Izzy? please.. I need you

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~~~more on my little characters going on inside my head~~ and its sad. GETTING MY ANGST ON

the battle had been won. several lay dead or dying. others were injured. the healer was doing the best she could to help but she was only one among many. a little ways away from the main group a fourteen year old boy rushed over to where a teenage girl lay, injured and unconscious. "ASHAKA! over here QUICK!!" Jack yelled to the healer. not a second later Ashaka was at his side. "oh my!" she exclaimed. "not Izzy, please not Izzy!" she pulled out her herbs and medicine in an attempt to ease the girls pain. her eyes were filled with panic as she worked. Ahsaka and Izzy were friends. the type of friend that you could tell anything too. and yet, Izzy lay dying, and there was nothing that they could do about it . "Izzy...Izzy!" Jack yelled at her limp form. "you can't die! Izzy? please..I need you" he murmured to her, tears streaming down his face. "Jack.." Ashaka started. "you can save her." he looked over at where the young healer shifted nervously"how" he asked. " there's...an old legend." she said slowly, as if the thought of it scared her."what is it?" she sighed. "you are a true believer. right?" "what's that?" "a true believer is someone summoned by peter pan himself. not by his shadow, or the stars that guard the entrance to our dimension." "then yeah i am." he responded. numb, yet curious where this was going. "then it might work. the legend says that if a true believer truly cares for another of his kind. he can give himself to that person. save them." "then what are we waiting for?" he retorted impatiently. could she get on with it? "jack if you give half your life force to Izzy, that means that if she dies, you die. if you die she dies. if you get hurt, she will feel your pain. and the other way around." she warned me, eyes wide with fear. "i'll do it. anything for her. anything to see her smile again." he said with passion and faithfulness. " i WILL NOT LET HER DIE." and with that he gently put a hand on her chest and imagined himself giving up his spirit for her. almost immediately, he began to feel drained. if he hadn't already been kneeling he would have fallen over. as he grew weaker and weaker, he could feel Izzy's breath growing stronger, her wounds fading. a slight glow began to form between the two friends. buzzing filled the air and as Jack collapsed next to Eliza's side, her ever changing eyes fluttered open. suddenly she sat up, gasping for breath. Ashaka pushed her back down. "rest. you need it," she whispered to her and got up to tend to the others. "Your alive!" i managed. " I thought I might never see you again!"" Thanks to you I can," " you need rest" I murmured. "So do you idiot" she muttered back weakly. and right before you the darkness consumed me, i saw her smile and close her eyes.

HI! did you feel the feels? sorry if anything didn't make sense. if you have questions just ask. i hope i made you feel da feels, i may be no J. K. Rowling but i can try!

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