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The R.I.O.T's been growing day after day right under their noses, and they had no idea. An ally, a friend, and they had no freaking idea. Now, it was too late. Orders were to take out the Gotham branch of the R.I.O.T., take their head and torture information out of him, to see where the main operation of this rebellion group was. There was no way that Nightwing could resist without loosing his own authority within the Justice Lord's headquarters and giving himself away.

Plus, Nightwing viewed this as a great opportunity to do some... research and expanding. This rebellion group has been way more successful than his and Red Robin's own Resistance. This R.I.O.T. branch alone had about as many members as the Resistance's entire operation, and the R.I.O.T was rumored to have at least another hundred similar branches across the Quarters. Gotham was the only branch that was known to the Lords, and it was only discovered recently. If Nightwing somehow managed to communicate to them, to talk to this leader and show them that he was on their side and against the Lords, he and the Resistance could suddenly be part of a much larger rebellion group. They might actually have a chance.

Currently, they had already executed a majority of their plan, and now all that was left was actually capturing the head of the Gotham operations. Half of the group, Nightwing included, were chasing said head through the muddy, dark, and in Nightwing's opinion, overused sewers of Gotham's underground. Seriously, why couldn't they chase the 'bad' guy through the flowery field of Arendell or something?

Said leader's identity was unknown. He was suspected to be this guy named "Randal Cornwall", and Nightwing did a lot of research on the guy, but there seemed to be no reason that this "Randal" would start a rebellion group. He was a regular middle-aged man who lived in the outer farming land of Bludhaven, meaning that his life had little to no change when the Lords took over. Even if he did have reason, there was no way that he had the same amount of training and physical ability that the man they were currently chasing now had, so Nightwing suspected that that theory was wrong. He wasn't sure what led Superman to have him as a suspect in the first place.

The other half of the group were stationed at the only exits this sewer system had. The man ran right for one of the exits, like suspected, and Damian easily swung down from his hidden perch and wrestled the man to the ground. It took a while, but after a couple of shots fired from Stephanie, the man was too injured to continue fighting.

Damian made an odd sound from the back of his throat, like a dissatisfied whine, and said, "You. I was not expecting that."

At first Nightwing had the silly thought that it was Tim, like he might have started his own rebellion group, but found that idea ridiculous because Red Robin was stationed at one of the many exits, and this man was much too big for Tim's build.

Nightwing walked up behind Damian and looked down at the man who was sagging against the wall, holding one of the various bullet wound shots that had hit his side. Nightwing tensed as the one single eye narrowed in a glare. Nightwing could practically feel the smirk under the black and orange mask.

Deathstroke gave a breathy chuckle and said, "Would you expect anything less?"



i forgot i had these written

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