Dislocation (thirty-three)

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​​Jin Shenghuo spit out a cigar and smiled, and asked back, "Zhang Longchuan, to be honest, I am a layman, and Gu Xiaomeng was able to transfer to my confidential place entirely because of a watch. This is something that Captain Gu doesn't even know about. knew."

  "Oh, Director Jin has always been very secretive about giving money to Butler Zhao, but I am surprised that he is willing to explain Captain Gu. I would like to hear more about it."

  "I would like to ask, who can smash a Vacheron Constantin ladies watch in minutes? I think a genius such as Colonel Li may not have the strength to smash such a valuable watch in a small exam. Madam, if this lady is still surnamed Gu, I think everyone here can guess that this Gu Xiaomeng is the daughter of King Gu Chuanwang even if they don't know each other. With the relationship between King Gu Chuanwang and Chairman Wang, I will take extra care of Miss Gu. Strange, isn't it, Colonel Longchuan. What's more, we rely on Ship King Gu to take care of our general expenses. Besides, Lao Jin tells the truth, although Captain Gu's ability is not as good as that of Colonel Li, he is still better than the others in the Intelligence Department. It's not surprising that such a capable God of Wealth, Lao Jin, is invited to my intelligence department."

  "Even so, what about Colonel Li?"

  "Dr. Longchuan, you said that Director Jin knew Captain Gu before, but I don't. Why did you get involved with me again?"

  "Colonel Li kept saying that he didn't know Captain Gu, but he believed in Captain Gu so much that he handed over the task of modifying the cipher machine to a newcomer in the intelligence department after only a few encounters. Isn't this kind of task more suitable for Director Jin?

  But Colonel Li, why did you choose Captain Gu? Could you please tell me? "

  "Chief Longchuan, I still have doubts about this issue, but I just want to train new people. Director Jin said that the business ability of Captain Gu is indeed much stronger than others in the intelligence department. I must train a right-hand man. It's human nature." Li Ningyu replied calmly.

  "It's amazing, wonderful. I asked you all the questions, and you can answer them well. Then why can't you answer the question about the housekeeper Lao Zhao, Director Jin?" I didn't expect that Longchuan Feiyuan's words changed and he went back to the beginning. question.

  Li Ningyu frowned slightly when he heard this. Longchuan Feiyuan wanted to see how the five people colluded to confess, but he disrupted the layout. Longchuan's over-attachment to some issues made Li Ningyu have no rules in his heart, so he could only follow the steps. .

  Several people had their own plans, but Gu Xiaomeng, who was on the side, put his eyes on Li Ningyu, because Li Ningyu recognized Gu Xiaomeng's ability almost without thinking. Gu Xiaomeng looked at Li Ningyu who didn't know her attitude. It was her who let him go, she recognized her ability, and it was she who kept saving her. How many masks do you have, Li Ningyu?

  Jin Shenghuo didn't expect that Longchuan Feiyuan would think so persistently about this question for a while, seeing that he couldn't hide from the left and right, so he had to answer this question: "Since the Chief Longchuan is so interested in this question, then I will answer your question. I gave a large sum of money to Butler Zhao, which has nothing to do with Commander Qian, but for my own head. First of all, I will correct a mistake of Chief Longchuan, that is, Lao Zhao is not Commander Qian's butler but Qiu Zhuang's butler. , Qiu Zhuang, his first village owner surnamed Qiu, no one knows his origin, it is said that the family has huge wealth, and this Qiu Zhuang was built to hide treasures, but in the end he still died, so this Qiu family fell to the descendants. Separation. After the Japanese occupied Shanghai and Nanjing, this Qiuzhuang was turned into the residence of Commander Qian, and I gave Lao Zhao money because I wanted to ask Lao Zhao to help me find someone. One was the young master of Qiuzhuang, the other This person is my nemesis. To be honest with you, the death of the owner of Qiu Village really has something to do with me, Jin."

  "Oh, Director Kim, this story seems very long."

  "Since this is the case, then I will make a long story short. Back then, I was ordered to arrest Lu Xunzhang, but was interrupted by the spy of Zhongtong. The master Qiu became my scapegoat and was killed by the spy of Zhongtong, and I was abandoned by Dai Li because of this. When the owner died, the young master of Qiu Zhuang was also next to the owner of Qiu Zhuang, and saw my enemy. I looked for this young master just to know the appearance of my enemy. It's a pity that Lao Zhao had I got the news of this young master, but I can't meet with me for the time being. After Lao Zhao was released, he disappeared. I don't know the answer, is Chief Longchuan still satisfied?"

  "I didn't expect Director Jin, a well-known spy catcher, to use such inferior means to investigate a Zhongtong agent."

  "Hahaha, Colonel Longchuan is afraid that he doesn't know much about the management of spy agents in the military system. Lao Jiang has set a rule that as long as he is a spy, his identity file level will be divided into three types. The highest secret level does not even have a file and is almost an invisible person .And the military commander and the middle commander are isolated like a mountain, so let me blatantly investigate a senior spy of the middle commander, isn't this courting death?"

  "It's understandable that Director Jin wanted to protect himself in order to be honest, and the sword was in his throat. Now that Director Jin has explained his doubts, are you still willing to explain your doubts?"

