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As I wake up I can already feel the tension and stress. Tonight's match is huge. Iv never been in an inferno match before let alone ever seen one. That match has been banned for the longest time. And now here I am... Going into one tonight.

I finally decide twenty minutes after Waking up to actually get up. I take a shower and throw on clothes. I then grab my keys and head out to the arena so we can rehearse what's going to happen. I get into my car and head to the arena.

As I walk through the doors around 3ish people are running everywhere. I can see guys running around with tech boards and others running around with huge black boxes on wheels filled to the rim with stuff. This is wwe.

I walk down to Sandra first so I can be fitted for new attire for tonight. As I head down the hall I see Layla and summer all over fandango. I couldn't help but laugh. He thinks he's all that when he really isn't. Honestly Alberto Del Rio is one hundred times better then fandango. Even Jericho is better then him.

I take a right and walk into the costume room. Sandra's helper measures me and take notes. They then start to make my attire. I head to the locker room next and put my stuff in a spot. After that I head out to rehearse for two hours with Kayla. They talk to us about the safety word incase some one does get hurt. About how the fire rails work. That if need be the ring covers are fire proof. There was so much to learn about it my head was spinning. They had us run through it a few times. And we were both taught how to fall into it so we don't get to hurt. It was a lot of fricken work. Like damn and then the rules. Oh my god the rules are worse then the NASCAR rule book. Most were common sense like, don't force your opponents face into the flames. But what the hell like really?

After the training lesson I get ready for the night. I head over to Sandra and grab my attire. I then head to the locker room and change. I come out in a brand new attire. The top was red and looked like a bra. Then I had a black tight jacket to cover my shoulders and arms. My shorts were red as well. The outline of both my top and shorts is black. As I go get my make up down the show starts.

" (guitar solo) Fail to see,

How destructive we can be,

Taking without giving back,

Till the damage can be seen,

Can you see?(x2)...."

The crowd starts to scream as the opening song for vengeance hits. Up first for the United States title is MVP vs the all American American, jack Swagger. MVP is the defending champion in this match. As his song hits the cameras focus on him.

" (clock noises) 1,2 You hear the clock ticking?

Tick tock, your about to stop living,

Tick tock, I want you to remember me,

Tick tock, but the day don't have no memory...

I'm coming!"

MVP comes out and walks to the ring. The title on his shoulder as he climbs into the ring. He walks around the ring and then settles as jack swaggers theme hits.

I roll my eyes at his pathetic theme song. The lady finishes my last curl as Kayla comes into the room out of breath. I grin as she walks up to me.

" Kasey keep you?" I ask jokingly.

" Alright your all set." The lady says to me.

I get up and grin. Then Kayla gets her hair done as I walk out of the room. My nerves were acting up so much. As I walked down the hallway my knee high boots made noise.




" Here is your winner, Brock Lesnar!"

I hear from the tv. John Cena took one hell of a beating in that match. I get up from the couch as jim Ross announces that my match is coming up next. As I walk towards the gorilla the crew continues to get the ring ready. We were still under commercial as Kayla finally made it to the gorilla. Since I was the defender in the match I will walk out first. It's something they always do at paper view events. I take a deep breath as the lights come back on and the guys at the announce table start to talk again. Then I hear my song hit. I take a deep breath and enter the arena.

" Introducing the defending champion, from Nashville Tennessee, Tesa Orton!" Lillian says.

My song hits the chorus which is ' I feel so alive' and I raise my arms holding up both titles. I then continue into the ring and hand the divas title to the ref. Kayla's song hits and the crowd goes wild. She is introduced to the wwe universe. She then makes her way to ring. As she climbs the steel steps she glances at the object that contains the flames. Then she climbs into the ring. The ref raises the title above his head and the crowd screams. Then the stage crew lights the sides of the ring on fire. As soon as they lite I can feel the heat raising. All four sides of the ring is surrounded by flames.

