a kind of incomprehensible way. Unidentified eyes, more like... provocation.

  Gu Xiaomeng thought he had read it wrong, and was about to ask Li Ningyu when Morita came.

  "Everyone stand up, the Chief is here," said the adjutant. At this time, Morita also walked into the cabin, and motioned to everyone, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I've made you wait for a long time. You've been looking forward to this celebration banquet for a long time, please take a seat."

  As someone closed the hatch, Mitsui on the other side turned on the bug, and Morita's words kept coming out.

  "According to the promise I made to you in advance, I have asked Commander Matsui to order him to personally issue a commendation order for the meritorious personnel. Jin Shenghuo was promoted to major general with a bonus of 200 yen, and Li Ningyu awarded the seventh-level Jinqi Order to colonel. Title, Captain Gu Xiaomengjin, with a bonus of 100 yen. Everyone, for our sincere cooperation in the future, let's toast." He raised a toast with everyone. After speaking, everyone began to celebrate and congratulate each other.

  Bai Xiaonian whispered in Jin Shenghuo's ear, "Unexpectedly, now that there is such a shortage of supplies, Chief Morita can still set up this grand banquet."

  "Eating Western food is easy to divide the meal and poison." Gu Xiaomeng said solemnly, shaking the red wine glass. Bai Xiaonian listened and took a sip of wine, but Jin Shenghuo laughed.

  And explained, "Don't worry, Wu Brigade has eaten what you have to worry about, the accumulated killer, the Japanese drug room to pull out the poison, the Wu Brigade can smell it. But this steak is definitely not as good as your home. Yes." He raised his glass and looked at Gu Xiaomeng. And quietly whispered in Gu Xiaomeng's ear, "But Xiaomeng, you should eat more, it's hard work to escape." After Jin Shenghuo finished speaking, he laughed.

  At this moment, Li Ningyu grabbed Gu Xiaomeng and asked with a serious face, "Captain Gu, you haven't answered my question just now, how are you going to thank me now? You, Captain Gu, don't just plan to accept the favor like this, but don't move. Be vocal."

  "Then, Sister Yu, what do you want me to do?" Gu Xiaomeng quietly leaned into Li Ningyu's ear and asked her. Li Ningyu's expression did not change, but her ears turned red uncontrollably.

  At this time, Morita looked at his watch and planned to get up and leave. Jin Shenghuo tapped the table lightly to signal Gu Xiaomeng. Gu Xiaomeng stood up, blinked at Li Ningyu, and heard her shout.

  "Sir Morita"

  "Captain Gu"

  "Master, have you forgotten my promise?"

  Morita laughed, "How could I forget, then, please, Miss Gu, please honor me."

  Saying that Morita invited Gu Xiaomeng to dance, Li Ningyu stared at the two of them intently. There were some incomprehensible thoughts in her heart, but she calmed down, because she knew that the murder was near, and Morita was dying.

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