  "Since Director Jin has already told his secret, then I will also tell my secret. Commander Qian wants to throw me to the front not because I hold Commander Qian's black material, but because I found a copy of it. Fake materials, and the fake materials are about the transferred Qiuzhuang guard Liu Squadron. The problem lies in Liu Squadron's debriefing records, the place of origin has been altered. And a person's place of origin is like his birth year Like the name, it should be a memory in the depths of the soul, and it cannot go wrong. Out of curiosity, I consulted all the files of Squadron Liu, and found two extremely subtle inconsistencies. It is the so-called time. The longer it is, the easier it is to make mistakes in this detail. This person's resume is fake. You must know that Squadron Liu is a trusted and beloved general of Commander Qian. I inadvertently tested Squadron Liu several times, but Commander Qian discovered it, so Commander Qian went to work in person. Jiming Temple transferred Liu Squadron. But I was warned by Commander Qian. Commander Qian told me that I didn't understand many things in this world, and I couldn't understand it. Curiosity killed the cat, and there were many ways to make a person disappear. Among them One is, Gao Sheng. In fact, I'm just a confidential secretary, and falsification of resumes is by no means an exception in the headquarters, not to mention that I don't dare to say a word about my superior's confidant and general, but Commander Qian is still as big as he is. The enemy usually transferred Liu Squadron away, and it is very abnormal to think about it now." Bai Xiaonian also briefly explained the cause and effect.

  "I guess this Liu Kecheng must have committed some taboo. I quarreled with Commander Qian because of Liu Kecheng. Commander Qian asked me to kill Liu Kecheng, but I disagreed, so I had a conflict with Commander Qian." Wu Zhiguo was still speechless. lightly explained.

  "Oh, I just refused to respond to clear the suspicion. Now after Director Jin's explanation, Team Wu and Secretary Bai are willing to explain. It really surprises me."

  "It's nothing, I just think that if we don't explain clearly, Colonel Longchuan will not let us go. It's better to take the initiative to explain, maybe we can go back to catch a dinner, are you right?"

  Bai Xiaonian replied with a smile.

  "Colonel Li, Captain Gu, what about the two of you, do you have anything to say?"

  "I'm relatively simple. Commander Qian heard that Qiu Zhuang has a treasure, and asked me to decipher the code of Qiu Zhuang's treasure, but I didn't see any code, and then the matter was over."

  Li Ningyu didn't want to tangle more on this issue, so he simply explained it. Because Li Ningyu found that it seemed that the development of the topic had turned to Squadron Liu again, and it was unlikely that no one would identify Squadron Liu as the murderer this time.

  "Then Captain Gu, why did you say that you wanted to kill Commander Qian?"

  Longchuan asked again.

  "As far as I'm concerned, as long as it makes me unhappy, no matter who it is, I can't really kill him, can't I just say it? Or Long Chuan can also use my confession to report directly to Jiming Temple, I don't care , after all, I really did not do it, there is no need to be afraid of being framed by you, Chief Longchuan, so the reason is still important? Besides, Chief Longchuan, I just want to ask you one thing, if I say the reason, you will let me go back home?"

  "Captain Gu is joking. After all, the mission of this trip has not yet been completed. For the time being, you really can't leave." Long Chuan refused.

  "Then I don't need to tell..." Gu Xiaomeng planned not to say it, but Li Ningyu held Gu Xiaomeng's hand to stop her.

  "Xiaomeng, no matter what, don't make trouble with yourself, just talk about it." Li Ningyu's words were not tough or ironic, but there was a hint of comfort.

  "Okay, for the sake of Sister Yu, I'll tell you that he Qian Huyi wanted to marry me, and arranged a blind date for me, but he was actually monitoring me and wanted to marry me to take care of my family's property. I don't know, but I always don't like these old rules, including this kind of blind date, so I refused and sent someone to inquire in private to find out the inside story. Of course I was angry, and it's not surprising that I wanted to kill him. ."

  There was no collusion, and there was no consensus to the outside world. Except for the first few people who unanimously resisted this mission, the seamless collusion and premeditated cooperation of the five people on the cipher ship did not show. Longchuan's initial set-up didn't solve a single problem, but instead added new problems. After thinking about it, I decided to use tough means to keep a few people behind. The matter of catching CCP spies must not be leaked again. There are obvious problems with their own layout, and now all they need is time.

  Longchuan decided to suspend this meeting, and there would be no gain if it continued. So he pretended to ask about the timing, it was already four o'clock in the afternoon, Long Chuan said apologetically, "It's been so long, everyone came to Qiu Zhuang by car, it was very hard, and now we have such a long meeting. I'm really sorry, and now let Director Wang send you to take a break, I will hold a banquet in the hall tonight to apologize to you."

  Gu Xiaomeng said, got up, grabbed Li Ningyu and said, "Sister Yu, you can see that he won't let us go, and you asked me to tell him, if I knew I would be killed, I guess he wouldn't dare to say it. What do you do to me, I am not afraid of shadows."

  Li Ningyu just looked at Gu Xiaomeng angrily, as if she had a headache for this naughty child, "Okay, we can rest for a while after you finish talking, aren't you tired?"

  "Yeah, Xiaomeng, we all know that we can't leave, and we all know that Chief Longchuan has other intentions, but if he doesn't say it, then we can only cooperate with him. After all, if we can take a rest, no one wants to sit here. There is not even a glass of water in the hall." Jin Shenghuo took Li Ningyu's words.

  Gu Xiaomeng didn't say anything but nodded beside Li Ningyu, but tightened her hand around Li Ningyu again. Since entering this Qiu Zhuang, I seem to have an inexplicable sense of familiarity, as if I must hold on to Li Ningyu, otherwise this person will leave me. Gu Xiaomeng laughed at herself, isn't it bad to leave this ghost place, why do you want to catch her? Unable to get an answer, he simply didn't want to, and just followed Li Ningyu to the room. 

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