A legend returns

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"Yah I understand Danica. I'll be there later. I have some things I need to take care of first." I say as I take a right and head onto the highway.
"Your always busy Dakota. I miss when tony was around. He actually cared for his teams." I hear Danica say through my cars speakers.
"Danica I..." Is all I get to say before she hangs up.
As the radio comes back on I let out a long sigh. I settle back into my seat and adjust my hands on the wheel.
"It's hard to run two big jobs like this....all she has to do is come in on Thursday to catch a jet and then drive for not even five hours on Sunday. I have so much more shit then she has.." I say to myself and my empty car.
As I get onto a seven lane highway I hit the gas feeling the acceleration. It felt so peaceful.Like this is the only place I can think. Before I knew it I was already going way over the speed limit. The car though did not protest one bit. She just did her job and cruised on down the never ending strip of black asphalt. Now let's not forget it's the last race of the season too this weekend. Kevin has been looking good since Talladega. Same with Kurt and Danica. I already have a fourth driver for next year as well which should be good. Another girl to the team so Danica doesn't feel so alone.
As I smoothly shift the car I feel a slight jabbing pain in my arm. I quickly glance down at the bandage I have wrapped around the burns only to see blood quickly collecting and slowly seeping through.
" Oh what the hell....now what." I say frustrated.
I pull off the highway and finally reach my fathers house. Randal has been off the show now for about two months thanks to Seth Rollins. So I haven't been able to catch up with him at all because of my schedule.
As I pull into the brick driveway I see a Ferrari red Enzo in the driveway. I let a small grin slip by all my stress. Then it was gone. I pull my hellcat beside the Enzo and throw it in park. After cutting the ignition I push the door open and climb out tossing the red key bob back into the cup holder. I then shut the door and walk towards the front door.
"So your not coming back?!" I ask my father in disbelief and shock.
He sighs as he limps by me.
"This is the fourth injury to my neck Dakota. I can't go back. Your going to have to keep the family legacy going." He says to me after a sigh and him placing his shaky right hand onto my shoulder.
"And what about grandpa bob?" I ask still in shock.
"What about him?" Randal asks as he sits down on his leather couch.
"Won't he be mad that the viper, his own son, is gone from wwe?" I ask him.
Randal sighs and then grows silent.
"Honey I'm sorry....but I just can't fight anymore.....my neck is too hurt. Don't you remember edge? How he just left when he was on the top of his game? I'm in that same situation.." He says to me.
As I take a deep breath I feel my heart shatter. I really am alone now on the show.... All because of....
"Rollins...."I growl.
"What? Dakota no.... Don't even think about it." Randal says quickly protesting my ideas.
This isn't just a show anymore...it's no longer a never ending drama filled play.... It's reality.
"I'm going after that son of a bitch. Him, hunter, Stephanie, and glen!" I yell out of anger.
"Dakota!" My father raises his voice sternly.
"You will not get involved in that story line. You will lose your rights to your match at wrestilmania!" He continues in his stern voice.
I turn my back on him hurt. My hands grow into fists as he says my name repetitively.
"Your not my father! I hate you!!!!!" I yell before I storm out of the house.
"Fastest in practice. Nice job Kevin." I say as he climbs out from his #4 Budweiser Chevy.
Kevin grins and then kisses Delana.
"It's just luck."he says.
I grin and wave at their son. Soon enough he will be racing too. He's grown so much since the 500.
"Tony is still in our hearts. And the same with Rick. Rest in peace Rick..."I say almost crying.
Kevin hugs me and then pulls away.
"You going to be ok?" He asks me.
I just nod in silence feeling defeated. Rick was like a father to me. My uncle has raced for him his whole career. And now....ricks gone....
I glance up at Kevin and then down at the tire or his car.
"I'll be fine...."I say holding back my feelings.
I then head to Danica's garage area. As I walk by Trevor bayne my cell rings.
I reach into my pocket pushing all personal thoughts and emotions back. As I read the caller id I take a deep breath. Then answer it.
"Hello."I say with only a bit of confidence in my voice.
"Is this Dakota?" I hear her ask.
"Yes you have the right number. What's up?" I ask as I walk towards Danica.
"Nothing much. Just sitting at home watching NASCAR. How's my brother been doing? I haven't spoken with him now in over four years." She says to me.
I take a light breath.
"He's clenched the nationwide title. But he's also got his girl pregnant." I say.
On the other end I can hear a gasp. I could tell it wasn't about the championship either.
"He did what?! When I get back there I'm going to knock some sense into that boy! What does bill think of this? Or our cursid mother Cindy..." She it's out the namecindy as if it's poison.
"I don't know if they know des. If you want I can send a jet your way. You'll be here by tonight's race." I say to her.
I can hear a low 'hmmmm'. Then she shifts the phone.
"I'll tell Corey and Chris that I'm going out for the weekend." She says.
I smile and then wave at Danica.
"Alright I'll send a jet your way. You still live in Georgia?" I ask her.
"Yes ma'am. Haven't moved since Rick bought me this house. Tell my old teammates I say hi! Oh and that kasey. Sweet sweet kasey." She says. The last part sends a shiver down my spine.
"I'll do. See you around five." I say then hang up the phone.
One question then popped into. My head. Does she know Rick has passed away?
Destiny's pov
As I climb off the jet I can feel the temp automatically change. The track was near the water and that made an effect of what happened in the sky. I can't tell you how long it's been since iv stepped foot in homestead. How long ago was my championship? Four long years ago? Damn, has it really been that long?
As I walk towards the blacked out suburban I can feel my nerves acting up. Iv been surrounded by hot rods now for over four years. I'm turned SV into a huge success. I have not been near a NASCAR car in forever. Let alone any of my old friends and rivals.
I climb up into the back seat of the car and shut the door. One of Dakotas shuttle drivers then takes me to the track.
As we pull up into one of the parking lots I can feel my stomach turning into knots. I couldn't believe it. I'm actually here....
"Pass please."the cop asks the driver.
The driver the shows the cop her pass. He then let's us pass and go into the tunnel.
As we emerge from the tunnel I can see the motor homes. Memories flood into my head as finally we stop and I climb out of the car. After thanking the driver I pull my cell out and call dakota up.
"Hey are you here?" She asks me.
"Yep. It's good to be home. Where shall I meet you?" I ask excitedly.
"Come down to the garages. I'm with Kevin." She says to me.
"See you soon." I say then I hang up.
I walk to the garages like I own the place. After running into DW I try to avoid where the nationwide cars are. I didn't want to run into chase yet.
Finally I enter the garage area. Many drivers hug me and talk to me making me feel like I'm home. Word had spread fast that the Destiny Renee Elliott was back. It was nice to be loved. I see Kevin's stall from where I am. As I walk towards it I see kasey kahne. He was pulling his helmet off when I noticed his eyes catch mine. That's when he dropped his helmet in shock. I laugh until I notice a girl going over to him. If I could remember right that is kayla. Kaseys girlfriend. Her eyes stare at me with hatred because of the hurt I caused kasey back in the day. I knew it too but you know, life sucks, we all know that.
I wave then go to dakota who I could now see from here. She was talk g to Kevin. And was that a little boy with him?

