Pure Loss

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AN: So for this chapter it will be in third person instead of Dakota's POV. I will try and focus on a few characters as the chapter goes on. This chapter will take you readers through the lives of several characters as Dakota is MIA from WWE and the world.


"Last night we saw something that I never thought would happen at an NHRA event. A terrible accident involving Dakota Orton and the newest driver to Don Schumacher racing, Max Maternowski."

The television echoes down the hallway of Hendrick Motorsports. Kasey was in a meeting talking to Kayla when Johnson comes bursting in.

"Do you hear the TV?!" Johnson asks.

That's when Kayla grows quiet and listens to the voice traveling down the hallway. But all she can make out is accident and NHRA.

"So there was an accident, so?" She says while trying not to forget what she was talking about.

"That's your friend up there. I guess the engine blew and knocked him out cold... Before he could hit the wall at 200mph, something stopped him..."

Jimmie cuts off with a hint of worry in his voice. That's when Kayla turns on the wide screen in her office to channel five news and sees the raw footage.
Her eyes widen as she sees a purple blur shoot onto the track and collide with a dragster. She rewinds it again and tries to focus in on it.

"Max....." She says worried.

She sees his car disappear as it meets whatever that purple blur is. Then an interviewer comes onto the screen along with max.

" If it wasn't for that girl coming onto the track then you would have been dead. Do you have any comments on what just happened...?" She asks him.

Out of breath max glances back at the car he ran into. His fears growing.

"Max?" The reporter asks again.

He ignores the reporter as he hears sirens behind him. Turning around he sees an ambulance going towards the mess. And that's when he takes off.
Max's POV

As I quietly walk down the empty hallway of the hospital all I can think of is what happened... Where did it all go wrong. I could remember letting off the clutch and going. Then blackness.... Nothing....
The next thing I know, the guys are trying to get me out of the rubble... As my eyes finally showed me what was in front of me, I couldn't believe it.... I thought I was dreaming. The side of the Monte I gave to Dakota was in front of me... Crushed and mangled. I could only slightly make a figure out through the tinted window. The dark spots on the window didn't help my nerves either as I finally pulled myself out of the wreckage of my car.
Slowly I reach for the door handle to Dakota's room. It was cold. Disturbingly cold. As I slowly open the door the scene still the same as how I left just only a day ago. The room was bare. The shades closed as the rain beats on the window. The lights were off as I walk in allowing the door to shut behind me quietly. As I look around my eyes finally come to rest on her. She was laying under a light blanket with her right arm on top of it. I could see the iv trailing from her right arm up to a machine. Her eyes were shut.
The doctors told me that she had suffered some dramatic head injuries. Her brain is very swollen. A few of her ribs were also bruised badly in the accident.... The worst part though, was when the doctor told me that she's in a coma. And he doesn't know if he can bring her back. If she will ever come out of it. The collision was brutal, gave her whiplash instantly....
I couldn't help but just sink into the chair in the corner of the room. The sight hurt so much.... Even just hearing her heart beep on the machine.

I was so worried about Alex hurting her or taking her out....but in the end, I was the one to do it... and I didn't even mean to..

slowly I lean my head back in the chair so its against the wall. All I want is a rewind button.... As I shift myself to become comfortable the door slowly opens letting just a glimpse of light in. It lightly touches her face lighting up her light skin.

"How is she doing?" Kevin Harvick asks.

He was in normal street clothes. As he leaned against the wall of the room, he rested both of his hands in the pockets of his dark blue jeans. He had on a maroon red T shirt.

" Still in a coma." I mumble.

He looks at me with a sad look.

"Kid you did your best. accidents happen no matter what. This is something we couldn't avoid. Shes a fighter, I know her. She will pull through all you need to do is give her some time to recover. She did take a big blow for you. She hit the concrete wall. You didn't." He says to me.

My eyes drop to the white tile floor. I cant even explain the feeling that I'm feeling in my heart. Its like an emptiness mixed with anger and hatred..

As I look up Kevin turns on the TV and flips through the channels. As he passes WWE my heart skips a beat.

"Go back for a second." I ask him.

Kevin then goes back to what I believe could be Thursday night smackdown but I could be wrong. It must have just started taking it some old guy was in the ring holding a microphone.

"As you have all heard, Tesa was caught up in a deadly accident during last weeks NHRA event in Indiana. As of right now she is in critical condition. The doctors are working extremely hard to get her to come to. Her brain is swollen dramatically. Since we don't know how long she will be in the coma, I along with Stephanie have made the decision to strip Tesa from the Divas title. I'm sad that I have to do this but its what has to be done for business. So tonight we will have a few set matches to determine who will be competing in the battle royal in a few weeks for the Divas championship."

My heart stops as I stand up and grow motionless.

"dude...Max are you ok?" Kevin asks.

"She just lost her title.....everything that she worked for.....because of me....." I struggle to say.

As kevin grows silent all both of us can hear is the echoes from the life support.......





*Quotes of events that have past in the last month and present*

"Kianna has done it! She has won the Divas Championship!!!!"

"Max Maternowski  takes another win here at Michigan!"

"Wow Michael, Kianna has been doing amazing since she beat Paige two weeks ago for the championship! She's on fire!"

"Kasey Kahne wins at Darlington!"

"Jimmie Johnson takes the win at Sonoma!"




"Ugh.....where....." I mumble feeling like I haven't moved in forever.

" Shes!!!! Shes alive! Awake!"

Is all I hear as my eyes finally focus in. The room was dark. I have no clue if its from it being night or if the curtains are just shut. As far as I can see the room was empty. I can hear this annoying beeping sound though. And everytime I slightly move my right arm I can feel something tugging at my skin. Instantly the door flies open and several people in white clothes rush in around me.

"Dakota...?" I hear from one of them.

letting out a slight breath I try to answer.

"y...yah..?" I push out from my throat.

"She can talk!" He excitedly yells.

" Can you move your arms?" Another asks.

Slowly I pull myself up into an upright position and move my arms. Eventually after performing many tests they leave me alone. As I lay my head back down on the pillow, once again the door slams itself into the wall. My eyes open fast seeing a blob coming at me like a bullet.


He yells almost crying. Before I could even react I was in a bear hug. His hair in my face and his grip extremely tight.

"Your alive! Your awake!" He says as he pulls away.

I look at him confused not realizing how long iv been out for.

"Alive? Max Iv been alive the whole time. Where have you been?"

I ask him feeling lost. He looks at me looking almost relieved.

"You have been in a coma for over a month Dakota...." He finally says after sitting himself at the foot of the bed.

After a minute it hits me. The accident plays back in my head and I cringe.

"I did it so you wouldn't hit that wall....." I say to him.

He sighs then looks down. His voice shaky as he answers back.

"Because of me you've lost everything Dakota...... Because of what you've done....sigh..."

He says to me in tears. I sit myself up and look at him. I was shaky as hell and weak as well.

"How did I lose everything max? I'm still here....still have my job. The title. I still have everything." I say to him.

Max sighs and then pulls his phone out. Typing in a date followed by Smackdown the video loads up. Vince shows up as the show airs. That's when I freeze......

"I'm not the divas champion anymore......."

Authors note: So I tried this whole thing of traveling around to try other characters pov... I feel like I sucked at it though. anyways, Kay-kk, a little shake up to the story line. tell me what you guys think. Is it getting boring? or is it interesting? vote and comment! Thanks guys!!!!!

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