First show back

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The drive was long and grueling to Atlanta. The hellcat luckily had ac that worked unlike a few other cars Dakota had been in. The rid had really allowed myself to think all of this crazy nonsense through. Thinking about re-risking my body for the entertainment of others. Was it really worth risking my life for it? I mean what is the difference from climbing into that car? From taking those corners drifting through the dirt.

" Hell I risk my life every time I get in that car... what the hell is the difference." Dakota cut through the silence as the radio navigation beeped at a turn.

Turning right, Dakota pulled into the lot that was lined with random motor homes and haulers. The guys were still outside unloading one of the trailers for the show. The purr of the hellcat caught the eyes of most of them. The whine as she tapped the gas was enough to make everyone aware she was back. John cena and herself both were known for having nice cars.

Climbing out and grabbing my bag out of the trunk, I could hear people yelling from the fence at the other end of the lot. There were tons of camera flashes and a lot of others trying to get the so called right shot. Giving a soft smile, I grab hold of my back and shut the trunk. The car let out a honk as I began to walk away towards the doors where the loading dock was.

Pushing the door open, the hallway was busy with the crews trying to finish the setups. Talent were just showing up as they used the hallway and small alleys between sets as a travel space. In the distance I could hear the pyrotechnics going off as they are setting up for the opener.

" Well I suppose we could always go after Kurt instead of playing games." A familiar voice spoke. I was walking towards the locker room as I caught sight of not one, but both Hardy boys. My eyes widened as I came to a stop looking at them.

" Ah, can I help you?" Matt said as Jeff looked over.

I stood in silence for a few moments before swallowing away my nerves.

" Your both... here... but how is that possible?!" I asked in a surprised tone.

When I first started, they both had just left and gone over to TNA. Matt had screwed with Jeff's fireworks, burning him and sending him an a hiatus for awhile. I can still remember Jeff showing up on TNA as willow....

" We have been back. It's called they are desperate for views to go up and we are a huge hit." Matt spoke as he stared me down.

I laughed for a moment without a care. Crossing my arms, I spoke in a tone that showed that I really was not interested.

" As long as you two don't go hurting each other again to try and get the universe interested again... that was embarrassing." I stopped talking and shifted my bag from one shoulder to the other.

Jeff stood up straight and pushed his hair backwards.

"Excuse me?" His tone was serious as he looked at me.

I shrugged and turned my back as I walked towards the talents director. I had finally picked out a new theme and a new look. No more dark and Erie like taker. Now I'll be myself, my own.

Knocking on the door, I waited a moment and then opened it. Mark was talking with some stage crew as I mustered my way in and sat down. I dug through my bag and pulled out a piece of paper. Laying it on the top of his laptop I settled into the chair and crossed my arms.

Their conversation lasted a good time before finally Mark came over and sat down. Picking up the paper he glanced over and the looked back at the paper.

" So new lighting? Are we still going with purple." He asked first.

I shook my head and spoke.

" let's go with red and a golden orange."

Mark took down the note and continued reading. He continued to write away on the paper.

" Interesting song choice. I hope it suites you well. As for the new attire. What do you want it to look like?" Mark put the paper down and looked at her.

" I'm going to lose the pants this time and go with something fresh and new. The bikini look was so old. I want something fresh and new. The colors can be red or purple. I have to keep something that will let my skin look pale." I put my arm down after trying to play with a strand of hair that was floating around my face.

Mark nodded and picked the phone up. He called the costume maker and began telling him what I wanted. He also added in a few other things and then after five minutes, hung up.

" alright. You are all set. You for now will continue causing Ronda hell till everything else is settled. Your paper work was approved a few days ago back at headquarters. You past your drug test, no surprise there. I'd say just sit back and watch the fireworks. We've got nothing planned for you this week. And do NOT go out there during Ronda's match...."

Mark was stern and demanding when he spoke the last few words. He sat up straight and stared me down for a moment before I finally nodded and sighed.

" I've changed. It's not like I'm going to invade her space. Not yet of course." Was my last words before getting up from the chair rather annoyed and I began walking towards the door.

"At least tell me when we have things for me to do. I could be working on my late model tonight instead of watching the kids play in the ring..." I muttered before opening the door and closing it behind me.

Annoyed and frustrated, I walked to the viewing room and sat down to watch the show.




Watching Ronda fight only made me want to go out there even more. And that's when an idea popped into my head.

Getting up and leaving the remote aside on a table, I walked into the make up area for a quick touch up. Within five minutes, I was set and ready. Fixing my shirt, I gave the thumbs up and that's when I heard my new song.

The crowd cheered over the lyrics as I stepped forwards out of the gorilla. Tonight it was Ronda against Mia. I don't favor either in the match.. but mark did not say I couldn't sit by the commentators and watch.

-Intro song

-They see you as small and helpless,

They see you as just a child,

Surprise when they find out,

That a warrior will soon run wild,

Prepare for your greatest moments,

Prepare for your finest hour,

The dream that you've always dreamed is suddenly about to flower.....- (This will be the day, Jeff williams & Casey Lee williams)

The music cut and went silent but the lights continued to dance across the arena. I was not dressed to fight. But my street clothes were good enough. I never was the one to dress nice for anything. I honestly had on a t shirt with a 619 on it and some jeans. My knee high boots tied it all in. Lifting a microphone to my lips I spoke as they both were now watching me.

