Chapter 14: The Awakening

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It didn't take long before we learned the location where Hades was. When Victor and I took Big Sis home, there was a letter under her door. When she opened it, she saw the sight where they were. In the letter, there was a card saying: "The key to the truth is in your hands." Lucien. I wasn't sure what was in his mind, but I guess even he has limits when it comes to evolving humanity for a better future.

Turns out, there's a ship, where Hades is, so we needed a boat. Victor luckily got one, so we headed there.

But of course, as soon they noticed us, they started to fire at us. But luckily, I was on my power form, plus the glass managed to hold just and just the bullets. While we managed to get the boat close to their ship and get into it.

Once inside their ship, we started to run. If there were Black Swan agents, Victor stopped time and we managed to run past them, without any fighting.

Soon we find ourselves on stairs that will take us to the ship's control room. However, according to Big Sis Hades is elsewhere. So, there's one option.

"Let's split up here." Big Sis said. "Victor, you go and take control of the ship, like we planned."

"You'll be all right?" Victor asked her.

"Of course." she said. "I'll find Hades and put a stop to his scheme."

Something in Victor's eyes showed that he didn't want to lose her. I have noticed that look before and I'm pretty sure it has something to do with that time travel they told me. Yeah, I was surprised too, when I learned that Victor's evol took him ten years ahead in the future. Although Big Sis said that according to Victor the future is a good one, I have a feeling he left something crucial out. I'll ask him later once this is done.

"I'll go with her." I said to him. "I won't let anything happen to her. I swear by my family name." I guess this somehow reassured him as he nodded and looked at her.

"Be careful." he said to her.

"You too." She said before we separated.

Big Sis and I kept walking but there were still more Black Swan agents left. We needed to take cover before I could take them down. But then a strong wind came out of nowhere. We looked up and there was a helicopter and in it was... Gavin? I wasn't sure what had happened to him, but something tells me he has gotten stronger with his wind power. And I was right when he used that wind power to blow those Black Swan agents away. Then he landed on the ship too. Instead of a police officer uniform, he now had a military uniform. Looks like he moved from STF to something bigger. Well, considering what they were doing in STF... I'm not surprised.

"Thanks, Gavin. That evol just now..."

"I'll take out communication systems." He said before he moved forward.

I wasn't sure what he had been through, but I'll figure it out once this is over. I guess Gavin is focused on the task at hand. Since it was clear, Big Sis and I continued our way.

The objective is simple: stop the ship, so it won't spread the dream wave to the world and defeat Hades. Well, I'm not sure if it's gonna be easy, but to save humankind from mass death, we must be ready for anything.

As we went on in the ship, I picked familiar smells. One was Lucien. At this point, I'm not surprised to see him here. But I'm curious to know what he will do. Will he be against us or not? I guess I figure that when this is done.

We soon arrived at the big room, which had a huge table with seats. This was obviously a meeting room. There was someone with silver hair, but somehow familiar eyes.

"Kiro...Is that you, Kiro?"

Kiro? It can't be... I closed my eyes trying to check his scent, while Big Sis went to him.

"Kiro! You're okay! I'm so glad... I always had faith that there was no way you'd go down like that!"

"Who are you?"

She stood still while he looked coldly at us. I walked calmly to them.

"But you're... I mean..." she mumbles.

I don't know what he was playing, but he wasn't fooling me. His scent is Kiro's, but everything else is different. He walked close to us and activated something on the floor. A hidden staircase appeared under the floor.

"Is Hades at the other end of this?" Big Sis asked him.

"Hades is my prey. Don't interfere where you're not needed."

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"Don't move!"

Some BS agents arrived at the entrance pointing guns at us. But they recognized the person who was with us. Did they call him...Helios? Helios picked his own gun and shot at them. I covered Big Sis from any missed shots since BS agents started to fire back. Helios reloaded his gun, before helping Big Sis into the hidden staircase. I managed to get there by myself while Helios kept shooting.

"I'll finish here." I told him while I ignited the lighter and summoned a fire wolf that attacked them. This gave us a chance to go through the staircase to the lower floor.

"What is it you're after?" Big Sis asked Helios while we walked in the dark corridor. He didn't answer. "I came to put a stop to Hades's ambitions. Are you planning to fight Hades, too?"

"I came to take his research results." he answered. "If you get in my way, I'll show no mercy." He threatened us. Something in his eyes showed he is serious, but at the same time, I feel those eyes confirmed that this Helios guy is Kiro. Argh! I will figure this out later.

The light suddenly turned off till there was only one light above us. We no longer weren't in the corridor, if not in a dark room with no windows or doors. Something is up.

"Welcome to my castle of shadows." heard the familiar voice of Hades. I got myself ready as dark creatures started to appear. Helios picked his gun and shot a few of those creatures.

"The Queen's power is beyond your control, Hades." Helios calls out.

"Helios," Hades said as he recognized the voice while appearing with a huge shadow arm. "As a fellow member of Black Swan, I respect you..." Wait, What? Member of Black Swan? That explains how other agents recognized him. But if that's so, why is Helios after research results? That's what made me think of the letter Big Sis got. Could it be that Lucien and Helios don't approve of this plan? No, it's not just that. He said the Queen's power is beyond... is Hades trying to...? "....but this is my domain." he said as he dropped a bullet Helios shot on the floor before ordering dark creatures at us.

