Meeting the big guys (Chapter Five)

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It was Tuesday morning. The sun was just barley peaking through my hotel room windows. Across the room I could hear my dad snoring loudly. And the door to his separate bedroom did no justice either. I roll over to look at the clock. It was only 5am.

"Well better early then late." I say as I force myself up.

The North Carolina air was much thicker then the air in Tennessee. It wasn't fresher though. I grab a towel out of the closet and walk into the bathroom. After undressing I climb into the steaming shower and let the water sooth the soreness from the night before.

" Dakota?" I hear a knock on the door.

" Yah?" I say as I rinse the shampoo out of my hair.

" I'm going to get breakfast. Do you want anything?" My dad asks me.

I peek my head out from the curtain.

" Just get me a cinnamon raisin bagel." I say. Then I pull my head back in like a turtle.

Twenty Minutes later

I wrap myself in the red towel the hotel had in the closet. I crack the door open to make sure no ones in the open area between the bedrooms. Then I slip by quickly and shut my bedroom door shut behind me. I throw on a pair of worn light blue shorts and a black tank top. As I looked at myself in the mirror I noticed something. The Tennessee native dirt racer was starting to disappear. My arms were growing stronger too. Racing only built up so much muscle. But now my arms are twice as big. And my figure had changed too. My butt was starting to become more noticeable as well as my chest. But that Tennessee tan was still there. I decided to allow my natural hair color to show as well. My hazel eyes were real yes. But the red hair, I had dyed it awhile back and kept at it. Once wwe told me I had to tone the color down because of Eva Marie I decided to let my golden brown start to show again. The sun had changed my hair when I was younger so now in the light it shines golden.

I move away from the mirror as I hear the main door open and then shut. I throw on my cowboy boots then open the door.

" Dad?" I yell out thinking it was him.

I get no answer. So I walk out into the main room. There's a man in our fridge. I quietly sneak up behind him and grab him pulling him into a choke hold.

" Tell me who you are and I won't decapitate your head." I say.

The guy laughs and reverses the choke hold. He catches me before I hit the counter.

" You've got to get used to Ted and I being around. Legacy in and out of the ring still hang out." Cody says.

I give him a look and back away.

" Where's the other bozo?" I say as I cross my arms.

Cody laughs and then puts a cup of Apple juice on the counter.

" On the road. I stayed behind because I wanted to go to all the shops as well." He says.

I roll my eyes then walk over to the living room. I plop down on the couch and turn the tv on.

" Make yourself useful then and help me find the remote." I shout out to Cody. A moment later he comes in and looks around with his eyes.

" Did you check next to the tv?" He asks.

I sigh and get up. I pick the remote up and go back to the couch.

" Foods here Dakota!" I hear as the door opens. A moment later I hear him say Cody in a surprised tone.

I get up and walk in looking at both of them.

" I wanna hit Hendrick Motorsports first." I say.

Randy grins.

" Alright. We can go there first but you have to eat first." He says.

I frown and then quickly grab the bagel. I eat it in four bites shocking both randy and Cody.

" Done!" I shout then I grab my dad's keys to the car.

"Dakota wait!" My dad yells as the rooms door shuts behind me.

About twenty minutes later they come down to the parking garage. The Camaro was parked next to a Ferrari which I had been obsessing with.

" You ready?" My dad asks. I nod and toss the keys to him.

" But Cody's sitting in the back." I say.

Randy nods and looks at Cody.

" Your in back." Randy says.

Cody sighs and slips in behind the passenger seat. Then Dakota gets in and settles into the seat. As her dad gets into the car she pulls out her cell and goes on twitter to see what people are talking about.


@TesaOrton, will you be facing Kalya Summers for the championship?

One girl had posted. The thing is I never thought of going after her or any other diva. Yah I'm a diva and all but Iv been so caught up in the story line I never thought about the other girls and fighting them. Maybe when this is all set and done I'll go after Kayla. But that's if she ever returns from her so called vacation.

" You alright Dakota?" My dad asks cutting me out of my own thoughts.

I nod and close out of twitter.

" Just thinking." I say trying to hide how much it did bother me.

" About?" He asks as he pulls into the parking lot for HMS.

As soon as I see the two buildings with the 48,88,24, and 5 I almost jump out of the car.

" Can we talk later? I wanna go look around." I say. As soon as he parks the car I fling the door open and bolt for the door.

" Determined huh?" Cody says laughing as he climbs out from the back seat. Randy rolls his eyes.

" Just a little." He says. He shuts the Camaro door shut and follows after Dakota.

In the main building was Jeff's car and the Championship trophy. On the wall is a picture of Jeff Gordon and his crew celebrating. Dakotas eyes follow the curves out of amazement. Then further down was a red Chevy SS. The number sitting on the side of it was an 84. The sponsor sitting on the car was "SV Engineering." The name that the car wore above the window was 'Destiny Elliott'. The car had the pole award sticker on it as well as a championship trophy in front of it. She ran her hand down the side of it, over the tire mark on the number, and back up above the rear tire.

" Amazing isn't it?" A male voice says from behind me. I spin around quickly seeing his deep blue eyes and his now smoothly cut hair.

" Destiny sure was an amazing driver." He says. Then he walks over towards me.

" Who was she?" I ask wondering.

The man takes a deep breath and runs his two fingers over the rubber mark that's around the badge 84.

" She was I believe 19 when she started here at HMS. Destiny Renee Elliott, younger sister of Chase Elliott ran this car. I believe this was her homestead car where she won the championship for the 2014 season." He says to her.

