Chap 5 Working with the wind

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I was waiting outside of Victor's office as he and that young woman would make a deal with fundings of her company and how she would prove her words. Meanwhile, I decided to do some investigation of her company just in case.

From what I learned, it belonged to her father, who died when she was still studying. The known program in that company is called "Miracle Finder". Before she took over, someone named Anna was looking after the company. I kinda started to feel bad for her. This company means a lot to her since it belonged to her father. But still... I got curious about how he died. Usually, when someone in this career dies, it's possible they died, because they were after the biggest and dangerous case of their lives. Looks like I'm turning into a detective.

Then the door opened and a young woman came out. Once the door closes before she sighs and leaves. I assume they came to an agreement. Once she went into the elevator, I entered Victor's office. He was with his laptop looking at some things.

" I going to become a private detective or something?" I asked.

"That's one way to put it," he answered. "As we have discussed you don't have any identifications. You're nobody with skills. With them, you might find answers, what Black Swan is up to. Also, you already faced them twice now. They might still think of you as an Evolver. You may use any possible way to find them."

"Any? Even something that would reveal me to people or that you, the great CEO of LFG hired me?"

"I'm pretty sure you already know how sensitive this is if it goes in public," he said.

"Right... Can I ask for any help?" I asked.

"That's your decision to make. If you do, it's your responsibility on who you trust." he reminded me.

"Yes, sir."

The next day, I have so far studied what was in the file first. So far there were small bits of Black Swan. They either are good to hide their tracks or as Victor said, they have people in places. So, I needed more information. That's when Gavin came to my mind. He was first to mention Black Swan when I came here. And he is a "good" cop. So I decided to pay a visit.

Since I didn't know where his number was or where he lived, I headed to the police station. I had to use fire to change my hair color and cover my left eye, before heading there. Who knew, hair color-changing skills would be so useful for undercover. I also had a medium-size handbag, with some needed items, plus one lunch box. The left eye, however, needs to be covered. Luckily, when I got there, he was getting inside the building, so I ran to him. He noticed me quickly.

"Miss Darens?" Gavin wondered as I came bandaged covering my left eye.

"You remember my last name," I noted.

"I assume you have settled," he said. "Did something happen...?"

"No, I have to hide my left eye, since it's not... normal. Can we talk somewhere private?"

I could tell he is trying to figure out what I'm up to. He guessed my subject will be the matter of Evol or Black Swan since he takes me inside the station and there to a small office of his.

"What is it?"

"Well, first of all, here's something for giving a little bit of money, when I came here, although I was robbed..." I said and gave him a lunch box. He looked at what was inside. There were three sections, one with rice, one with salad, and one with fried chicken. He looked at me confusedly. "I didn't know what your favorite was. But as a cop, you should eat well."

"Well, just so you know, I like spicy food," he said before he tried a bit of chicken. "Can you tell what exactly happened when you were robbed?"

"It was going to rain. I was planning to look around to find where to settle. But I was robbed right when I got out. It was a young girl, probably the same age as me, or a year younger, I'm not sure. I followed her to one dark alley. I asked my purse back, but she then started to blast fire at me. She was surprised however when she realized I could control it..."

"So, you control fire?" Gavin figured.

"Well, I can also collect it to my body, but I need to release it, one way or another. Mostly as steam." I explained before I continued. "At one point she asked if I'm Evolver, next thing I knew everything started to look fuzzy and I was in a completely different alley."

"Wait... you mean you were warped?" Gavin realized.


He put the lunch box aside before he picked his helmet. "Come along."

I wasn't sure what was going on, but he knew something. I followed him as one of the officers informed him that there was a reporter who's asking him, for some missing kid case. He confirmed it and he continued walking. I just followed him.

Before I knew it we arrived at the main lobby, where one officer was talking about Gavin to one young...wait a minute... that hair. The officer noticed Gavin and was scared before leaves.

"Hey," he said to her.

"Y-yes?" she said as she turned around. Nuts! It's the same young woman. The producer lady. But she doesn't recognize me, so I try to hide behind Gavin.

"Are you the detective in charge? Thank you for your help today...."

"You're being way too formal," Gavin answered her. "It's been a while."

I was confused. Does he know her? But soon she realized who he was.

"Wait, are you Gavin-senpai?" she asked. "Huh? Gavin-senpai is a detective? "

Senpai? As a senior in high school?

"Did you forget? Or is it... You thought I'd ended up in police custody rather than on the force?" he asked. She looked away, embarrassed. I take that as yes "You little..."

"Um..." I tried to ask, but he already knew what I was going at, so he moved on. That when a producer lady tried to ask something but noticed us leaving.

"Wait, senpai. Where are you going?" she asked.

"Crime scene," he answered. In this, she follows him outside.

When I notice his bike, I realize we won't all fit.

"I follow behind if that's okay. Can you give the location?" I asked.

Gavin realized what I meant, so he simply picked a paper and marked the address, before starting to prepare his bike. As soon as I checked I started to go ahead. I however needed to go to an alley first, before jumping to the roof and there starting to run and jump. One of the specialties of dragon and wolf, they're fast. But to make sure I won't cause any scene, I do it on the roof, so no one can't see me.

I soon arrived at the meeting point, just before they arrived. As usual, Gavin stopped his bike and removed his helmet. However, the young woman...

"I almost died...I really thought I was gonna die..." she sighed. Too much, huh.

"You gonna rest there?" Gavin asked.

"No, I'm coming too," she said and followed us.

"I'm telling you in advance. What lies ahead is far more dangerous than you imagine." Gavin warned. I wasn't sure if he was talking to me or to her. I think it's for her, since he knows I have faced Black Swan before and I have faced far worse. "Yesterday's events ended without incident, only because they believed that you were just an innocent bystander."