I used the lighter once more to summon a fire wolf to protect us from dark creatures, having no idea that the dark creatures were even consuming Black Swan agents all over the ship. Helios tried to shoot more but dark creatures kept coming.

"Hades, your opponent is me!" Big Sis said to him. My fire wolf had cleared the bark creatures from her way.

"Oh? The Queen offers to challenge me herself?" Hades said. "How very valiant. In that case, I must invite you to a more fitting location." he said before vanishing.

Then two shadow tentacles grab her by her ankles pulling her down. I noticed it first and hurried to help her, but two tentacles grabbed me and pulled me down too. Helios noticed what was going on and tried to save us, but we were already pulled through the floor to who knows where.

I don't know where I was, but I recognize consuming darkness. My father has told us about it. It's something that consumes everything to its power. So, that's the reason Lucien and Helios are against Hades. He became greedy. He wants the Queen's power to rule a new world of Evolvers. And is willing to sacrifice the entire humankind.

I need to get out of here. Others are in danger. I need to help Big Sis. I promised I would. I need to remember what my father told us...

"Only the greatest power can even illuminate in the darkest abyss..."

Greatest power...

"Aili, do you know why Love is said to be the strongest power?"

I wanted to cry. I should have listened. How could I ever become Guardian of...

"Mommy, why are you and dad called Love Guardians?"

"Because Love is the greatest power of all."


I remember this... my brother asked that same question before... I was already sleeping...

"*chuckles*... There are many descriptions about it... Let me tell you something that one man once described to his own daughter...


"Love is Light, that enlightens those who give and receive it.

Love is gravity, because it makes some people feel attracted to others.

Love is power, because it multiplies the best we have, and allows humanity not to be extinguished in their blind selfishness. Love unfolds and reveals.

For love, we live and die....'"

Love is light. Love is gravity. Love is...

I felt something growing inside me. I started to remember all the things my parents taught me and my brother.

"Love always considers others..."

"Love reflects many ways..."

"Love is what makes us rise..."

"Love is something that grows when it's shared"

"There's no great form of Love then to give up life for greater good..."

"....Love never dies"

I opened my eyes as I started to glow in bright light. In the darkness, I saw Big Sis falling to darkness.

Love is Light.

Light... could it be, what happened in the parking lot, was because I...

I reached my hand at her and I went through my memories of her and others. We both have created bounds to these four men, who I now consider as my brothers and her as my sister. One light orb grows and goes to her. I looked up as I glided through the darkness to up to alight.

I found myself in an unknown disorderly place. It didn't matter because I recognized one person in there, Hades.

I had not realized my clothes had changed. I was wearing a white dress to my knees, a pink military jacket, and white boots. My hair was red, tied with white ribbon and heart-shaped red gem, while my both eyes were normal. Hades looked surprised. I take it he didn't expect anyone to get out from his darkness.

"What? How did...? Who are you?"

"Me?" I look right at him calmly and peacefully. "I'm a Love Guardian."

Right the entire place was shaking.

"Wh-What is this?" Hades wondered as the ground collapsed behind him. "What's happening?"

Right then right beside me, a light shone through the ground, and from it came out a huge light which revealed to be Big Sis in a beautiful graceful white dress. I stepped aside to her right side as she lifted her head and looked at Hades.

"Wh-What?!" The entire place started to disappear till there was nothing but the light that shone through Big Sis. "This isn't possible... You used my darkness to empower your allied Evolvers?!"

"Hades, you cannot evolve..." Big Sis said in a graceful voice. "Because true evolution spreads through the strength of one's bonds with others. By trusting each other and hoping for the future as we move ever forward, we will find our miracle."

"The Miracle of Love." I finished before we both raised our hand in front of us and the light came brighter, that Hades's darkness started to fade. His evol was fading from him. He tried to hold onto it as I heard him mention something about the true Queen. The light soon consumed everything, including him.

Big Sis soon was back to her normal outfit as she collapsed down while the pen Lucien gave her fell from her pocket. I still remained in my uniform outfit

"Everyone... Are you all right?" she mumbled before she reached the pen and passed out. The place, we stood turned back to a normal room on the ship. I walked close to her and I noticed something come out from the pen. A microchip? I placed it back in the pen before I picked Big Sis. In the Uniform outfit, I still had the strength of Dragon, so it was easy to carry her.

I could hear choppers approaching the ship, so I took my chance to leave and take Big Sis away from there. No one saw us leave as the blue dragon flew us back to the shores of Loveland city.

Once there I rested her on the closest bench. She was still unconscious. I guess that's expected since she used so much power to empower others and defeat Hades. Unlike her, I guess because of the dragon's endurance I was still standing. But then again, this wasn't anything compared to what was up ahead to me...

I felt the presence of someone behind me. As I turned around, I gasped as I saw one who I consider as my dearest brother figure.

I'm pretty sure my true self was revealed to him. I was now concerned about how he would take it.

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