Chap 1: Wecolme to Loveland

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You might wonder how I got these powers? Well, to be honest, I always had this one from my dad. The other ones... I had to earn them, which I thought would be impossible. But ever since I escaped and I got to this whole new world, it made me who I am today. Plus, that's where I got these four more powers... no, wait... is You know what. Let me explain it from the beginning.

It was midday and the sun was shining on the first day of spring. I could tell by cherry blossoms. I just lay there on the ground as cherry blossom petals fall on me.

'I made it!' That was the first thought in my mind. After a year of torture, I managed to escape. I was both smiling and crying. I had to cover my eyes from the sun as I cried more.

"Are you okay?"

The question woke me back to reality. I got up and looked at who asked. It was a police officer. He is a bit taller than me. I would say he is at least five-seven years older than me. He has chestnut brown hair and light-brown, almost golden eyes with a stern look. I wasn't sure how to answer. I didn't want to cause any unnecessary attention. But I don't have anything with me. No wallet, no phone, the only thing I have is the pink pen with a gem on the top and the clothes I wear, which I fear gives up what has happened to me.

He had a quick look at me before he asked. "What happened to you?" Knew it. I didn't dare to answer. I moved my legs close to me and rested my head on my knees. I didn't see what he did, but I soon felt something on me. I looked up and I noticed he had picked a white jacket and put it around me. The concerned look in his eyes told, he was worried about what had happened to me. I take as an officer he has seen worse cases. I couldn't help, but lay my head on his shoulder. After a year of torture, I felt revealed and safe.

The officer took me to his motorbike and gave me an extra helmet. By how it looked I was laying in the middle of the forest close to a city. He sure drove fast. Superfast. I had to hold tight on him. He soon stopped at one street. He shut down the engine and got off it while removing his helmet. I took my helmet afterward. Remember the feeling when you were scared to go a certain ride at the theme park and then you go and it was fun. I had that. Looked around expecting to be close to the police station, but instead, there was a restaurant. The officer stood close to it while waiting for me.

"I thought you're hungry," he said.

I was, so I followed him inside. It was a small ramen restaurant. Small, but comfy. The owner appeared and was surprised to see the officer, before he said to have the usual and that he is offering one for me as well. The owner smiled warmly before he asked me what I would like to have before he went back to the kitchen.

"This restaurant is close to a high school, so most of the clients are students." the officer explained to me. "Since it's not lunchtime yet, there's no one else here, so you could tell what happened to you."

" I..." I mumbled. I wasn't sure how to start. I can't reveal where I'm from. It's complicated. And according to mom and dad, it's best not to mention another world.

"Were you held captive? You have bruises on your ankles and wrists, which indicate that you were tied up."

So, that's what gave me away.

"Yes..." I answered. I could sense the officer getting angry at the idea. That would mean he has a mind of justice. So, he is a "good cop" type. Good, I don't want to think I ended up with a bad cop.

"Who did it?" he asked. Oh no, I can't tell him that. There's no way he could go after them. It's enough dad has to face them. Since I didn't answer he asked a different question.

"Do you know a group called Black Swan?"

I looked confusedly at him. "Black what?" What kinda group calls itself a Black Swan? But... then again in ballet, the black swan is the fake princess, which tricks the prince to make him swear the vow of love to the wrong person... trick for their dark intentions... Maybe that's why...

The officer sighed. I wasn't sure if he was relieved or disappointed. Either way, it seems this group Black Swan is bad news.

Then our meals came. It smelled so good. It's been so long since I got a good meal. The officer watched first as I ate mine. He could see, I was enjoying it.

"Do you know why you were captured?" he asked after we both had eaten.

"It was my fault, to be honest," I answered, feeling depressed. "I wanted to see how my parents work, so I sneaked with them, but before I knew we were attacked and I was captured."

"What about your parents?" the officer asked.

"Father got seriously injured trying to save me. Mother had to help others, so she couldn't do much for me. The last thing I saw, she ran to help father..." Tears started to fall from my eyes. I never forgive myself for that day.

The officer remained quiet to think, probably on what to do with me. Before anything else, his phone rang and he went outside to talk. Meanwhile, the owner of the restaurant came with a small plate of snacks and tea.

"Here's for you, while Mr. Gavin arrives." the owner said kindly.

"Gavin? Is that his name?" I asked.

"Yes. Don't let his serious look scare you. He is a good person." the owner told me.

"You seem to speak by experience."


"Nevermind. I'm sorry. It's a habit. My dad taught me some "detective" skills when I was younger."

"I see. That's impressive" the owner smiled. "But yes, you're right. When he studied in High school close here, he helped our son, when he got into an accident. He even helped to pay the Hospital fee and thanked him, our son didn't suffer any serious injuries."

"So, he is kind of an everyday hero, huh?" I asked as I looked outside where officer Gavin was still talking on his phone.

"That's one way to put it." the owner chuckled.

After that, Gavin told me he had work to do. I figured that much. He advised me to register, even if I wasn't planning to stay here forever, but since I didn't have any money, identifications, or phone I had to do so for now. Plus, he gave me some money for now and told me I could pay it back later. Well, maybe I'll bake something for him once I'm settled.

I now managed to get a small purse to hold on to my pencil and the money. After that, I was walking around the city. While walking I noticed people watching the news screen when there was a certain music video by a certain idol. The way girls screamed I assume that he is very popular. Well, I wasn't paying much attention to it, but I did like the song.

I continued walking till I went to a small market to buy something small to eat later. While I was looking, what should I take, I bump into someone in the snack section.

"I'm sorry..." I tried to say as I looked up and noticed a young man, in front of me. He had a cap and glasses on, but somehow he looked familiar. I couldn't say where. He had just picked one bag of chips.

"It's okay," he answered while smiling. "You... don't seem to recognize me..."

"Um... no. I just got here."

"Oh, I see..." he said before sighs for relief. "Can you do me a favor...?"


And before I knew it, I was sitting in a park close to the market, while the young man opened the bag of chips and picked something out of it. A card wrap?

"You bought chips just to get that?" I asked.

"Kinda. I like these chips, but I'm not allowed to eat junk food." A young man told me.


"My agent is too strict with me. I know he means good to me, but... when it comes to snacks he is strict."

"Your agent?" I wondered and looked closely at him. Since he looked familiar and had an agent could he be... "You're that idol in that music video right," I smirked.

"Guilty." He admits sheepishly.

"That makes sense," I said as I leaned on the bench. "There's a prize being famous. And with you, it's the snacks."

"Well, it's not like I can't have any snacks. My agent sometimes lets me, if it is homemade."

"Well, I think that's a good option. Homemade's are usually much tastier than bought ones." I said.

"Really? I guess that makes sense." he smiles. "In that case, I'll give this to you," he said and gave me the bag of chips.

"Thanks. Here." I said and gave him a small pack of bubblegum. "I know it's not much, but it's minty fresh, so your agent can't complain about it."

"Thanks." he smiled and took it.

"Well, I better be going. I need to look for a place for the night." I said.

"Oh, I can suggest one..." he said and gave me a business card for one hotel.

"This looks expensive."

"Don't worry. I'll make a reservation for you. Just ask by the name 'Kiro'."

"Oh, I can't do that..."

"Don't worry. If you could make something yummy someday."

"Okay. I'll make something, once I'm settled."

"Great!" he cheered.

I couldn't help but smile. 

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