I think for a moment then realize who the girl was.

" I remember her." I say.

" And your Kasey Kahne." I say with a grin on my lips.

Kasey smiles.

" Yup. I'm the defending points leader too." He adds.

" And you are?" Kasey asks.

Dakota smiles.

" I'm Dakota Orton. I'm i defending champ at Eldora. But for the past couple weeks Iv been known by thousands as Tesa Orton." I say.

Kasey looks at her. ' did she just say defending champion at Eldora? And now thousands know her as Tesa Orton?' Kasey asks himself.

" Dakota?!" We both hear. I turn around to see my father and Cody come walking into the building. I notice that Kasey now understands why I'm called Tesa.

" Randy Orton?" Kasey says in a surprised tone. My father nods and his eyes shift to me.

" It's a good thing some one was watching you." He says. I sigh and roll my eyes.

" I didn't make it that far. I was learning history about Hendrick Motorsports from Kasey." I say.

Randy nods his head.

" Thank you Kasey." He says.

Kasey grins and puts his hand on my shoulder.

" Anytime randy." He says. Randy frowns.

" Call me Randal. That's my real name." He says with a grin.he then holds out his hand. Kasey shakes his hand.

To Dakota that's when her life met her fathers life. When WWE met NASCAR. Kasey showed them around the shops. Dakota even got to sit in a few of the cars. She got to meet Rick Hendrick and crew chief, Chad Knaus. It was a good day.

Tuesday was spent going to Joe Gibbs racing. Dakota ran into Denny Hamlin and Joey Logano during her tour. Denny recognized her right off the bat from WWE. They chatted for a long time until Denny finally gave her his number for further conversations. Kyle Busch did show up eventually but him being Kyle, he was a jerk which ended badly because of Randy being her father.

*****Friday Night SmackDown*****

Dakota was sitting in make up as the show began. This week she was supposed to look beat up and injured. So the make up stylist started painting on fake cuts and blood. On her forehead was a huge gash. Then they put a red jelly like substance where the painted blood is to make it look like it's running.

" All set there Dakota." The stylist grins as she backs up showing me what I look like.

" I look like a lion mauled me." I say laughing. The make up artist smiles.

" good. Your supposed to look like they dragged you to hell. Well tried to at least." She says to me.

I nod and get up as Kofi Kingston wins his match against Alberto Del Rio. I grin and then grab my attire which is also different. It's more ripped up and stuff. I go back to the viewing room after changing and I watch the rest of the show until it's time for Randy to come out.

" I hear voices in my head,

They count to me,

They understand,

They talk to me."

Randy's song plays throughout the arena. He walks out slowly with the WWE title on his right shoulder. Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase follow behind him. The tag team titles on their shoulders. Randy climbs into the ring from between the ropes as Cody and Ted climb in from the left and right half of the ring.

" Cut the music!" Randy shouts into the microphone.

The music shortly after that cuts off and the crowd boos at him.

" Last week undertaker, you attacked my Tesa. And took her with you two. If you knew about the Orton family the. You would know this...You don't mess with family." He says. He puts his arms down and walks around the ring rubbing his head.

" I want her back taker. Even if I have to go through hell. I want her back!" Randy shouts into the microphone.

" Undertaker. I'm calling you out!" Randy shouts.

Cody and Ted guard the ring. A few seconds later the lights go out and the undertakers theme hits. The crowd screams as they see the dark figure walking out into the fog.

" Randy Orton." Undertaker says.

The darkness hiding him from most eyes.

" It says in the devils book, that your going to hell. And not just the hell for most levels..." Undertaker laughs.

" Your going to my hell." He says fiercely into the microphone.

Orton looks at the undertaker from the ring.

" Where's Tesa!" Orton shouts.

Undertaker laughs deeply into the microphone.

" Tesa? Oh oh your once called daughter?" Undertaker says.

Randy stops moving in the ring and spins his head towards taker.

" Once called daughter?! What did you do to her!" Randy shouts.

Undertaker grins and speaks again.

" it's not what in going to do. She's fought very well so far but I believe Kane has her contained now." Taker says.

On the titantron appears Kane. He's surrounded by darkness and red, black, and purple candles. In front of him is a tomb stone. In his right hand is a black bladed knife.

" 1,2 I'm coming for you." Kane says evilly.

Kane gets up from kneeling. The camera zooms out revealing the cemetery.

"3,4 better lock your door." He laughs.

His eyes glow red as he breaths in the flames from the candles.

" Little Tesa come out from hidding. All I want to do is play." Kane says.

In one movement all the flames die out and Randy can hear Tesa's scream.

" Let her go!" Randy shouts.

Undertaker looks up at the titantron and then back at Randy.

" She's ours now." Undertaker laughs.

On the titantron showed Tesa laying in front of a grave. Dripping from her lips was blood. In the background is Kane chuckling.

"9,10 never. Sleep. Again." Kane says.

Then the lights fully shut off.

" Tesa!!" Randy shouts."

As the lights come back on both Cody and Ted are knocked out cold. And in front of Randy is the undertaker. Randy tries to RKO taker but the undertaker pushes him off and into the ropes.

" You mess with me Orton. Then you have to deal with all of hell." He says.

Taker grabs randy and choke slams him onto the floor mat below. The lights go out and once they come back on only Randy is left out there knocked out. The EMT's surrounding him.

Authors note: well that's another chapter done. Yah ik the dates may be messed up and all but whatever. Should I continue this? Vote and comment.

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