Dakotas POV
"So I'll see you later?"I ask Kevin before Delana takes him from me.
"Yup. You will...oh my god..." He says all out of shape.
"What?"I ask worried.
"It can't be...she...it just can't..."he says.
"What?" I ask confused.
Then Kevin points behind me. As I spin around that's when I see her. Destiny Elliott in all her glory. The Elliott black hair. Her palish figure. She was all there.
"Hey!" She says as she waves.
As she walks up I give her a hug.
"Destiny...what brings you back into NASCAR?" Kevin asks shocked.
"I'm your new teammate." She says with a big grin.
"What....? How?" He asks not knowing how to take it in."
"I have been talking to dakota now for maybe five months." She says.
"Anyways I need to take destiny to go go over paperwork." I say before Kevin can answer.
"See you around man in white and red."Destiny says.
Then we both walk towards the haulers.
With all the catching up to do neither of us realize that we are now I. The nationwide area of the garage area. In mid sentence destiny stops talking. Her figure freezes almost as well.
"Are you ok?" I ask her.
"It's chase..." She says.
I take a deep breath and nod.
"Go do it."I say to her.
She nods and walks over to his car.

Destinys pov
I run my finger tips over the fake curves of chases NAPA Camaro. That's when I hear some one say please don't touch that. As I turn around to look at the crew member he stops in his tracks.
I walk up behind chase hearing his crew chief stop in his tracks from talking.
"Tune what? What's wrong with you?" Chase asks frustrated.
"Chase...she's....she's alive..." He says.
"What?" Chase says
Then he turns around and freezes. A girl then walks up beside him confused.
"Your...alive..." Chase says in shock.
"Alive? Who is she?" The girl asks.
"Kianna I'm guessing....."I say.
She nods and then holds her stomach.
"I'm chase's sister."
Authors note: wow back on a roll I suppose. Now to bed. It feels nice to bring back destiny. Iv been missing that character. Well vote and comment! Night!!!!!

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