Loudon NH race

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* race car engines revving and running sound from the garage area*

As I roll over into the sunlight I can already hear the loud revs of the engines. By how warm the sun was I could guess it was around maybe 8 or 9 in the morning. It's very close to race time. As I finally get my eyes opened I see that denny left a note on the nightstand. I figured that he was already in the garage area talking with darian about the car. I grab hold of the soft comforter and pull myself up feeling sore.

"Well that's what I get for letting her punch me..." I sigh and shift myself over to the edge of the bed.

I look around at the familiar sights of the empty coach. The warm colors that make most feel welcome. I finally get myself up and walk to the shower to clean off any of the remainder of the dry blood. As I slip into the shower I can hear the sound of the cars get louder as if someone had just opened the door. Then the noise dimmed down once again to a low rev. I slowly turn the water on as I try to push the thought out of my head. I switch on my music to drown out the noise. I step into the shower as nickel back comes on. Monday night Raw's old theme song plays.

As I rinse out the shampoo from my hair I feel the slightest movement in the coach. I take a deep breath and quickly put conditioner in my hair. I run my fingers through my thick locks of hair until it's smooth and as soft as a cloud or cotton. Then I finally rinse it out and shut the water off. I grab my towel and wrap it around myself tightly then I reach for the door knob. The door opens with a creek which I wish it hadn't. I quickly turn right and head into the bedroom not looking back as I slide the door shut.

After going through my stack of clothes I decide to throw on a black fedex shirt and long pants. As I grab for my boots the heat kicks on and I jump slightly.

"God damn it.... I'm a diva in the WWE and the fricken heat causes me to jump..." I say to myself.

I then grab my boots and put them on. As I walk towards the bedroom door I slide my iPhone into my back pocket and then reach to slide the door open. As I re-latch it I hear the tv playing quietly.

"Denny?" I say as I walk down the hallway.

That's when I stop in my tracks as I enter the living room.

"Hey." He says to me in a depressed tone.

"Chase... How did you get in here?" I say to him

He gets up from the couch and his eyes never stopped looking at me which made me feel slightly uncomfortable. I can still see the area that denny punched. It was still swollen and bruised.

" Kianna dumped me." Chase says to me which catches me off guard.

He walks closer to me as he notices the bruises.

" Who hurt you? Was it Denny... I swear to god if it was Denny.." He says but I cut him off.

"No Denny didn't touch me chase... I allowed this to happen after dale took you to the care center. I'll take care of it tomorrow if I'm called onto the show." I say to him.

I then walk by him and quickly glance out the window to make sure none of the guys know chase is in the coach.

"Now answer my question. How did you get in here? Denny locks the coach now before he leaves." I say to him demanding an answer.

Chase slides his hands into his front pockets and takes a deep breath.

"Dylan...." He says trying to pawn it off onto someone else.

I roll my eyes and sit on the couch.

"Chase....get....get out..." I push out almost in a hurt tone.

Chases big brown eyes stare at me with hurt in them. The tears were starting to swell and my guilt started to grow.

"What happened to you Dakota....what happened to that girl who loved me? Who dreamed of me..." He says as he starts to cry.

His grey shirt started to gain tears. His hands were still in his wrangler jeans pockets as he started to force his dc shoes under the throw rug.

"Don't make me call Clint." I threaten him.

Clint and chase never have gotten along. They hate each other to the point where they would wreck each other while trying to battle for a position.

" you wouldn't dare...." Chase says in an almost a threatening tone.

I give him a glare and then reach for my phone that's in my back pocket. As I wrap my hand around it I can see how uneasy chase is getting.

"I swear chase. I'll call him." I say now threatening him.

Chase takes a deep breath and turns for the door. I let out a breath as he walks closer to the door. At the last moment I see him turn around as my index finger is right above Clint Bowyer's name in my contacts. I hit the call button as soon as I see him walking back at me fast. I can hear the phone dial as I manage to duck under a now yelling chase. The door is now In front of me with chase behind me. He made a grave mistake. I grin and slowly back up towards the door.finally I hear the phone stop and clint's voice.

"Hello?" He answers.

I take a deep breath as I keep my eyes glued on chase.

"Hey, can you come to Denny's coach for a few minutes? I know your busy but it's important." I say to Clint trying to hide any emotion what so ever.

I hear the engine cut in the background and his crew chief yelling something.

"Yah give me a minute. What's wrong Dakota?" He asks me.

I look at chase keeping and eye on him. I can see his right hand starting to turn into a fist.

"Just come down here please." I say and before Clint can say anything else I hang up.

Chase walks towards me with his hand in a fist. That's when I put my cell on the counter and cross my arms.

"Don't even try it Clyde." I say which makes him even angrier.

