The turning point for Aces and Eights

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As I wake up I hear the loud sound of engines revving. I sit up to an empty bed with a note on Denny's pillow. I pick it up and read it after I rub my eyes.

     " Practice starts at 7:00. I'll be back around 9."

I sigh and get up feeling my body ache.

   " Damn does wwe kill." I mumble as I trudge to the shower.

I grab a towel and lay it on the counter then I turn the hot water on. I step in and let the hot water sooth my soreness. NASCAR is in Phoenix Az, this weekend. I had my car brought down here so I could run a few laps on the track while the cars were in the garage. That and I wanted to show off my car to Chase.

I throw on a team FedEx shirt and shorts. I then put on my cowboy boots and head out to the track. I can see Denny running around the turn with Dale. Denny up high while Dale is down low. I continue walking to Denny's hauler so I can watch him run in practice. As I settle in I feel my phone buzz. When I look down I see a text but no name. I open it.

    " Something's going on with Kayla and AJ."

I read it over and over again. That's when the kiss pops back into my head and I rethink it.

   " I knew he didn't like me like that." I say out loud. I get up and climb off the trailer as Darian Grubb looks at me. I touch the dry dirt of Arizona with my boots. My anger raging. I go over to Kasey's garage area and start looking for his phone for Kayla's number. As I finally find it a see about ten messages from another girl. I go into his messages and start reading them.

  Kasey: "I can't believe you had gotten me drunk that night. I should have been with my wife that night. I regret ever talking to you. She was everything to me and you ruined it!"

Melissa: " But you were so desperate and beaten down. You needed someone by your side."

Kasey: " honest to god Melissa, I hate you. I hate your guts. And I never want to see you again!"

I take pictures of the messages and then take a picture of Kayla's number. I walk back to the motor home and sit on the couch. A few minutes later I send the pictures to Kayla. I don't say my name but I write from one diva to another. I delete the messages after they have sent and then call up AJ.




Sunday, race day,

The drivers had just gotten the signal to go as I reached Denny's pit box. They were getting ready to pull off of pit road as I put my scanner and head set on.

I was curious to know if Kayla got the messages as the green flag waves. I can hear the engines pick up speed as they go down the front straightaway. Kyle Busch had the lead but Brad Keselowski was challenging him. Then there was Denny and Kasey running single file behind the leaders.





I watched to guys climb up onto the  wall as Denny came rolling down pit road. We were under caution because of Jeff Gordon spinning out. The guys changed the right sides first then the left. Denny pulled away perfectly and took first from Kyle Busch as they come off pit road. I was excited for him. He was leading and has been up front all day. Darian Grubb watches as Denny keeps going. Laps continue to flash by as the race comes to a close.

   " Ten to go Denny." I hear over the scanner. They continue to race as the storm clouds roll in.

Soon enough Kyle takes the win and the rain rolls in. Denny finishes second.

    " Nice job out there Denny." I say as we walk back to the coach.

He grins and wraps his arms around me.

   " It's because I have my good luck charm with me." He says.

We walk back to the coach and soon enough Denny falls asleep. I head to the airport and board my plane for Richmond. Raws going to be taken over for good. I think as I feel the plane take off. I pass out on the way there.

Monday Night Raw

I walk into the locker room and see Kayla sitting down by her stuff. Her phone in her hand. As I walk closer I can tell that she's reading the texts I sent. I put my stuff down in front of her and sit down.

   " I found those on his phone Saturday. Kasey and that chick have not spoken since the last time you saw him." I say in a normal voice.

   " I know you might hate my guts and all. But I knew that they might help you. Kasey was always there for you Kayla. That whole time you were in that coma. He was there for you. He never lost hope in you Kayla. That girl was a slut. And she just dug her way to him for the money. There never was love there. But there was love here." I point to her heart. I then get up and go grab my attire that Sandra had given to me ten minutes before. I walk into the bathroom and change. As I walk out I grab my black leather jacket that says aces and eights on it. I look at Kayla giving her a grin.

   " Just trust me on this. I'm actually a good person when it comes to off this show." I say. I then leave and head towards the hideout. Which in my case wasn't very hidden.

I knock and soon after AJ opens it seeing me.

   " Hey." He says.

I just grin and walk by him trying to think about tonight.

   " Who is it!" I hear bully yell from the other room.

I walk in and cross my arms.