" Just keep doing what y'all were doing. I promise I won't interfere. I just want a small close up on the action." I handed the mic off to a crew guy hiding behind a few black boxes. Making my way down the ramp, both tried to continue the fight. But every so often they would catch a glimpse of me just for Saftey. It was understandable taking it Mia used to see how I acted way back when. But now I have changed. I may be an Orton but I'm not as crazy as my father.

They locked back up as I sat down beside jerry and JBL. Neither had seen me in ages. Jerry was just happy to have a girl beside him again. Things had changed so much. Back in the day we were treated as objects that just kept the guys watching. Now even jerry respected us instead of flirting and commenting comments that were not necessary.

" Well this is a surprise to have you here." Jerry said as I had put a head set on.

Shaking his hand and giving him a friendly hug, we talked while JBL watched the match.

" I was growing bored back stage so I decided to come out here and get a closer look. Why sit on my ass back stage and watch it on a screen when I could come out here for free and watch it live?" I made a valid point.

JBL then broke in talking about how the girls were doing, trying to keep himself to the script since in reality I was not supposed to be out there. So that's when I went along with it.

" It's been awhile since I've seen Mia in the ring. I'm proud of where she has brought herself. Her moves are flawless now. And her attitude has changed so much. I would love to see her win tonight." Playing my game to try to get into Ronda's head, I continued to talk great about a past enemy of mine.

" Well we also have to add in that Ronda has been doing well too Tesa. Both girls have been fighting hard to get a chance to go after that title." Jerry added in cutting me off before I could talk once more.

My focus grew as the fight continued. Mia performed a few aerial moves that had caused me to raise an eyebrow. She had really grown up and adapted to the new girls. I honestly was proud of her.

"Oh! And Ronda with a sphere!!! Mia was caught in mid air and sphered into the mat!" Jerry yelled as Mia rolled onto her side looking almost like it really hurt.

That's when I saw the blood streaming down her cheek from the corner of her mouth. My eyes widened as she coughed and the stream grew to a puddle.




The referee counted as Ronda then dropped Mia and stood up. My eyes shifted from Mia who was now being tended too, to Ronda who was pointing at me.

She was yelling at me but with the music, crowd and everything else, I couldn't hear it. Taking the head set off, I got up and watched her with a stern look. She was frustrated and pissed off.

"Get out of here!" I yelled back at her as she continued to taunt me.

Ronda grew annoyed and turned her head towards Mia who the doctors had now sitting up. They were holding a small bucket under her mouth were blood still was falling from.

Ronda walked over to Mia and grabbed hold of the doctor. Throwing him over the ropes, she then grabbed hold of Mia and lifted her by the neck.

" This will be your ass in a few weeks!" Ronda yelled before lifting Mia up high. She squeezed tighter on Mia's neck.

Her skin color was changing as Mia went from screaming and trying to get away, to almost losing conciseness.

"Ronda put her down!" I yelled as thoughts raced through my head.

Finally I couldn't stand anylonger. Running towards the ring, Ronda tossed Mia away and readied herself. Sliding under the bottom ropes, I gritted my teeth as my head connected with her lower abdomen. I ran, pushing her hard into a corner, the turn buckles shifted under our weight. Hearing her take a hard breath, I wrapped my hands around the ropes and tightly gripped them. Ramming my head into her stomach again, she coughed as if the wind was knocked out of her.

"You.. never hurt others to prove a damn point..." my voice traveled loud enough to be heard through the first few rows of fans.

Taking a deep breath, my grip loosened and had left me vulnerable. It was obvious as well when I opened my eyes and just barley caught sight of Ronda's knee coming up fast. Moving, she just caught the side of my face. Stumbling backwards I could feel something wet across my face. Lifting my right arm, I wiped away the right half of my face seeing the red substance on the top of my hand.

Ronda smirked as she pushed off the turn buckles and started walking towards me. My hands had quickly formed fists as she walked swiftly at me.

"Your done Orton..." was the last words I remember coming out of her mouth.

Ronda's leg moved so fast that I could not get out of her way. It connected hard with the side of my head and I dropped to my knees with the world around me spinning and coming in and out. Her foot came down causing the mat to shake. Then a few steps later she was in front of me, standing tall with a straight face. The smirk was gone, the angry look also gone. Ronda was in the zone as she grabbed my hair and lifted me upwards.

"Ronda put her down now!" Kurt angles tone was stern and filled with frustration.

Ronda turned around looking at Kurt, she demanded a microphone from the crew. And that's exactly what she got.

"How about you keep this old ass hoe out of my ring!" She demanded before tossing me aside.

As I hit the mat, everything went dark... and it grew silent.



. Authors note:

Chapter two is now done. I will try to follow the real timeline but I think it's fun to make up my own. Gives me more entertainment. Anyways leave a comment and tell me how your liking it so far. It has been a long road and finally getting back into this has been hard. But I'm going to keep at it.

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