Chap 3 New start

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Later that day, I was resting once again on the bed, after a warm shower and clean clothes. Well, they were a bit big to me, so I guess the man who took me in, lives alone. I so far haven't heard any other noise in the house. Either walls are soundproof or there's no one else living here. The man soon arrived with the soup. It looked so delicious. I took the first sip of it and I started to tear up. It was so delicious. He was surprised to see me tear up. But I cleared them away and continued taking more. But the more I took soup, the more tears came up.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"I'm sorry..." I said after I had finished the soup and I was using both my hands to clear my tears. "It was so good that it reminded me of my mom... whenever she cooked or baked, it made anyone smile... But after what I have been through..."

"You have been through a lot..." he guessed. "I noticed the bruises on your wrists and ankles. The doctor had to untie your bandages. They're too big to be from ropes, so that means you were chained up."

Figures. If a police officer noticed them, everyone else would, so I buy bandages to cover them. But the doctor would check them. So much of the low profile.

"You don't need to tell me if you don't want to..." he said.

"It's not that I don't want... it's more... complicated." I answered.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"You would think I'm crazy..."

"Crazier than Evol?"

I looked up at him. That's the second time I heard something similar. Evolver? Evol? What are those? That's when something came to my mind. He said I have a fever. Usually, when I got a fever, my hair changes to red, because of the temperature inside me. I checked my hair and yes, I was right. Red like red velvet cake.

"It changed when I brought you here," he explained. "Although I don't think that's usual, even to Evolver."

"That's the second time I heard that," I said. He looked surprised at me, so I decided to explain what happened today. "I was robbed this morning. I followed the culprit to the alley, but she wasn't going to give up my purse and fire came from her hand..."

"So she is an Evolver?" he figured.

"Is that what it is?" I asked him, but he didn't answer. I decided to continue my story. "When she threw the fire at me, I managed to contain it. She was surprised and threw more and I contained all of them. She then asked if I am Evolver, but I never got a chance to answer, when everything started to look blurry and I was somewhere else. I think I was teleported somehow to a different place." Right then I took a grip of the blanket as tears started to appear again. "I lost the money, the key to the hotel room, and most of all, the only way to get back home. I'm stuck with nothing."

In this, I started to cry. He just stood there and let me cry. After some time, I stopped crying.

"So, you can control the fire?" he asked.

"It's more of an inherited curse," I explained. He looked confused. "I told you it's complicated."

He seemed to let it be since he picked the soup bowl off and told me to rest. I was going to ask something, but he already answered it, before I could say it.

"Once you're recovered back to your health, we will talk further about your situation." He said as he closed the door.

I lay down alone in the bed. I was stuck in this world, with some people that have powers. I have lost my pen, which was my only way back home. And top of all I was sick. But then again, if it wasn't for this man, I would be in a far worse situation. But what will happen afterward? Where I would live? How I would live? All this made me miss my family and friends.

(Listen to "Days in the Sun" from Beauty and the Beast)

I looked up at the ceiling, thinking of my little brother. I should have listened to him in the first place.

Days in the sun
When my life has barely began
Not until my whole life is done
Will I ever leave you

Then I started to think of my dad. He must be really worried.

Will I tremble again
To my dear one's gorgeous refrain?

And our family friends. How will they handle this?

Will you now forever remain
Out of reach of my arms?

And mom... She has been in situations like these. If only she could be here to give me advice.

All those days in the sun
What I'd give to relive just one
Undo what's done
And bring back the light

Oh, I could sing
Of the pain these dark days bring
The spell we're under
Still it's the wonder of us, I sing of tonight

I miss them all. Did mom and dad ever felt like this? They have been in many situations like this and have come home with a smile on their face. They... have been through many...

"How in the midst of all this sorrow
Can so much hope and love endure?
I was innocent and certain
Now I'm wiser but unsure"

"I can't go back into my childhood
one that my father made secure
I can feel a change in me
I'm stronger now, but still not free"

Days in the sun will return
We must believe as others do
That days in the sun
Will come shinning through

After the following days, I was taken care, by the man, who's name is Victor. When my fever was down, he found me looking for a book to read. That's when I learned he has a power of time since I almost dropped five different books when he found me. He then noticed that I liked to bake and cook. I told him I wasn't good enough like my mom, but he then suggested that since I was seventeen, I could stay at his home till I come to age and/or find a place to stay. Well, I still wish to find my pen and get back home, but better this than nothing. And if there's any chance for a miracle I'll find my pen before that.

So yeah, that's how I started to live in Loveland city, but my adventure was just beginning.

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