   " Your worst nightmare." I say.

He laughs and takes another swig of his beer.

The show had started by the time bully Ray was five beers in. The USOs were against the 3MB. Jimmy  was in charge at the moment. As Jimmy tagged in jay I heard bully tell Anderson and Devon to go get ready. That's when I get up to see mrs. Brooke Sitting on bully's lap.

   " What are you doing Ray." I say in a serious tone.

He grins at me and then looks at AJ.

   " Just sending a message to Corre is all." He says.

As I look at Anderson and Devon they walk back in to the room with weapons. Devon is cradling a sledge hammer in his hands and Anderson has a chair.

The camera men came into the area where they had Wade held. And that's when I had to watch Anderson and Devon brutally beat Wade Barrett. The cameras recorded it all. I had enough but I couldn't speak up. Bully Ray would have the others beat me as well.

   " Corre if you think that you will ever get your hands on us. Then your dreaming." Bully says.

The camera shows all of us and then that's when Anderson and Devon drag an injured Wade Barrett over to bully.

    " Tesa why don't you do the honors." He says to me.

I hesitate for a moment looking from bully to Wade.

   " I told you to finish him! Now do it!" Bully yells ordering me to finish Wade off.

That's when I take a deep breath and RKO him into the ground. As I get up I feel disgusted with myself.

    " Good." Bully Ray says.

The camera crew leaves and then I head to where the tv is. During Justin's match the little segment played. Kayla was out cheering for Justin when it happened. 

I got up from where I was when they showed it. Bully Ray was cheering over it and laughing. Then to make it worse he had sent out guys to ambush justin and Kayla. I saw them sneaking in and that's when I got up and headed for the door.

   " Where is she- AJ go get her!" Bully yells.

I run to the gorilla as Anderson climbs over the barricade. I run out towards the ring and slide in which stops both Anderson and Mike.

    " Behind you Kayla." I yell to her.

That's when I spin around and walk towards Anderson.

Justin had lost the match because of the distraction. He was laying on the mat of the ring holding his shoulder. I stand in front of Anderson and prevent him from coming into the ring.

    " Get out of here Anderson!" I yell.

He then climbs up onto the ring and holds onto the ropes. That's when I slap him.

He goes at me but I DDT him knocking him out.

   " Kayla take justin to the back. And watch your back." I say.

I take a deep breath knowing that bully Ray is going to send everyone out to hurt me. And soon enough his theme hits.

    " CUT IT OFF!" He yells into the microphone. The music stops and he stops on the ramp. Brooke in his arm and the boys to his right.

   " Tesa you disobeyed your orders and interfered with mine. Boys. Show her what we do when you don't listen to me." He says.

They come down to the ring and surround me. All of a sudden a new song hits the arena.

    " get ready to fly!

Higher higher!

Higher higher!"

AJ styles runs down the ramp taking out Devon. He then slides into the ring and stands by my side.

   " Fine then! TAKE THEM BOTH DOWN!" He yells.

The boys climb up into the ring and AJ takes down the ones on the left I take the right. Soon enough we are back to back trying to fight off several guys. That's when they bring in the chairs. AJ dodges a blow to the head and does his finisher. I though was not as lucky. I got a chair to my skull hard. Instantly I could feel the blood. Then I felt another hit and another. I collapsed leaving AJ to fend off the rest. He lasted a while but soon enough they got him too. I could feel them bringing me up to bully Ray. I was wounded enough. And hell I didn't want to be hit by the chain he has around his neck. They dropped AJ first. I could hear the chain. And then the impact. I took a deep breath hearing AJ yell. I knew what I had to do. I'm an Orton. And hell I'll do it.

As they dropped me I laid motionless. I could hear bully's steps get closer. As soon as I heard the chain I sprung into action. I got up fast and instantly RKOed bully Ray. I rolled out of the way and grabbed ahold of AJ. After getting him back up we try to get to the back. The room was spinning. My head was pounding. I could feel every bone I have screaming. AJ had the chain marked on his skin. The blood lining it.

After going to the wwe specialist I walk back to the locker room ripped apart. I knew right from wrong. I won't beat someone like that ever again.... I collapse in the locker room. All I hear is Kayla and the Bella's before I black out completely.

Authors note: well I'm out for the night. Going go kart racing at F1. Vote and comment. Kay-kk, your turn!

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