Chap 8: In US

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I don't know what time I came back, but my mind wasn't interested in that. I felt my legs were moving it's own as they took me to the bathroom. As soon as I was there I looked in the mirror and saw how I looked. I was only wearing the pink top, throned jeans black boots, and fingerless gloves. I still had red hair and an unusual left eye. From shoulder to my arms I was covered in blood that had dried in my skin, showing where I once had wounds that had already healed. There were some stains on my jeans indicating that I got injured on my legs too, but there were only dried bloodstains.

I knew I must get rid of these stains before Victor sees them. I quickly turned on the shower and took off my clothes. I was now on my strapless bra and underwear as I noticed how blood has stained my legs as well. My hair had turned to normal brown color and my left eye turned normal. If it wasn't for my powers, I probably wouldn't have made it back here. I don't know whether I should be glad or not. But it sure confirmed that I still wasn't ready, just like my father told me.

"Not all the worlds are easy to handle like where our godchildren live. Some worlds are much more cruel and hopeless than you could imagine..."

I should have listened to him back then. But because I didn't, I'm now learning all by the hard way. Which also is costing lives... I was so depressed that I collapsed on the floor and let the water fall on me. I hugged my knees as I rested my head on them. All I could hear was water fall on me. I heard in the distance Victor's voice. I couldn't tell what he was saying, but I didn't seem to care. In fact, I didn't know what was going on around me, until the water stopped falling. I looked up what was going on, but all I got to see was a towel landing on me.

I looked under the towel and I recognized familiar black pants. Then I heard a familiar stern voice.

"What happened?" I didn't answer. "Is that blood?" Still, I didn't answer. I was focusing on the water that flowed to the floor drain, along with blood that had washed out.

I could sense Victor's eyes taking a look at me. He took note of where the blood came from, till he figured it was mine.

"Do your powers include quick healing?" he asked.

"Dragon side," I answered. "But it only works when my powers are on. Otherwise, my wounds heal normally as they should even when with powers on afterward."

"So, if you get a wound now, it won't heal quickly, even if you turn back to use your powers?" he figured it out.

"Yeah. One other reason why I work in my power form."

Then Victor went to pick sanitizer to clear the rest of the dried blood from me. I guess he didn't want to mess the rest of the towels. However, the clothes I had, got into the dumpster and I don't complain about it.

"Get proper clothes. We go to New York." Victor told me.

"New York?" Of course, I know what New York is. My dad has visited it many times. But why me too? That's when I remembered that I'm a trainee in a foreign area, so of course, I need to come along. But somehow I feel this isn't just a business trip.

Since I didn't get any sleep, I slept the whole flight to New York. Luckily, I slept well. I think it's because we had first-class seats. Well, since Victor is a great businessman, of course, he deserves business class, which in my opinion is fancy already. But first class? If I wouldn't have been so tired, I would have objected, but as soon Victor asked the flight attendant to set my seat to sleep mode, I let it be.

And when I thought that was too much, I discovered that Victor booked a hotel suite from a fancy hotel in the middle of the city. Not only does he fly in style, but he also stays in style.

"Close your mouth," he said to me.

I didn't realize I had my mouth open before he told me. One good part is in this suite, there's another bedroom, besides the master bedroom. The suite design was obviously made for those business people who travel with their secretaries, who isn't their lover. Luckily.

As soon I got my things settled, I went to the Master bedroom, where Victor was looking at something with his laptop. Like sensing my presence, he stopped whatever he was doing and looked at me with his usual serious look.

"Report." he simply said to me.

"From Black Swan or...?"


"Um...Okay..." I hesitated. "I have come to the conclusion that Black Swan is now targeting one person. Why I don't know yet, but it seems to hold a connection to an incident seventeen years ago, revealed by known hacker Key." I picked my tablet and took out pictures Kiro sent me from the last case. "There were these pictures of cells and a laboratory..." I told as I showed two pictures, which weren't too "disturbing" in my opinion. I wasn't sure how he would take it, so I showed these two.

The look on Victor's face showed that I was onto something.

"Where did you get these?" he asked.

"I learned there was a set up to...lure someone. There was a control room, where it became clear it was Black Swan who set things up. That when I discovered the pictures and..."


"I destroyed the whole room."

Victor obviously knew I wasn't telling the whole truth, but he decided no to ask, yet.

"Anything else?"

"About the other case, I only have a theory, but no proof. So, I can't say much about it."

"You think she is 'her'," he answered for me. I looked at him in surprise. Does he mean producer lady? How did he know or had he had the same thought? "When did you get this theory?" he asked.

"Well, she was involved in a kidnapping incident, she reacted to your pudding...but since she told she doesn't remember, because it seems to have caused trauma that locked up her memories... I mean it could be... but like I said it's only a theory." I cleared.

Victor remained thinking about what I said before I decided to leave outside for a walk.