Yesterday? Was it when he left? So, she was there too.

"Gavin-senpai, you were there yesterday?" The producer lady asked him. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's why he left me back then.

He stopped and looked at her. She looked back with determination. "But I can't give up here, either. No matter what."

Oh boy. I don't know what kind of deal Victor made with her, but I'm pretty sure it's also because her company was in bad shape. And she obviously needed material for her program.

So far, all three of us walked around the city, when Gavin asked questions about the kid, who seemed to be missing three months ago. But according to witnesses, he appeared again a week ago. I wasn't sure at first why, but I soon learned, the kid was the one causing the warps all over the city the past six months. It usually happened after school time and he obviously did small warps as a prank and test his new power. But according to Gavin, it also got the unwanted attention of Black Swan. That's when warpings changed a lot. The distance, time, place. Three months ago, when he disappeared. It was like they took him and have tried to train his ability to something.

"When he appeared one week ago in the city, it's likely because he escaped." Gavin figured. "The reason why he didn't return home was to avoid getting his family involved."

"Then it seems I was the last test subject to warping before he escaped," I mumbled out loud.

"What?" The producer lady asked in surprise.

"About two weeks ago, I arrived in this city. The next day, someone robbed me. I followed the thief to an alley, where I was warped to another alley. I was more shocked that I lost my valuable item, which was in the purse...." I tried to tell before tears started to appear before I took a deep breath. "...I didn't notice that there was an ambush."

"What? Why?"

"Because they didn't know her abilities." Gavin figured.


"We'll explain later," Gavin cleared.

We were heading outside to Gavin's bike, while Gavin told us about the Evolver Anti-Criminal Special Task Force. That's when I sensed something. Since I have been a whole day on my "other" side, I managed to pick many smells, including the kid's. But then, what I smelled is... I took hold of a producer lady, just in case. That's when it happened. We both ended up in an unknown alley. I looked around before I sensed another presence. It's one of those guys. I moved back behind the huge cabinet, so they won't notice me. And I was right, someone appeared and by producer lady's reaction, I'd say he up to no good.

I heard more steps, he is running right in our direction. Is he gonna attack? I figured he would, because the producer lady tried to run, but stumbled, which made her fall and the guy missed her.

"You little..." the guy said. "Keep still, damn it!"

That's when I took my chance. I jumped and kicked right to his face.

"Language!" I said as landed.

"You!" he said as recognized me.

"You sound like your buddy. You know, the one with bumps on his head." I joked.

Well,  he obviously wasn't into humor, since he tried to attack, but then...

"Stay down!"


That's when a huge wind started to blow.

"Get up! Run! Jump!"

I followed the producer lady as we both ran outside the alley. But to our misfortune, the alley ends at the river.

"Don't hesitate! Jump!"

We jumped. That's when the wind took us up higher and higher. Luckily, I managed to handle the wind thanks to mom, but the producer lady couldn't, but luckily Gavin managed to take her and hold her still. By the look on her face, she was surprised to find out he is Evolver.

We soon landed on one roof, before Gavin and I left. Oh, we weren't done yet. We find that guy trying to escape while holding onto himself. Looks like he hit on something because of the wind. We came just behind him.

"Come now. Did you think I'd let you get away?" Gavin asked.

The crook tried to throw the knife, but Gavin had a gun and shot it away. He tried to attack, but Gavin was fast and with one quick move he was down.

"Damn it"

"Language..!" I reminded him as I kneeled in front of him. "You swear again. I'll leave a nice scar on your face." I threatened as little flame appeared to my finger.

"There's no need to be afraid! Our unit will take you under its protection!" Gavin yelled out. I think he sensed the kid was nearby.

It didn't take long before the police would arrive. However, I wasn't planning to stay when they arrived. But before I left, I picked a piece of paper from my notebook to draw and fold something to it. It's something I learned from my dad. I gave it to the kid before I whispered to him.

"If you get in danger again, hold on to this and howl like a wolf," I whispered. He looked first confused but then nodded.

"Aren't you gonna stay?" The producer lady asked.

"It's better if not," I admitted. "It's complicated."

"You have said that too many times." Gavin reminds.

"Well, I mean it. I wish to explain it to you, but..." I tried to say it, but I felt I was repeating myself. How could I tell them that my power was more than just an evol? That it is a curse, from which comes huge responsibility. The sirens were getting close

"Go ahead, then," Gavin said to me. "But I want you to explain it all. No matter how complicated it is."

I smirked at that before I looked at the producer lady and nodded goodbye, before I took off with speed, leaving all three speechless.

I arrived at Victor's place just in time. I have turned in myself again, just in case anyone was following me. It's not like I have a curfew after a certain time, but it's a habit of mine when I have sneaked spy on my parents. I was just going to my room when I heard a familiar voice behind me.

"You act as you have just broken in," Victor noted to me.

"Old habit," I admitted.

"Where were you?"

"Doing my job you gave me. What else?" I told.


Oh great. A report, huh.

"All I learned so far is that they want Evolvers..."

"I figured that much myself."

"I also think they're after something...or someone, I'm not sure yet." I finished.

"That's not enough..."

"I mean they could strike again. And I have a feeling it's not for another Evolver. I think they have a target this time."

Victor just looked at me for a while, before letting it be.

"Don't forget you have another mission." he reminded me.

"Well, I thought if I figure what they're up to, I can then learn where she is."

"I just want to know where she is."

I could tell he was serious about this girl he is looking for. I have a really strong feeling she means a lot to him. In this, I went to my room to think about my next step.

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