As the bell rings that's when Kayla and I lock up in the center. I kick her in the stomach and try to send her running into the corner of the ring but she counters and does a DDT on me. I quickly roll to my feet as she tries to continue her attacks on me. As I ready myself to run at her Kayla then clenches both fists together on top of each other. She then strikes me hard in the gut knocking the wind out of me. She then grabs me by the neck and performs a neck breaker. As my face slams onto the mat the flames grow. I roll onto my back trying to get the will power to get up. As soon as I get enough energy Kayla then performs a standing shooting star press. She back flips onto me crushing my chest and a little of my stomach. My ribs screaming in pain as I roll onto my side. Kayla takes that to her advantage and kicks me in the back. That's when Iv had enough. I trip Kayla into a triangle choke and hold it tightly on her. Four minutes later I release her as her face hits the mat. She was almost out cold.

" Good." I say to myself.

I grab her by the throat and pick her up. I then chock slam her onto the mat hard. As she tries to recover I try to get my head to stop spinning. I grab Kayla and set her up for a diving DDT. I then execute then move perfectly. She rolls out of the way in pain. As I go to pick her up she starts to come back to life. I drop her and she lands on her legs. Before I even realize it I end up with a heel to the face. Kayla then sets me up so I'm sitting on the top rope . Bad move. That's when I wrap my arm around her neck like a choke hold and perform a backflip DDT. I force her to hit the mat hard on her back as I hit it face down. Both of us lay motionless in the ring. ( move is known as either 'Sliced bread #2' thanks to Brian Kendrick. Or 'Shiranui'".)

Two minutes later I pull myself up trying to ignore the powerful heat wave coming from the flames. I reach the top rope with my hand and pull myself to my feet. I watch Kayla and ready myself for a spear. As she stands herself up I launch myself at her. To my surprise though she dodges it and I hit the ring post. As I stumble backwards she grabs me and performs her signature move. I had nothing left.... I can't move anymore. Everything was screaming. Kayla pulls me up and sets her self up for a spinning DDT. At the last moment I push her out of the way and RKO her to the mat. It was a damn miracle that I pulled that out of my ass. I would have lost if I hadn't. I pull myself up and ready myself for one last attack. Once again Kayla gets up. I run at her but she catches me and suplexes me into the mat hard. Then after that she pulls me up again and does a spine buster. I was almost crying the pain was so bad.

I force myself up hearing the crowd scream and cheer. Kayla set me up. She grabbed me and did her finisher once again. She then picks me up. Every impact we make to the mat causes the flames to rise. I was honestly terrified. Kayla Irish whips me and then nails me. I hit the mat hard. This time not moving. Kayla pulls me up and then picks me up over her head. She walks over towards the ropes and the crowd screams. She throws me over and into the flames. I break the thing where the flames are and hit the ground. My body on fire as the crews rush to put me out. The bell rings as I get up in pain. Burns visible on my back.

" Here is your winner, and NEW divas champion, Kayla Summers!" Lillian announces. The ref hands her the title and she raises it high and proud.

I try to make it to the back where the doctors can assess the damage.




I walk into the locker room with my back covered in Aloe. I couldn't believe I lost. But hell, she put on one hell of a fight. And we put on one hell of a match.

As I put my attire in my bag I hear Kayla say something. That's when I look up.

" Huh?" I say.

She smiles.

" Two things. One, how's your back? And two, follow me." She says.

I wince but grin.

" I'll heal. Congrats on the win. You earned it." I said to her.

" Thanks. And you out one hell of a fight on out there too. Come on I wanna show you something." She switches shoulders with her title and then heads out of the room. I follow behind her into the catering area. The lights were off and I figured that the crew had already cleaned the room. As soon as I walked in though I hear ' SURPRISE!' And I jump.

" Happy birthday" a few of the girls said.

I look at Kayla and smile.

" Thank you Kayla! I don't know how I would ever repay you!" I say to her.

We party as the night goes on. Even once the show ended we all partied.

Authors note: vote and comment. Tell me if it was any good. Night! For the theme song I ended up using the 2003 vengeance song. I wanted to stay with the theme a little bit so I went back in time and found one that sounded cool. So Kay-KK I know your probably watching my Chase Elliott dominate the nationwide race. Lol just kidding. Harvick is but still. Hears the chapter we have been waiting for. I did a little research on moves too sooo yup enjoy!

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