Time to Explain (Chapter 2)

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Dugan: Good day to upload more chapters this Christmas!

Logonyan: yep! This is a very important story that involves time travel!

Mana: well we better get there before Oynyan gets any worse

Dugan: oh right

Candace: so, Dugan's family does not own Yokai Watch and Phineas and Ferb. And if you decided to report her for copyright issues, you are so busted!

Dugan: stop arguing with the people who are being nice to us!

Candace: sorry!

Dugan: anyway, time to go!


Time to Explain (Chapter 2)


A time portal arrived at the area where the gatchapon machine from Yokai Watch was. "That area is the start for this reason... let's tweak it up a bit and that kid won't come here!" Thyler smirked as he blanked the tree with a special cover that can make the tree invisible. The Yokai auras are faded as the machine was also covered

"What do you think you're doing sir!" Whisper yelled as he's in the machine

"Making sure that Yokai will not be present for the normal kid. Let's see if people from another century can figure out that this tree is covered in an invisible cloak..." Thyler laughed

"You fool! You knew my day I would be free and you took it away! I will get you whoever you are!" Whisper growled

"Can't hear you. Too much Nonuttins in my ears" Thyler left the machine alone as Nate came to the clearing in the forest, for what he saw was a hooded figure, "excuse me? Sir? Do you know if any larger bugs are around this area?"

"Oh... larger bugs is it? Well... what I have in my palm is my special nectar. It would bring in a swarm of bugs if you left some by the tree bark" Thyler explained as he placed the nectar by the tree and unusual large bugs came and lick the branches, "Pinsir! Pinsir!" and "Hetacross! Hetacross!"

"These are big bugs! Who's laughing now Bear! Thanks sir for helping me" Nate thanked the bad guy in disguise

"You're very welcome" he laughed as he left

"KID! HELP ME! THEY WERE TRYING TO RUIN THIS BEST MOMENT!" Whisper yelled to reach him but no avail

"Time to catch you guys up!" Nate swing his butterfly net and landed at the thorns, making them aggravated, "Uhh?"

Two of the Bug Type Pokémon are chasing Nate and the nectar fell upon him, causing more bug Pokémon to chase after him, "HELLLLP!!!!"


Lyn looked at the timeline map and the first chapter is messed up, "huh? Pokémon? In the first episode of Yo-Kai Watch?"

"Lyn! We're here" Beargamot came with the Bear Twins

"Goodness! Nate abandoned the capsule machine and got chased by pokemon! I bet it has something to do with that Yokaisona!" Lyn growled

"We're here Lyn! I felt bad presence from mom! She would be upset with the messed up plot point!" said Vilgox

"I'm present!" Said Bearin with Wiccanyan, "we came here through magic because I was showering during this!"

"Sorry for bothering you in such a bad time Bearin" Kumano apologized

"It's is important for me to get myself dried! That's all" Bearin explained

"I'm here mom! I was going to the portal but that annoying version of Dipper came to me and I accidentally break his neck" Besshi explained

"It's fine, everyone wants to have THAT deleted scene in Wierdmageddon 2! Yet, I am unsurprised to hear that..." Lyn sighed

"It's about time you call me! What emergency did you call me for?" Hanareya growled

"Well it's about our moms and dads! Moments from the past that made us and built our story to where it is today is disrupted by a new enemy!" Lyn informed

A portal opened and showed Logonyan, Dugan, Mana, Candace, and a sick Oynyan, "I demanded an explanation as to why my child is sick!"

"Brother, I didn't expect you to show up" Lyn gasped

"Sister, I only face problems when it comes in my way. Oynyan has caught something terrible and I can't figure out if it's true. Is this danger time-travel related?" Logonyan asked his sister and brother

"Yeah... I guess you noticed him sick because he has Cubbonyan's soul. He is the first Bear Kid. None of it would happen if it weren't for that pesky Thyler standing in our doorstep!" Kumano snarled

"Did you say... "Thyler"?" Mana twitched as she heard that name

"You know him, Mana?" Logonyan asked

"Know him, I hate him... he is a horrible bastard I wish to forget..." Mana got frustrated over the name

"What is the main reason you hated him?" Logonyan sighed as he talked gently

"I never told you this Logo, but Thyler Terrorcine is a very bad fiancé I hate being betrothed with... He has many of his wives in his "Harem" and most of them aren't to happy with him, but their parents are happy with the money they earned. He treated them badly and punished them with his crop, leaving them scarred from their shoulders, waists, breasts, and their butts. I fear that he would harm me badly if I'm not perfect as he thought... My grandpa arranged it for extinct races to form alliances. Father and I disliked this idea entirely, so he allowed me to set off in the surface for a little while, finding another husband I wish to marry. Since my appearance was unusual to stare at, I was looked down upon surface dwellers and thrown rocks at me... saying that this bitch is too hideous to be a mermaid! I swear to Bearlygod that the Nonfictioners made them to have no hearts! But then you came along and well... I am happy for that save and I am indebted to you." Mana cried as she explained her backstory about why she hated Thyler to begin with

