Anne Boleyn- Criminal (c)

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Six The Musical One Shot

You were Anne's lady's maid and her best friend. You had worked for her for many years and cared about her dearly, and even though you were from different worlds, it was as though she was your sister. You were willing to support and take care of her wherever you could, but you never thought you would see the day where she was being arrested and taken for execution.

Anne was stood before her husband Henry, her wrists held behind her in shackles with guards at her sides. Henry had accused her of multiple affairs, none of which he had proof of past word of mouth but everyone knew that he had found another woman he wished to marry and wished for Anne to be removed from the situation. He had found many issues in divorcing his first wife, no matter what he did Catherine would always be in his life due to his eldest daughter Mary and he doubted he would be able to rid Anne either due to their daughter Elizabeth. It would be a lot easier for him to just have her killed, whether it was just or not.

"You will be taken to the tower until your execution date," he stated. "I haven't decided when it shall be."

You knew that she didn't love her husband, she never had, and you knew she had had an affair, but Henry had as well. No part of you could cope with seeing her be killed for wanting love that she would never get from her husband.

"Take her away."

It was your only chance. You took a step forward, gaining the attention of guards who rushed to stop you from approaching the King.

"Your majesty," you called out. "Please may I speak."

He narrowed his eyes at you. "Be quick."

"Your wife is innocent," you stated. "I had an affair with a nobleman, and she covered for me. It would bring him far more shame to be known to have been with me than a Queen. If I were to ever find a husband, then I needed my virtue to seem pure and she helped me protect that. If anyone should be punished it should be me."

You could see the anger grow within him. He cared little for the truth, but he wanted rid of his wife. You had ruined it however as you had brought question to her guilt in front of many.

"You would risk your life for her?" He asked.

"I have been Anne's lady's maid since she was in the French Court. She is the closest person to me, and I cannot see her die for a crime she did not commit. If you wish to punish an adulterer, then you cannot as I am not wed but I am the one who sought a married man and acted as a whore. It may not be as serious of a crime as adultery, but I must accept the punishment of my tarnished virtue along with what you see fit for me, your majesty," you lied.

He let out a sigh, before waving to the guards that held onto Anne. They undid her shackles, releasing her from her fate. Without hesitation they approached you and shackled your wrists.

"Take her to the jail to be held," the King stated. "I guess this means we shall need to find you a new maid."

Henry had turned to Anne with an almost gleeful smile before you were dragged from the room to be held amongst prisoners for a crime you had never committed.


Written by Charlotte.

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