Denny's pov

As I lean against my car watching the crew finish up the car I see Clint running back towards the coaches. That's when I started to notice he was running the same way he was running back when he wanted to end Gordon. I pull my hands out of my pockets and stand up straight as I re think about if I had locked the door this morning before I left the coach. My fireproof shoes not helping my feet at all with this brutal cold weather. That's when I finally grab my phone out of my jacket pocket and call Dakota. As I hit the call button I feel a shiver go down my spine. On the fourth ring it stops making noise.

"Chase knock it Off! If you even dare I'll Fricken hurt you." Is all I hear. She must have hit the answer button not knowing who was calling.

My head was filling with thoughts of how to end chase as I push off of my car and storm off towards the coach.

"Denny! Denny!" I hear darian yelling as I walk out of the garage. By the time I was walking past brads car I couldn't hear Darian grub anymore.

I can hear the asphalt under my feet as I start to pick up speed. The wind chill was horrible. It felt like ice hitting my face. All it was doing though was burning me. As I make the turn to the motor homes I see Clint bowyer. He was in a five hour energy jacket as he was just making the turn to my motor home. That's when I started to run towards him.

Clint's pov

As I run onto the step I can hear chase inside talking complete nonsense. That's when I grabbed hold of the door handle and opened the door. Chase stopped in his tracks as soon as his eyes caught a glimpse of me. I can see Dakota has handled this situation maturely. She was staying away from him as he ranted on.

"You...." Chase says to me.

I climb up into the coach and stand between them.

" yah it's me. Now Get out chase... Or do you want it to turn into another bar fight?" I say to try and instigate him.

Chases eyes grow small for a moment as he stares me down. Then he widens them and crosses his arms.

"You only won that because I was four beers in Bowyer." Chase says basically calling me out.

That's when I uncross my hands and laugh. I can see Dakota in the corner of my eye. She was focused on chase.

"Chase Elliott. Get the hell out of here." I say to him.

Chase steps forward and throws a punch. I took a deep breath waiting for the impact but it never came. As I open my eyes I see Dakota holding his fist tightly. She looks at him as the pain starts to show in his facial expression.

Denny's pov

I finally make it to the coach only to see Dakota holding tightly onto chases fist. That's when my fuse finally burnt out. I climb up into the coach and launch at chase taking him to the ground. I stat to punch him in the face several times until finally after minutes of struggling, Clint pulls me off and holds me back. Chase rolls to his feet slowly and after a moment of looking at my girl he leaves.

I can feel Clint taking in deep breaths as if he was trying to catch his breath from pulling me up. That's when I sigh and pull away from Clint. My eyes shifted to the ground knowing that I had just done wrong. That it was not right to do that. Now I'm afraid to look up and meet Dakotas eyes....

"You two better go before you miss driver intros." I hear her say after a few moments of silence.

Clint puts his hand on my shoulder and I raise my head.

"Just focus on the race. You need the win for the chase man." He says to me.

I nod and take a deep breath. I then look at Dakota but as soon as our eyes meet, she turns away. That's when I follow Clint out of the coach and we head to the stage.




Dakotas pov

It's 2:00 now... I know I shouldn't be out and around the cars but I am anyways. I walk down to the pits as the cars are running laps. As far as I know I can see Kevin Harvick is in the lead with Brian vickers and Denny Hamlin behind him. As I finally reach Denny's pit box I can see Kyle Larson working hard on Denny for third. The engines are so loud but I love it.

"How's he doing?" I ask Darien.

He grins as I sit down beside him.

"Doing very well."he says to me.

He then puts a hat on my head as if to mess around with me.

"Hey!" I say while laughing.

He smiles at me and then hits the button on the scanner to talk to Denny.

"Up high and by the way, your girl says good luck." Darien says to denny.

I put the headset onto my head and listen to the race chatter as the race goes on. As the field flys by I cheer watching Denny run side by side with Larson. Kyle Busch was gaining spots as well. Team Gibbs was on a roll as the laps continued to roll by. Even Hendrick couldn't keep up. On lap 100 Matt pulled a pass on kasey like he was just standing still.

As I take a deep breath and settle down I look down at my phone seeing a missed call from mark. As soon as I click on his name to text him back I hear a huge crunch and the terrifying squeal of tires. As my eyes shoot up I see the crowd standing and pointing. That's when I get up and turn around to see jimmies car land on its roof. Ryan newman's car was totaled in the front. I can see the radiator fluid gushing out of it. Then they show the replay of the accident. Clint was batteling with Jeff and Jimmie coming out of turn two. There's no way you can run two wide at New Hampshire.... That's when I see how bowyer got loose and shot up the track hitting both Johnson and Gordon. Gordon spun out hitting the wall and then managed to get the car onto the grass while Ryan had no where to go. He jammed on the brakes and Paul Menard rear ended him which caused Jimmie to barrel roll several times. This was in the middle of the field as well. David ragans car had hit jimmies hard which sent him then flying once again. That's when I had gotten up to see the end of the accident. I feel Darien shift out of his chair from behind me. I can hear him talking to Denny on the scanner about what just happened. Tears slowly form as I watch the crews flip my uncles car over.

