Dislocation (thirteen)

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​​ Jin Shenghuo finally sat down and chose a temporary alliance, "Major, I don't think there is any need to investigate this matter. As far as I know, on the entire boat, only Professor Jin eats such supplements, just like I smoke a cigar. "

  Jin Shengxian's face was not good, "Even if this medicine box is for me, if I run out of medicine box and throw it on the boat, anyone who picks it up can frame it for me."

  "One or two is a random frame, but what about a dozen? Didn't the major say that there are still many of the same pillboxes on the sea, and no spy would spend so much effort picking up your pillbox and leaving it to be framed, right? By the way, Team Wu, when we boarded the ship, your luggage was searched by your troops. There should be a record of how many boxes of Rendan Professor Jin brought aboard?" Gu Xiaomeng asked earnestly.

  "Twenty-four boxes, exactly two dozen." Wu Zhiguo responded.

  "Twenty-four boxes, Professor Jin, you brought so many Rendan to the ship, so it's really useful."

  Gu Xiaomeng sneered.

  "Absurd, even if I were a spy, I wouldn't be stupid enough to pass on information with my own stuff."

  Jin Shengxian defended.

  "It's not stupidity, it's despair. There's nothing you can do but take the risk." Li Ningyu explained.

  "You, what do you mean?"

  Jin Shengxian asked Li Ningyu tremblingly.

  "Young Master Fang Cai has already said it very clearly, stealing secrets, breaking into the mechanical and electrical room to kill, stealing telegrams, and then taking the risk of assassinating the Chief today. I can use this almost stupid method."

  Li Ningyu replied indifferently to Jin Shengxian.

  "Slandering, you are slandering me. Major Mitsui, she is lying, she is slandering, you must kill her." Jin Shengxian panicked and began to argue palely.

  "I've always wondered, why do you always persecute me and frame me everywhere, is it really just because you are jealous of me? Until I saw this iron box, I didn't conclude that you were not forcing me at all, but urging me to use I, you asked me to share all the cracking information from the beginning of the task of accepting the second-generation machine. From that moment, you understood that it is impossible for you to crack the second-generation machine, and I, the only one who could crack it, refused to follow You have cracked the results, so you have to steal my calculus paper. You have to keep abreast of my cracking progress. By analyzing my verification results, you find that I am close to cracking successfully. At this time, you are faced with a serious problem. Once I modify The second-generation machine succeeded and deciphered the secret message of the German army alone. The chief will definitely block the news, and you will never have the chance to get the content of the secret message, so you must frame me. The first frame was to tell Mr. Morita that I was here. Stealing the secrets of the military cipher machine, as long as Mr. Morita doubts me, you will have a chance to confront me. In order to prove my innocence, I will probably verify the second-generation machine on the spot in front of you and decipher the secret code. You are not at all. You are hostile to me, but you must kill me in order to complete your willfulness. Only then can you get the information you want. Only then can you find the scapegoat after the information is leaked." Li Ningyu slowly revealed her reasoning.

  "You are a complete slander, Major Mitsui, just like everyone else, I only learned the content of the deciphered secret message yesterday afternoon. How could I be unpredictable and carefully prepared to steal information from the beginning?"

  "It's not difficult for a professional spy, isn't Director Jin also a prophet?" Li Ningyu looked at Jin Shenghuo and explained.

  "The trick of carving insects is not worth mentioning, it is not worth mentioning. Jin is still like this, so Professor Jin is not difficult." Jin Shenghuo continued Li Ningyu's words.

  "Slandering, slandering with one word, Master Mitsui, don't believe them, by the way, I didn't have a chance, I couldn't do it, I was with you, with Chief Morita. There was no chance of killing someone."

  Jin Shengxian retorted with a smile on his face.

  "You killed it. The top spy from the Soviet GPU must have received professional assassination training. Professor Jin, stop being humble." Bai Xiaonian stood up and began to testify against Jin Shengxian.

  "You better have evidence for this." Mitsui looked at Bai Xiaonian in surprise.

  "From the eleventh year of the Republic of China, in order to foster and control the power of the Chinese Communist Party, the Central Executive Committee of the Soviet Union instructed the GPU to implement a Red Axe plan, to send spies in batches to infiltrate the agencies of various countries in China, to collect all and The CPSU, the CCP-related military and political intelligence, Professor Jin, your wife is a Belarusian, right." Bai Xiaonian asked.

  Facing Bai Xiaonian's questioning, Jin Shengxian's face changed greatly and he slumped in his seat and asked, "How did you know?"

  Jin Shenghuo kindly explained, "Professor Jin probably still doesn't know that this secretary Bai is the archives of the Nanjing National Government, from Chairman Wang's nine clans and five servers, down to the wives and children of the office servicemen's wives and children, three aunts and six women. This personnel file has some trivial details. It is not surprising that the list of all participants was sent to the offices of the commanders of various departments before this business seminar. Secretary Bai did some research on the identities and backgrounds of the experts. It is not surprising. "

  "Even if what he said is true, that doesn't mean that my wife is Belarusian that I am Stalin's spy?"

  "You have to write this on your resume. In the fifteenth year of the Republic of China, you entered the Japanese Army Non-commissioned Officer School to study drawing, and in the nineteenth year of the Republic of China, you entered the Tokyo Imperial University to study mathematics. During this period, your married wife's identity is unknown. You You met Ainosuke Iwata, the founder of the Patriotic Society, and climbed to Yoshiko Kawashima through him. After completing your studies, you returned to China alone and entered the fifth class of the Manchukuo Security Bureau under the recommendation of Yoshiko Kawashima until now. Professor Jin It seems that all your good fortune from the poor student back then to the high-ranking position now started from that mysterious person who sponsored you to study in Japan, so can you tell the Major, who sponsored you?"

