Dislocation (twenty-four)

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Longchuan and his people

​​ Longchuan Feiyuan has always been a thorn in Li Ningyu's heart. His vicious intentions and strong ability are obvious. He missed the opportunity before, so he finally took potassium cyanide. This time is definitely not that easy.

  Yes, Longchuan Feiyuan began to intervene in the cipher ship case after Li Ningyu got off the cipher ship on the same day. At the same time, he was also on another mission given to him by Jihuo Tiefu to track down the treasure of Qiuzhuang, and the one who assisted him happened to be an old acquaintance. , Wang Tianxiang, all this is within Li Ningyu's guess.

  When Longchuan came to the Japanese army headquarters, he was catching up with the Japanese gendarmerie on a mission. And he went straight to Eagle's Nest's office to accept the task.

  "Hihara-kun, Morita is dead." Jiu Nest and Longchuan threw out these words as soon as they met. Tiefu Washou, special advisor to the Japanese Army Intelligence Department, teacher of Longchuan Hihara, and Marquis.

  Longchuan Feiyuan picked up the document and glanced at it, "Morita's death is a bit strange."

  "Oh, what to say."

  "This inexplicable telegram is a bit strange. Qian Huyi died in Qiu Zhuang, and it is still an unsolved case. It's just a small commander, and there are many people who take his place after death. Bring it up. And Qian Huyi still died in Qiuzhuang, if these two things are combined, it will make people suspicious. "

  "Oh? Is it Qiuzhuang? Could it be that Qian Huyi's death has something to do with what Qiuzhuang lost?"

  "There is a possibility."

  "Well, since that's the case, I'll hand over Morita's case to you. You should know how to do it."


  "Wait, before Morita was killed, you wanted to secretly kill all the experts on board without my permission, Hihara-kun, I don't think you would be so stupid on your own."


  At the other end, the Suppression General Headquarters handed over the task of interrogating Jin Shengxian to Wang Tianxiang. Wang Tianxiang had a variety of methods and was extremely vicious. He soon turned Jin Shengxian into a Stalin spy. When the results were delivered, it was learned that the Morita case had been handed over to Longchuan Hihara. So they sent someone to inquire about Longchuan's details. Soon, there was a preliminary understanding of Longchuan.

  Wang Tianxiang thought that she was going to fly and rise, but she didn't expect that Longchuan would almost kill him when he first met him, so after that, Wang Tianxiang was also very afraid of him, especially after the old man escaped. The cause of the incident has to start from the night when Gu Xiaomeng deciphered the secret code.

  Longchuan Feiyuan made a phone call after deciphering the information from the cover of Jiayuan

  "The arrest will be carried out immediately. I have already deciphered the secret code. I think I already know who the old man is. Don't let the gendarmerie come forward, ask him to go - Wang Tianxiang."

  Wang Tianxiang accepted the task because of Longchuan's words, but unfortunately Wang Tianxiang went too late. Wang Tianxiang waited all night but did not wait for He Jianzhu, editor-in-chief of Jiayuan Magazine, to return. The next morning, Wang Tianxiang started to inquire around, and learned that He Jianzhu had left Hangzhou with a suitcase the afternoon before, and they were one step behind.

  Wang Tianxiang had no choice but to go back and return to his orders, "Zir Longchuan, I'm really sorry, but I couldn't catch it."

  "What did you say?" Long Chuan tapped on the table uncertainly, "Did you let her run away?"

  "No, no, the person you asked us to arrest left the afternoon of the previous day, and someone saw her leave Hangzhou with a box."

  "How could it be? Could it be that someone leaked the rumors?" Longchuan said in his heart, and said, "It took me a whole year and the oriole to catch the CCP's intelligence line in Hangzhou. I just took over. In Morita's case, it only took one night to decipher their intelligence. If anyone had the opportunity to pass on the intelligence, it could only be - Wang Tianxiang. Longchuan remained calm and just stared at Wang Tianxiang, but according to Wang Tianxiang's words, there was no one in He Jianzhu's house when he went, and someone saw her leave. Longchuan made up his mind and said to Wang Tianxiang.

  "Director Wang, go and bring someone related to He Jianzhu. I want to ask questions in person."

  "Yes, Chief, I'll go right away." During the period of Longchuan's silence, Wang Tianxiang was sweating like rain, and his intuition told him that Longchuan was wary of him. Wang Tianxiang came out, and his subordinates immediately followed and asked Wang Tianxiang.

  "How is it, boss, are you alright?"

  "Hmph, it's alright? I almost lost my head. What the hell is this Longchuan? I thought this was a chance for Lao Tzu, but now it seems that my head is probably on the belt of my trousers."

  "Boss, it's not our fault that we didn't catch anyone."

  "Wrong? These Japanese people will only think we are wrong."

  Wang Tianxiang said and went out.

  "Boss, where are you going?"

  "Arrest people, what can I do, it's bad luck to encounter such an errand."