"I have no clue how that erupted Darien. All I saw was the forty eight go flying. I herd the sheet metal as he made contact with the ground and then I saw the yellow. There is a lot of carnage though." I hear Denny say to his crew chief.

We aren't even halfway yet and there's already a massive wreck.

"Did you run over any debris?" Darien asks.

All I hear is fuzz for a few moments then a beep that lets us know that he has hit the button again.

"No I don't believe so. I mean we are going to go with four anyways so right?" Denny radios in back to Darien.

They continue to talk as I watch the 48 car come smashing down onto four tires once again. The roof is all crushed in. The rear right corner panel was crushed in and almost gone. The front end was ripped apart. The front part with the head lights and fake grill was hanging off on the left side while the splitter had folded in under neath the car. The hood was smashed up and the windshield....smashed in. The supports had broken on impact when the car came down onto its roof.

I was watching this all on the monitor now on the pit box. There was me and then all of Denny's crew was around me. The tire changer had the impact gun in his hands. He was trying to keep himself focused by hitting the trigger every so often. It was a very quiet moment in NASCAR as we all watched intensely . As the window net came down I take a deep breath seeing jimmies head pop out from the window. His blue Lowe's helmet unscathed from the wreck which meant he was alright. I look over at chad Knaus seeing him take a deep breath. He puts his hat back on and then his head set. I can see him reach for the mouth piece and say something that gets the crew into action immediately. I then watch as both Jimmie and Jeff walk to the ambulance safe. Then Ryan and David walk to another. I take a deep breath as one of Denny's crew pats me on the shoulder.

As they clean up the wreck the race goes under a red flag which is new for New Hampshire. I don't think I've ever seen a red flag here. As I climb back up onto the pit box I see kianna and kayla walking by. I roll my eyes and lean back in my chair as they open pit road. Soon enough my man rolls down pit road and pulls into the pit stall.

" two rounds of wedge guys lets go lets go God damn it!" Darien yells into the radio at the guys.

"Four tires and two rounds of wedge! Move your asses!" He continues to yell as the jack man drops the cars and they go to the left side of the car.

They jack the car up as I hear the impact guns going on the lugs. Then he drops the car after they have four fresh goodyears on it. The gas man finishes up as they give Denny two rounds of wedge.

" go go go!" Darian yells and Denny spins the tires pulling out.

As Denny lines up with the others he comes onto the scanner.

"Next time can someone count me down coming into my box? I almost fucken missed it. Who ever stopped counting me down anyways?" Denny bitches into the radio.

I roll my eyes as Adrian sighs. I then tap his shoulder and he looks over at me.

"Let me talk to him." I say to Darian.

Darian nods and hands me the head set. I then push the button.

"Why don't you drive the fucken car like your supposed to and stop winning like Kyle Busch. Drive your fucken ass off and you'll get the spot you want." I say to him then I hand the head set back to Darian before he can say anything back.

Darian smiles at me and starts to laugh.

"Damn girl...you've got balls."he says to me.

I sit back and grin as I throw my head set back on.




Finally we are left with two laps to go. I guess Denny had listened to me as well cause here he is now running in first. Kyle Larson though is on his tail moving in fast. I watch as Denny takes the white flag. His car so close to the outside wall. Then as he goes into the turn he runs down low while Larson runs the high line right before the rubber line disappears. As Larson comes out of turn two he does a cross over move and pulls along side Denny. I was honestly surprised as Kyle challenges Denny for the lead. Here they are now going into turn three and four. Denny stays down low in his line while Larson stays high. As Larson comes out of the turn again he does the cross over move again. Both Denny and Kyle Larson run side by side as they come to take the checkered flag. Denny was ahead by a wheel as they cross the line. That's when I jump up and cheer as Denny goes around the track.

"Nice job Denny. Burn that rubber away. You've earned it." Darien says.

Denny spins the tires and then soon enough does a massive burn out. He drives by with the flag and heads to victory lane.




"Ladies and gentlemen,your winner, Denny Hamlin!" Krista says as she holds the microphone.

I stand in the background as Denny is interviewed by the media. I can see e crew all cheering and excited as the trophy is put in front of them. Finally I come over to denny as the camera man is still shooting live.

"Congrats baby." I say to him.

He smiles at me then pulls me into a deep kiss as the media still record the feed. That's when the crew all walks up behind Denny. I didn't know what was going on until Denny knelt down on one knee. Joe Gibbs hands him a box and then Denny opens it. At the sight of the ring I cover my mouth in shock.

"We've been through hell and back dakota. I want to spend the rest of my life and eternity with you. Will you marry me Dakota Rene Orton?" Denny asks.

Tears of excitement fall down my face as I nod my head yes.

"Yes Denny. I'll marry you." I say excitedly.

I hear his crew cheer and then they spray shampane above us as we kiss romantically by his winning number 11 fedex Toyota.

Authors note: sorry if it's long. If had nothing to do all day so I figured I'd make it interesting and such.vote comment and enjoy!

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