Dislocation (twenty-two)

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Gu Xiaomeng's confusion

​​ Gu Xiaomeng followed Gu Minzhang home and came to the study to talk to Gu Minzhang. After telling Gu Minzhang the secret telegram, Gu Minzhang said firmly.


  "Fake? Impossible." Gu Xiaomeng retorted.

  "It's obviously fake. Meng Rujie, the proprietress of the Wutong Club, is the secret mistress of Xu Enzeng's wife and brother."


  "She is the secret contact point of Zhongtong in Hangzhou. It is absolutely impossible for Dai Li's secret envoy to meet me there."

  "But this was handed to me by Jin Shenghuo himself, so I could quickly decipher it. He was testing me, it must be, it was Jin Shenghuo. I used the camera to frame him during the mission of the cipher ship. He must have accused me at that time. I got suspicious, so I concocted this fake secret message and planned to test me."

  "Then under his temptation, have you revealed any flaws?"

  "No, the person who really sensed my flaws and interrupted my behavior was Li Ningyu."

  "Li Ningyu?"

  "Yes, after I deciphered the secret code, I was very nervous and panicked. Li Ningyu suddenly appeared at this time. She saw the secret code and said some strange things to me, as if she knew what I was going to do and was here to interrupt me. So I originally planned to change the time of the secret telegram and postpone it, but because of Li Ningyu's reasons, it was not changed and it was directly handed over to Jin Shenghuo."

  Gu Minzhang did not tangle too much on Li Ningyu's issue but tried to divert Gu Xiaomeng's attention, so Gu Minzhang did not comment on Li Ningyu's matter but just analyzed it with Gu Xiaomeng

  "You guessed wrong, the person who forged the secret electricity should not be Jin Shenghuo."


  "If Jin Shenghuo wants to test you through a fake secret cable, then Jin Shenghuo should send someone to keep an eye on you, and will not give Li Ningyu a chance to enter the office and destroy it. And through your description, Li Ningyu has been in the office for so long, and Jin Shenghuo has not There was an interruption, which proved that the secret electricity had nothing to do with Jin Shenghuo, because Li Ningyu was very likely to see the authenticity of the secret electricity, and thus inadvertently sabotaged his plan. For a veteran spy catcher, this kind of problem is absolutely impossible for him. It appeared under the plan, so the fake secret message should have nothing to do with Jin Shenghuo."

  "Could it be, Li Ningyu?"

  "It's even more impossible. According to your memory, Li Ningyu is clearly going to interrupt your behavior. If it was her temptation, she would not interrupt you. She should watch you make a mistake and then fall into trouble, but she didn't. , which proves that someone else must be tempting you."

  "But she's so weird. She keeps rejecting me from entering the General Suppression and the Intelligence Division, and she avoids all my favors to her, but when she was on the cipher ship mission, she risked saving me again. She has always been by my side to point me and help me in difficult times. If she hates me, why does she have to save me over and over again. Isn't it too strange, Dad?"

  "Xiaomeng, is there a possibility that she doesn't want you to enter the CCP and wading into this troubled water? Or did you mislead Li Ningyu with your feelings?"

  "But Dad, you know, we have only been together for a few days. Although I have been taking action, if Li Ningyu can be confused by me in such a short period of time, then I believe that Li Ningyu will definitely sit tight. Not here today."

  Gu Xiaomeng stood up and slowly recalled, "Dad, you don't know, from the moment I saw her, I was impressed by her talent. She was calm, wise, talented, and a genius. At the same time, she inadvertently revealed Her sensibility and all kinds of protection for me made me have a blind affection for her, which I can't explain myself. I know that I blindly trust her and pay attention to her, but sometimes I am afraid that I really believe in her. Wrong person, I'm really conflicted."

  "Xiaomeng, do you like Li Ningyu?"

  "Dad, I don't think anyone can resist the charm of such a person, my mood is just as Zweig described my heart is always nervous and shaking because of you; but you don't know anything about it , like a pocket watch in your pocket, you don't care or feel its taut mainspring. This mainspring is silently and patiently counting the hours for you, counting the time for you, and using it The inaudible heartbeat gallops with you, and you only glance at it in its millions of seconds of non-stop ticking."

  Gu Minzhang was silent for a while and did not continue the topic, but continued to say to Gu Xiaomeng, "Whether it's Jin Shenghuo or Li Ningyu, at least today the two of them haven't fundamentally doubted you, you are still safe for the time being, no matter if the tempter is otherwise. Besides, because of Li Ningyu's interruption, your safety is also guaranteed to a certain extent."

  "Dad, who would that be?"

  "For example, the Japanese, such as the Chinese Communist Party, such as the Chinese Communist Party, even if it is the secret code encrypted by the Enigma machine, as long as it is true, we always have a way to find his only correct translation, but behind the fake secret code, there will be There are 10,000 possibilities, 10,000 motives, maybe it will never be deciphered? What you have to do now is to forget the fake secret code."


  "Forgetting that cipher code and paying attention to it also depletes your chances of accomplishing a more important mission."

  "A more important mission?"

  "Get the structure of the Enigma cipher machine. According to the military report you deciphered on the ship, the German army is likely to attack the Soviet Union in the next few days. The situation is such that the German army's encryption method is directly related to the overall situation of the war. It's more valuable than any task."

  "Dad, I have no chance."


  Gu Xiaomeng touched the shirt on her body, lowered her head and said vaguely for the first time, "I quarreled with Sister Yu and said something that shouldn't be said."

