Kurt Kelly- Keys (a)

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Heathers The Musical One Shot

You placed the books from your locker into your rucksack and slung it over your shoulder, the cold steel of the locker's door slammed shut to reveal both Ram and Kurt behind it, leaning against the long row of storage with their usual shit-eating grins plastered onto their faces.

"Hey you." Kurt pushed himself off of the locker to stand by your side, followed slowly by Ram.

"Don't you have somebody else to harass? Isn't Veronica your little conquest at the moment?" Ram brushed off your comment with a casual 'pfft' and they both continued with their advances.

"She's gone off with that weird douchebag in the long coat... But let's not worry about those two." Ram tried to rub your arm, he was quickly thwarted with a quick slap on the hand.

"Don't think I don't love these unwanted advances, but I really must be going, classes and all, anyway... I'm sure no matter how much I pray against it I'll see you around later?" You tried to walk away but Ram's hand rooted itself into the metal in front of you, preventing you from walking any further.

"Come on, don't go yet. Me and Ram over here pitched in to get you a Christmas present and everything, we really think you're gonna love it!" Kurt reached a hand into his varsity jacket and pulled out a small ring box, decorated with a purple bow that was taped to the top, they both bent down onto one knee and Kurt held the box in his open palm. To save them from any further embarrassment and out of sheer charity you plucked the box from his hand and lifted the lit, inside and sat on a velvety cushion, two keys lay flat inside.

"Do you like it?"

"Maybe if you tell me what it is?"

"That babe, is the key to our pants, you should feel proud, we don't just hand these out to everybody you know."

"Your right, I am in the very small minority of people that have a pulse, unfortunately, I have enough senses to know that you are both pieces of shit so... You know, win some and lose some." Not so gently, you tossed the box back to Ram, who came very close to not catching it. "Maybe next time just try with a box of chocolates or something, maybe try somebody else with that one though, im sure there are plenty of people with standards low enough, don't give up champ."


Written by Aaron.

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