Outside in New York, I walked into Time Square looking around. Like I told you, my dad had visited New York before. Well, back in the '90s. From what I understood there were many missions that my dad handled back then. Well, if I remember correctly mom and dad started to hire more people in the "Family business" when I was born. So, my father was definitely super busy back then.

As I walked, I soon arrived at Broadway. I noticed some pamphlets of different Musicals. My father did tell me once, what things we should try if we ever get to New York. Going for a Broadway musical was one on the list. I wasn't sure if Victor would allow it, but I'll ask anyway. Hey, if he pays for a first-class flight and hotel suite, one ticket to the musical should be a big deal. And I'm sure little cultural experience won't hurt.

After two hours, I got a text from Victor.

Have you eaten yet?

Well, knowing our suite doesn't have a kitchen, I assume he knows good restaurants here. I replied to his text and he soon texted where to go. And of course, it's one of the known fancy restaurants. Well, not too fancy. However, it was obviously one of those, for which you need a reservation or are expensive. I still can decide which one it is. Well, all I can tell it's Italian cuisine.

The waiter took us to one of the best tables. In my opinion, Victor has come here before. As soon we sat down and got our menus, Victor already asked the chef's special and wine to go with it. Yeah, he has been here before.

"And what for a young lady?" the waiter asked me.

"Mineral water and Caprese salad for starters." Victor decided to me. Well, I was going to ask those myself.

"I still look for the main dish," I answered smiling. Then the waiter suggested to me a pasta dish, which is the chef's personal favorite, so I decided on that.

"So, I assume you have come here before?" I asked once the waiter left.

"I met the chef once before he inherited this restaurant," Victor answered.

I didn't reply to that. Soon came the wine and mineral water along with Caprese salad.

"Tomorrow I'll meet one of the private detectives I hired here," Victor explained.

"What for? To know who is trustworthy?"

"About Black Swan."

I almost choke on my mineral water, hearing that.

"They're here too?" I asked quietly.

"No one knows exactly where they work or how big their organization is." Victor cleared. "As far I have learned, they seem to have different bases in different countries."

"Probably to continue their work elsewhere if one of the other bases would be discovered and when they need to hide." I guessed.

"That's one of the options," he said. "He got some information from one base."

"So, this trip has nothing to do with LFG?" I asked.

"I handled those matters, while you were walking." Victor cleared. "And there's another meeting day after tomorrow."

I was wondering if I should ask about the chance to go to a musical, but right then our food came. They looked all well made. And as I tasted it, it was delicious. I can see now why Victor chose this place. Either way, I decided to skip the question.

At night time, I just finished my bath and I was wearing pj's when I heard Victor's phone ringing and he picked it up.

"What?... You called me in the middle of the night to tell me about your quarterly report?"

Middle? Must be someone from Loveland city. But who...? I didn't hear much so I came forward to the master bedroom, where Victor had back on me while looking through the window to the city.

"You hung up on me." Hung up? Oh, it's the producer lady. "Enough. I'll look at the report later. If there are issues, I'll send a reply... What?... Being angry with every little thing an idiot might do is a waste of time." Yep, definitely producer lady. He never calls anyone else an idiot, but her. "Is the show progressing smoothly?... Are you? Do be careful not to let your idiocy infect your underclassmen."

Okay, that's definitely a tease. I could actually hear her yell through the phone.

"If you'll excuse me!"

I heard him chuckle before putting the phone down. And once again like knowing I was behind him. "You know it's rude to listen to others' private calls."

"I know who was on the phone and that didn't sound private," I answered. "She obviously had an alarm to inform her about the report, she panicked, she sent it to your email and called you to inform you about it without knowing that you are here, in New York..."

"I informed her that."

"Which she then forgot." I cleared. "I mean, I don't blame her. She has a show to make. Not to mention she learned the truth about her father's death..."


Nuts. That slipped out. I stood still like a rock.

"What about her father's death?" he asked.

I took a deep breath before I started. "When I discovered those pictures of the lab and cells. There was a file of her father. According to it, he was investigating something, which was leading on Evolvers and Black Swan, so..."

"...he was killed." Victor figured as he sat down. He was in deep thoughts, before asking. "Did you tell her?"

"Actually, she was there, when I figured it out."

Victor was surprised to hear it, but then again, it wasn't much of a surprise, while we were here, she published an interview with the famous hacker Key. He could obviously assume she went look for Key for an interview and learned the truth afterward.

"How did she take it?" he asked.

"Of course she was shocked, but it seems she is now more determined to discover the truth," I confirmed.

In this, he just nodded and I left to my room. I wasn't sure if it was the right thing to tell, but if I would be in the same situation, I would have wanted to find the truth as well. But there were still many questions unanswered.

The next day, Victor and I met the detective he mentioned before. Victor told him, it was okay for me to know too since I was on the same mission.

Once it was clear the detective led us to a closed street. By stripe-yellow lines I can tell something must have happened there.