"But I don't understand... how come he is the main part of the problem?" Logonyan sighed

"Thyler has disrupted the spot where Nate and Whisper officially met, and how Bearlywrote came to intervene with it that scene. He somehow summoned bug-type pokemon in the area and I think the reason Oynyan is sick and time is disrupted is because he heard the news about your marriage with Mana. Angering him. Since he is an abuser, he can't take no for an answer and decides to blame us for his wife taken away from him." said Lyn

Vilgox was saddened by her story, "Just like my biological Dad..."

"I bet he wants my husband to disappear and made me forget him so he can finally marry me! All I know is that he has no heart, he can do the same to you guys as well if you guys like me as a friend, but jealousy takes over him, making all of you part of my problem..." Mana explained

"But you told us who he is, and that is enough. We aren't your problem and we will bring Thyler to justice for changing our story!" Kumano replied kindly

"Thank you" she smiled

"Hey! Keep your paws off of Mana, you already got a wife!" Logonyan hugged her

"Logo, he was being kind" she laughed

"Yeah and I hate that, you are being protected by me and me only! We will take him down by force if we have to!" Kumano laughed at this as Logonyan was being protective

"It looks like he's on the move! Aiming right to where Uncle Dan met Nate and left the game world and they meet a strange scientist. But now Now with Nate absent, It now says it changed into a magic house? What is Thyler doing?" Beargamot noticed


"It's a bummer, but now, the decision is final" OG Dan decided as he grabbed his bags and left home with his partner on his side, he saw a hooded figure but a furry tail popped out and Drago noticed it

"That tail, could he be involved with the powers?" Drago asked

"It can be a Furby man!" Dan explained to him

"You mean a Furry?" Drago corrected it

"Yeah, but he might be heading to a convention, I don't think he is suspicious-looking" Dan explained

"I got a weird feeling from it" Drago said as the hood was lowered to reveal Thyler's face, "An animal?"

"I feel like "Suspicious" is now a word that is forever tainted" said Dan

"Dan look!" They saw him changing the building and switched into The Owl House, "huh?"

"Take that!" Thyler laughed

"Why is he changing houses?" Dan swallowed

"He's a wizard! Let's ask him for a solution" Drago asked as they meet up with the Tasmanian Tiger Yokai

"Hi, did you changed the house?" Dan asked

"Yep, he said he wanted a house to look like the one from the cartoon and he would freak out for the change. He will be so happy!" Thyler smiled

"Oh cool! So can you tell us how to control these powers, you do know Bakugan? Right?" Dan asked

"Well yes, I am familiar with the game. I want you to get a relaxing break from all the fighting, go to a world far away and all the mojo will be balanced if you're completely relaxed..." Thyler answered, "a relaxed and rested mind is a beautiful way to control your powers. Plus, for headaches, I suggest putting on these" he showed a metal strainer and a thimble for them

"What are these for? Hobbies?" Dan asked

"Metal protection from the brainwaves" Thyler informed them, "I can tell that you didn't get enough sleep because of the men in your nightmares"

"These looked silly but I might as well put them on for safety measures!" Dan and Drago put them on and some of the adults noticed them and chuckled a bit, "it looks like Spaghettini is finally getting his followers back"

"Ignore them, they're the last line of defense. Go onward." Thyler disappeared into thin air and Dan and Drago are going to take the yokai's advice seriously, "let's go to New Vestroia then, I do miss my home" Drago declared

"It's good just to relax rather than fight all the time" Dan smiled as he agreed with his partner

They nodded as they entered to the portals with metal hats and left their world just as a cartoon girl who is Mexican exited the magic house, "huh? This isn't Gravity Falls! What is going on!?"

(Chapter End)


Lyn: we have to split into groups and fix them as soon as possible!

Kumano: sounds like fun! I will do my best to make them meet together!

Bearin: will that involve the love-making scenes? Like how Beargamot was made?

Beargamot: Bearin! How naughty of you to do that!

Wiccanyan: I want to do the same but with me pretending to be a baby, I felt the need for my daddy to comfort me as I-

Logonyan: Nononononono! We don't go with the sex stuff here! It's meant to be private! For adults, not A-Dolts!

Mana: don't you understand my warmth can bring you to bring Dugan to exist?

Dugan: -has his ears covered- why can't I get to hear mommy and dad talking?

Candace: Trust me Dugan, you don't want to know

Lyn, Kumano, Bearin, Beargamot, Wiccanyan, Logonyan, Mana, Dugan, and Candace: Next time on MS Returns...

Several Stages (Chapter 3)

Lyn: well then... vote and comment!

Kumano: see you soon!

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