  Speaking of which, Wang Tianxiang immediately went to arrest the person who asked the question yesterday. At this time, Li Ningyu's layout was slowly unfolding.

  While Wang Tianxiang was arresting people wantonly, Pan Hanqing was making a big noise at the same time, and the oriole, that is, the eagle, and the underground party joined together again.

  "The identity of the old man has been exposed." The old gun opened his mouth first.

  "What, is that old man in danger?"

  "We got the news a long time ago, so we sent the old man away ahead of time to let the Japanese army command empty."

  "Comrade Laohan is a one-way intelligence line connecting Comrade Laogun Laogui and the Shanghai headquarters. If he leaves, there will be gaps in the intelligence network of Laogun Laogui, which will cause information to be delayed in time. Therefore, I suggest that it be activated immediately. New contacts to keep the intelligence network open."

  "We have used the secret code name that has been lurking in the intelligence department for a long time - Zhong Kui, your task this time is to find out as soon as possible who ordered the arrest of the old man, and how the identity of the old man was leaked. Is there any in the organization? traitor."

  "I want to know if the old ghost and the old gun know the identity of the old man?"

  "They've always had indirect contact."

  "So it means that the identities of the three of them are unknown to each other? Do the old man and the old gun who are the ghost hunters know?"

  "You're asking too many questions." The person who spoke with the oriole turned around and left.

  After the oriole went back, he sorted out the information and reported it to Morita soon.

  After receiving the information, Morita squinted and kept thinking... catching ghosts, interesting, arresting He Jianzhu was definitely a temporary intention, and someone could send him away in advance, and the information of the Oriole was too much this time, it seems It is against common sense, either the Oriole is about to be reused by the Communist Party, or the Oriole has been discovered. However, in addition to passing on relevant information, the Oriole did not cause any losses to the Communist Party in the short term, except for the old man. Another missing link, this feeling is really maddening, on the cipher ship, Morita's death is missing a link, the person who killed Morita did not have the opportunity to kill Morita, and the person who killed Morita did not have the opportunity to kill Morita. Now it's the same again, Wang Tianxiang didn't have the time to inform him when he arrested people, but it's a fact that he didn't catch the old man...unless the ghost hunter was Wang Tianxiang. Well, he's probably a ghost hunter.

  At this time, Wang Tianxiang brought all the people related to He Jianzhu back to the Japanese military intelligence office. Longchuan intends to try Wang Tianxiang.

  Wang Tianxiang came to Longchuan with the documents and stepped into the morgue. There was no one there. Wang Tianxiang tentatively called out, "Zir, Zar?" No one responded. A person was covered with a white cloth on the bed. Wang Tianxiang curiously lifted the white cloth and turned her head in disgust. When she turned back, she saw the mask and exclaimed in fright. At this time, Longchuan appeared behind Wang Tianxiang, and Wang Tianxiang was frightened by Longchuan and shouted. Almost weak legs.

  "Master Longchuan?"

  "Director Wang is afraid?"

  "No, it's not that I'm timid, the main thing is that I'm here, here, a little scared, just a little scared."

  Long Chuan walked over and picked up the mask, "Noh face, the mask of Noh drama, a souvenir I brought from my parents, I will often put it in the morgue, otherwise I will be too lonely. With Director Wang's background and occupation, it should be I know better than I know, the dead are safer than the living, and the prostitutes are more reliable than wives." Longchuan put down his mask.

  Seeing this, Wang Tianxiang hurriedly stated his intentions, "The people from Longchuan have been captured, do you want to interrogate them yourself?"

  "Don't worry, I'll leave it to Director Wang this time, even if I make up for it. After all, the old man ran away."

  "Yes, thank you for giving me the opportunity, I will make these people vomit clean. And this is the feedback you want."

  Said and handed the folder to Longchuan.

  "The four secret telegrams prepared by you personally have been sent to the target station as scheduled, but the responses were mixed. The Manchukuo National Security Bureau failed to decipher them; Wang Kemin's people succeeded in deciphering them, but they did not report them. Liang Hongzhi's people succeeded in deciphering them. However, it was reported, but the reason for the arrest was not carried out; only Jin Shenghuo personally presided over the deciphering business section chief and reported it to the commander's office at 6:00 in the morning, Commander Zhang personally ordered, and Wu Zhiguo carried out the arrest." Wang Tianxiang took care of himself Reported the information, but did not find that Long Chuan had been staring at him with obscure eyes.

  After listening to Wang Tianxiang's words, Long Chuan closed the document, "What is Director Wang's opinion?"

  Wang Tianxiang lowered his head, "Ah, in my humble opinion, I think Liang Hongzhi's people are the most suspicious. Since they have been deciphered successfully, why not carry out arrests? Watching such a huge piece of information slip away from hand. Well, it's not very reasonable, if it's not stupid, it can only mean that there is an inner ghost."

  "But Wang Kemin's people didn't act either?"

  "Ah, Chief, it's not the same. I know those people too well, they are infighting. Let's talk about the Manchukuo National Security Bureau. They said they couldn't decipher it, but I think what if they couldn't decipher it on purpose?"

