Evan Hansen- First Day (c)

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Dear Evan Hansen One Shot

Starting a new school was never ideal but when it was a month into senior year in an unfamiliar town and you were now the new kid, you had been dreading the first day rolling around. You honestly didn't mind school, you were academic and liked the work given, however you weren't a fan of the people. Every school was the same, and no matter which you were at, other students intimidated you and left you an anxious mess, just wishing to be back home in the safety of your room. Nevertheless, you were abandoned at the school office to be told about the school before being left to continue on with your day and integrate yourself, even if everyone had already made friends years prior and you were going to awkwardly stick out like a sore thumb.

Your first stop was the library to get all of the books that you would need and hadn't been able to buy your own copy of yet. There were more books that you could comfortably carry, so with the scrap piece of paper on top that had your locker code on it, you made your way to figure out where it was so that you could relieve your newly forming back pain. Distracted by checking your locker number and the numbers of the lockers in the current hallway, you didn't notice that there was anyone else there with you, having expected to be alone due to it being the middle of first period, which you'd been excused from to gain your bearings. Without paying attention, you walked straight into the person, your books going everywhere, along with their belongings.

Luckily you didn't join your books on the floor, neither did the boy whom you bumped into. Both of your faces became bright red as you fell to the floor attempting to gather your own stuff and help the other.

"I... I am so sorry," he whispered.

You tried to smile at him, but you were far too nervous and were terrified to speak to him.

"I... urm..."

How did people manage to make conversation with other human beings? You wished that you had been able to pay attention to your surroundings, allowing just an awkward head nod or smile rather than now needing to apologise for your idiocy.

"I'm sorry," you croaked. "I... I wasn't... erm... paying attention."

He paused for a moment, handing you one of your books, quickly realising how close he was to you before jumping back and moving onto his feet.

"It's okay," he whispered, avoiding eye contact as you made your way back onto your feet, now with your arms filled with books again.

"I... erm... I'm new... I can't find my locker."

His cheeks still red, he looked up at you, briefly holding eye contact.

"Would you... maybe... erm... do you want some help?"

You silently nodded your head unable to form any words as you offered him the scrap piece of paper with your locker number on it, not caring that it also had the pass number on it too.

"Erm... I'm Evan," he smiled weakly.

"Y/N," you said with a pained tone, allowing yourself to follow him, scared for further conversation but slightly reassured by the fact that he seemed socially anxious too.


Written by Charlotte.

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