"We've confirmed that they did have a base here." the detective told us. "Brokers involved in that incident seventeen years ago, and an organization tied to moneylending," he said before stopping close to one corner. "Seems like quite a few of the big players in the financial world are connected, too." When we came close, we sadly found a demolition area. "It was just three days ago. It's being made to look like a gas explosion to the public." Of course, they would do that. If the public would find out, it would have been big news all over the country... no, all over the world. They are good.

Then we went to one ally, where no one could see us. "Here's the report on everything so far." the detective said as he gave a file to Victor. Victor took time reading it while I stood aside with the detective. "What about that girl? Thought you said you'd found a likely candidate." the detective asked.

"There's no concrete evidence yet," Victor answered.

"It's a theory so far," I explained.

"If the reason for her missing memories lies in the incident seventeen years ago, the wrong approach would be counterproductive." Victor finished.

"You mean PTSD?" the detective asked. "In that case, all you can do is proceed with caution."

He had a point. PTSD comes when someone has experienced something shocking like a natural disaster or crime. And no doubt, being kidnapped, being experimented on is shocking enough for a five-year-old. But only that. When she saw those pictures with Kiro, it obviously showed that it was causing something to her. Which means is just as Victor said; the wrong approach would cause more hurt to her.

Once reading it, Victor tosses the file to the ground. "I will get it back, no matter the cost," he said. the detective lights his cigar with a match before tossing it on the file. I simply watched as the file started to burn. It's best this way. If someone beside us, knows about it, could use it against us. Since they were ready to kill the producer lady's father for investigating them, it is best to hide our tracks as well.

Once that was over, Victor and I stopped at one cafeteria. Victor took coffee while I took a chai latte with one sweet pastry. Once we sat down I sigh deep now that serious matter has been handled.

"Was there anything I should be aware of?" I asked him.

"I'll tell when we get back to Loveland city," he answered before drinking his coffee.

I remained silent. He did tell me he has another company meeting tomorrow. And probably the next day after that. Depending on how things go by. Now I could ask about musicals. I reached into my coat pocket, but it was empty. Did I drop them? But my coat's pockets are big enough. I checked another pocket, but nothing.

"Looking for these?" Victor asked and showed four musical pamphlets to me. I looked embarrassed before I took my latte. "I found them in your pocket when you were in the shower." he cleared. "You want to see one of these."

"My dad suggested that if we ever get to visit New York, seeing one musical in broadway is one of those things we should try," I explained before I cleared my mouth from cream-mustache by a hankie.

"Did he say which one?" Victor asked.

"He said if it's one of Andrew Loyd Webber's, but if it's not possible, any other will do too," I answered.

Victor looked at the pamphlets. There were two of Webber's; "Phantom of the Opera" and "Cats". Those were dad's favorites. Then there was one of "Lion King" and "Anastasia"

"You picked one that was based on rumor?" Victor asked, meaning the Anastasia musical.

"Well, they didn't know some of the bodies were burned." I cleared. " Besides, my father figured it out before they did."

"By his 'powers'?"

"His sense was stronger than mine," I told. "He managed to tell what truly happened. But taking note of the situation back then, he decided to let it be, until people are capable enough to find out the truth."

Victor decided to let it be. After looking for a while he pushed two pamphlets at me. The two of Webers. "Since your father suggested, you should take advantage and do it."


"You think all I do is work, cook, and sleep?" That's a good point.

"So, you mean...?"

"I'll come with you."

I didn't know what to say. I was so happy.

"So, which one do you want to see first?" he asked.

Later that night, we went to see Phantom of the opera. My eyes were focused on the play from the beginning to the end. Victor watched as well. Once the musical ended, as we walked back to our hotel I was humming some of those songs. Once we got to our hotel suite, I went to sleep. Or that was my intention, when my phone buzzed, informing me there's a voice mail.

I checked it's from Professor Lucien. Producer lady's neighbor.

Hello, miss Darens. It's professor Lucien. I hope I'm not disturbing you. Someone has been worried about you since the Key interview. She is very worried about you...

Worried? Producer lady? Well, the last time we saw each other, she passed out because of those pictures in Black Swan's files, Kiro got. Obviously, Kiro has been in contact with her, she might think something has happened to me...

I continued hearing.

...In fact, I'm concerned about both of you. You both are seeking the truth of something dangerous. What if this "truth" you seek, hurts more than not knowing. You're too young to risk your life for this.

I understand Lucien's concerns, but then again he doesn't know who I am. With the producer lady I understand his concerns, but if she chooses to look for an answer, I won't stop her.

I took my tablet and started to write an email by the account Kiro gave me. I wasn't sure why I did so, but obviously I want my identity to remain secret. Like a... Ugh! I suck with superheroes....

Either way, this is what I wrote.

Thank you for your concern, professor, but I have faced more shocking truths than you could ever imagine. Whatever Black Swan is after is nothing compared to that. I can look after myself. I have been taught by the best. As for the Producer lady, I can't decide for her, but I swear if she wishes to find the truth, even if it hurts her, I'll be there for her.

This do I swear in my family name.

As soon I pressed send, I went to sleep.

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