  Gu Minzhang frowned and did not reprimand but said, "This is the end of the matter, and it is useless for me to reprimand you now. I think you'd better solve this problem yourself. Although Li Ningyu seems to have no weaknesses, but As I said, there's always a key that unlocks her defenses..."

  "It's love, Dad, you said it. But I can't tell now whether I'm just acting with her, or whether I really have feelings for her. So I don't know how to deal with this now."

  "Xiaomeng, do you know what is the most important thing a successful lie should have? I just really want to make up a lie with some truth and falsehood, so that it is more difficult to reveal flaws. No matter whether you have mixed it up with Li Ningyu Sincerely, I hope you have some sincerity, only in this way will you be less exposed in front of her. You can also successfully interfere with her and do what you want to do. "

  "I know Dad."

  Gu Xiaomeng said that she went back to her study to make some preparations, and planned to continue to return to the headquarters. Since she really will not interfere with my mission, Gu Xiaomeng intends to come casually this time, without any scruples. When finishing her shirt, she stopped. The shirt was Li Ningyu's, not new. The clothes had a faint smell and it smelled good. She couldn't tell what it was, but it made her feel Li Ningyu. right next to you. After thinking about it, he still didn't change it, turned around and drove back to the headquarters.

  Li Ningyu was not there, and Gu Xiaomeng waited anxiously for Li Ningyu to come back with the letter at the door of the office. When Li Ningyu came back, she saw Gu Xiaomeng at the door, and she still sighed in her heart. She would come back anyway. Every time she saw Gu Xiaomeng's willfulness, she felt funny, but Li Ningyu ignored her and just opened the door and walked into the office.

  Gu Xiaomeng had to slowly walk into Li Ningyu's office, Li Ningyu didn't say anything, just looked down at the documents on the table.

  "Section Chief, this morning, I was absent for 6 hours for no reason. This is my reflection letter, please record it in the conduct record." Gu Xiaomeng said nervously.

  "No need. When you left this morning, you once told me that you should take the initiative to withdraw from the Intelligence Division and withdraw from the confidential office. You should be able to go through the resignation procedures soon."

  Just as Gu Xiaomeng was about to explain something, Jin Shenghuo walked in, "Ning Yu, don't be so arrogant, Gu Xiaomeng is young and ignorant and says a few words of anger. , didn't I also accept your resignation letter?" Jin Shenghuo came to intercede for Gu Xiaomeng.

  "Director Jin can accept my resignation letter and handle mine together with Gu Xiaomeng's." Li Ningyu firmly refused.

  "Look, it's here again, if you leave alone, it is I, Director Jin, who opened you, and everyone leaves because you leave me, Director Jin. I can ignore my feelings, but Commander Zhang's feelings can't be ignored. At seven o'clock tonight, Commander Zhang's family banquet, he said he was inviting you, Section Chief Li, I, Gu Xiaomeng, Secretary Bai, and of course Captain Wu, to celebrate, this is an invitation." He put the invitation on the table.

  "Look, it's the five of us again, don't forget what I told you this morning." After that, Jin Shenghuo turned around and was about to leave.

  "I'm sorry, I asked Director Jin to apologize to the commander on my behalf, but I can't go." Li Ningyu pushed back the invitation and refused.

  "Senior Li, Commander Zhang's affection can't be refuted." He walked to Li Ningyu's ear and whispered in a whisper, "Don't startle the snake."

  "I can't go because it's Lao Pan's birthday tonight. I promised to go home for dinner. If Commander Zhang takes offense, I can't do anything about it. Besides, there is only one person between me and her who can stay in the intelligence department. Or Both of them leave." Li Ningyu still wanted to push Gu Xiaomeng away decisively, although it failed once, it didn't matter if she tried again. What if Xiaomeng changed her mind because of various changes in this life.

  "Why is this?" Jin Shenghuo said helplessly.

  "Please, Director Jin, decide in person." After speaking, he turned and left.

  Jin Shenghuo was still waiting to persuade, "Senior Li, why are you doing this, Section Chief Li, Ning Yu, Ning Yu." Li Ningyu left the office without looking back.

  Jin Shenghuo looked helpless, "Look, it's not clear to offend Li Tiancai, you have to work harder." Jin Shenghuo was turning his head and pointing at Gu Xiaomeng.

  Gu Xiaomeng was nodding pitifully, when she heard shouting "slut" from outside.

  "Hey, Section Chief Li, come here, hit someone, come here soon."

  "It's none of your business, go away."

  "Senior Li, are you alright. What are you doing? Let me tell you, even if there is a big boss, you can't help beating people." Gu Xiaomeng came to the hall and saw Zhao Xiaoman scolding a man next to him. Li Ningyu covered her face and said nothing.

  Gu Xiaomeng looked at the man below with fire in his eyes, only to hear him say, "What happened to me?"

  "Why are you being rascal?"

  Gu Xiaomeng couldn't bear it any longer, so she went down to stop Pan Hanqing, even Gu Xiaomeng herself didn't notice her abnormal anger as if she walked down the steps with murderous intent. Li Ningyu didn't speak, just listened to Gu Xiaomeng's voice, Li Ningyu knew that if Gu Xiaomeng was a little flattered last time, this time Gu Xiaomeng's footsteps were full of anger, Li Ningyu sighed, Xiaomeng, after all, I can't To reverse fate, you should really stay away from me.

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