  "So Director Wang thinks that there is no suspicion that your superiors are suppressing the General Headquarters?"

  "From deciphering to reporting, to execution of arrest, there is nothing suspicious about Zhang's department."

  "In my opinion, the suppression of the General Headquarters is the most suspect. Just like this neng face, it is a god on the stage of the motherland, but in the eyes of your Director Wang, it becomes a ghost."

  "Report, Chief"

  Having said that, the military police handed the information of the oriole to Longchuan. Longchuan came to the table, and after opening it, he kept staring at Wang Tianxiang, and found that Wang Tianxiang had been looking at what he was looking at.

  "Director Wang, this time you really missed a big credit. The person who ran away was confirmed by the Oriole of our underground organization to be an important member of the Communist Party's underground intelligence organization, the old man. This time you really missed an absolute Great opportunity."

  "My subordinates know what's wrong, please punish me."

  "Forget it, the responsibility is not on you. It's just a pity that you can't make merit for your Director Wang."

  "Thank you, Chief, I don't ask for merits, but I don't want faults. There is just one question that I haven't figured out yet. How does a magazine transmit information, and how do you lock the identity of the old man through this transmission method?"

  "It is they who are clever and are mistaken by cleverness. The cover girl of this magazine usually wears cheongsam and western clothes, but every time a leak occurs, the cover girl will change from Chinese to Japanese, and the jewelry on her body is to pass on The content of intelligence should be concealed and then concealed according to the transmission of intelligence, but this old man used the most arrogant way to advertise it widely. But who cares about the sunspots on the surface of the sun? A copy like this sells well and is generous. For the magazine of the festival, the only person who can decide the cover girl should be the editor-in-chief of the magazine. That is, the person who slipped away from Director Wang. "

  "Master, you are really amazing. I want to say that you are much smarter than Li Ningyu, who cracked the second-generation Enigma machine. You are worthy to be called a decoding genius in the cryptographic world. Master, Since this person ran away from my mobile phone, I will find a way to bring her back in person."

  "Oh, what is the means for Director Wang to catch someone who has slipped out of Hangzhou City? I would like to hear your opinion."

  "Since it has been determined that she is a Communist Party, then she must also have family members and lovers. She can always dig out a relationship. When the time comes, waiting for them to save people, she can let her fall into the trap."

  "And what if she's an orphan? Don't forget, a spy who can figure out how to deliver information in this way must have more sophisticated means of self-preservation."

  "This..." Wang Tianxiang was at a loss for words.

  "Okay, it's not difficult to be Director Wang. Let's take a look at the news from Huang Que. Then he handed the folder to Wang Tianxiang. Then he said to himself.

  "Since your Chairman Wang established the National Government, there have been numerous serious leaking incidents in the entire Nanjing, Shanghai and Hangzhou area. It took me nearly a year to even use the oriole to find out that it turned out that in a huge Hangzhou, There is an old ghost and an old gun, like the eyes of the CCP growing behind us. I thought I could gouge out these eyes by grabbing the old man, but the old man ran away and another Zhong Kui came. It's good that Zhong Kui catches ghosts, I'm afraid the CCP also wants to catch ghosts in their organization."

  Hearing this, Wang Tianxiang broke down in cold sweat. Long Chuan looked at the panicked Wang Tianxiang, for a while he didn't know the reason for his fear. Logically, a spy would not be in Wang Tianxiang's state. So asked

  "Director Wang, what's wrong with you?"

  "It's nothing, Chief Longchuan, just suddenly remembered that there was a rumor in the headquarters."

  "Oh? What rumor?"

  "Qian Huyi's death was done by Specter, because he coveted the treasure of the Yin people. It was the treasure of Qiu Zhuang. Because this treasure belonged to the dead owner of Qiu Zhuang, this Qian Huyi will be in the sealed Qiu Zhuang in order to obtain the treasure. Li Gui killed him. Since then, the Suppression Headquarters has banned rumors on the surface, but behind the scenes some people who have something to do with Qiu Zhuang or have been to Qiu Zhuang ask God to ask God, worship Buddha, but the most I'll still ask Zhong Kui. In the end, there is a saying that only Zhong Kui knows where Qiu Zhuang's treasure is."

  "Immediately investigate the relationship between the five people on board the ship and this magazine." Longchuan ordered.


  "I'm afraid this Zhongkui and this Zhongkui in the rumors are the same thing."

  "Master Longchuan, what do you mean?"

  "The telegram on the cipher ship, for the clues to the money case, should refer to the clues of the treasure of Qiuzhuang, then, if this is the case, Zhong Kui knows the clues of the treasure of Qiuzhuang, I am afraid it is not empty words, such a thing , the spearhead is directed at the five people who are on board the ship."

  "Master Longchuan Yingming, then we just need to wait for the news now."

  "Yes." Long Chuan squinted at Wang Tianxiang. 

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