  Jin Shengxian said tremblingly, "I'm not on trial, you have no right to question me."

  "I can't say, it's not the GPU's spy training department." Bai Xiaonian said with a smile.

  "Catch the wind and the shadow, it's all slander."

  "Since you entered the fifth lesson of the Security Bureau, there have been seven serious leaks in the four years, and each of them was related to the strategic deployment of the Japanese military to the CCP. Yoshiko Kawashima met to discuss matters concerning the surrender of the Communist Party, which were quickly informed by the Communist Party and made public."

  Bai Xiaonian continued to question Jin Shenghuo.

  "There are at least 3,000 spies in the Security Bureau, and there are hundreds of them in Class 5, so everyone is suspected." Jin Shenghuo continued to argue.

  "Your resume says you have no children, but you have been secretly sponsoring a fifteen-year-old girl in the Russian church for a long time. She is not a pure Russian, but a Chinese-Russian half-blood. Could it be the daughter of you and your Belarusian wife? ." Bai Xiaonian looked at Jin Shengxian with a puzzled expression.

  "What are you trying to say?" Jin Shengxian asked through gritted teeth.

  "The identity of the mysterious person who sponsored you to go to Japan is unknown, and the whereabouts of your Belarusian wife is unknown. She is obviously your daughter, but she is fostered in a missionary school in the name of an orphan and dare not recognize each other. Professor Jin, if these pieces are put together, there will be no Even an idiot can see it, you must have some big secrets about you. It has something to do with the Soviet Union and your spy status." Bai Xiaonian was aggressive.

  "Guess without reason, guess without reason." Jin Shengxian lost his temper completely. I saw Jin, Wu, Bai, Li, and Gu, who were watching a play with a single expression on their faces, and looked at Jin Shengxian with sympathy.

  "Hmph, but, you can't refute, can you?" Bai Xiaonian looked at him mockingly.

  "I have a certificate of alibi. When the operator of the electromechanical room was killed, I was with Major Mitsui Morita, and Major Mitsui was my witness." Jin Shengxian threw out another piece of evidence.

  "We've been together all the time? Haven't you left for a moment, Major, please recall carefully. Was Professor Jin always beside you and Major before and after the electromechanical room was broken into?" Li Ningyu's guide Mitsui recalled.

  "No, he left, he has time to kill." Mitsui looked at Jin Shengxian with confirmation.

  "Major, I went back to my own room to get her manuscript paper. I was afraid that you would develop me and hide her manuscript paper."

  Jin Shengxian trembled and explained to Mitsui.

  "So you admit it, you've been intentionally slandering me in front of Chief Morita, Major Mitsui?" Li Ningyu asked Jin Shengxian sharply.

  "Major, that telegram was sent to their Suppression Headquarters. Even if I were a Soviet spy, I couldn't have sent them the electric panel."

  "You admit it, you sent that telegram." Li Ningyu patted the table and stood up.

  "Professor Jin finally confessed. As for where the telegram was sent, the Chief has never announced that the only person who stole the telegram is you. Only you know that this telegram was sent to the Suppression Headquarters, right?" Jin Shenghuo looked at Jin Shengxian with a playful expression.

  "It turns out that the secret message that said the code has been deciphered was sent by Professor Jin, what does that mean?" Mitsui asked.

  "I didn't send it, I really don't know, I really don't know. And why should I send it to them to suppress the headquarters, it doesn't make sense." Jin Shengxian trembled even more.

  "It makes sense, because your purpose of breaking into the electromechanical room to kill someone and send a message is not to transmit information at all, because I haven't deciphered the message at this time, but you have obtained my calculation paper for a long time, and you found my solution with your wisdom. The idea is not difficult, so you already have the idea of ​​​​breaking the second-generation Enigma code machine. So for you, it is only a matter of time to decipher the code and modify the second-generation Enigma code machine, then this All you need is to get out as soon as possible. Then you send your emergency clause to use the enemy station as a last resort, send a letter to the designated station, and your organization can track this special telegram and locate where you are currently. Director Jin also said just now that the list of all participants will be sent to all departments in advance. Professor Jin must have set the Suppression Command Headquarters as the target of the report at that time. There is an unexpected benefit of doing this. The suspect is determined to be among the five of us, and once I decipher the secret code, he will immediately spread the information according to the agreed method." After Li Ningyu analyzed it, she looked at Jin Shengxian with a playful expression.

  "The agreed method, which professional spy would be so stupid to use a drift box to pass information at sea." Jin Shengxian said with a helpless smile.

  "One-time poison, one-time cure, you have exposed the ship's location and signal through that telegram. Your organization can easily track us as long as you continue to track the ship's radio signal. At the appointed time, you throw the information into the water. Naturally, they will come to salvage." Li Ningyu explained.

  "It's absurd, how could someone really come to salvage information and not be discovered?"

  "That's why you have to cut off the power and interfere with the monitoring system on the ship. Maybe you originally made an appointment to take the opportunity to escape the people who came to salvage you while the power was cut off, but because Mr. Morita intentionally closed the cabin, you didn't escape. I had a chance, so I deliberately killed Mr. Morita to attract everyone's attention. And I used my discussion on professional issues to lead me to your trap. When everyone put the suspicion on me, I deliberately did not testify for me, let Mitsui Major mistakenly thought I was telling a lie to confuse everyone and make everyone forget that you are the most suspect, because if I had returned to my seat by then, then you would be the most suspect. Someone who might do it."

  "Blood spit, blood spit." Jin Shengxian lost his mind completely, and he was about to charge at Li Ningyu with a knife.

  Seeing this scene, Li Ningyu looked calm, and the code ship was over. This time, it should be able to reduce the loopholes and block Longchuan's mouth, and Qiu Zhuang is getting closer. 

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