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Imma doing it!! I'm gonna write how Jack found 'neverland' and his life before all this adventurous stuff and meeting Izzy/Eliza :3 did anyone catch that in my last story? Huh??
Oh well. If you didn't YOU DID NOW!!

" I'm home!" Jack yelled into the emptiness. No answer. He hadn't expected one. He kept hoping though. He walked in and dumped his backpack on the couch. He heavy books inside made it creak. Books were his only comfort now. They whisked him from the harsh reality to a world of wonder and fantasy. But they weren't fantasy to Jack. They were real. They were doorways. He looked around his small dark room. Great he thought. The power is gone again. He glanced around and walked over to the power control. Ever since his parents had died life had gone down hill from there. First the car crash that had taken his parents from him. Then a harsh three years at the orphanage. Followed by several abusive families. Only last year had Jack put his foot down and had ran away. Now he lived in a small abandoned apartment with hardly any power, no clean water, and no hygienic necessities.

The lights flicked and came on. Quickly so not to waste any precious light, he opened the books and began to read. Jack hadn't come to school in a year so whenever he could get his hands on anything he devoured the words. Jack opened up his most recent escape Percy Jackson and the Olympians. He loved the magic and mythology in it. He would give anything to visit Percy and help him fight the Minotaur. Or assist Grover in his hunt for Pan. The 'fictional' stories were his favorite. He already believed that monsters walked the earth disguised as humans. Because of that he had steered clear of everyone all day.

~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~

Jack set his book down with a sigh. I was 11:39. He should be in bed. Or at least his lame excuse for one. Instead he grabbed his empty back pack, threw a couple of his favorites into it, and a few of his belongings.  He didn't know why. He NEVER took his pack onto the roof with him, but a little voice told him to do it. Once in the roof he stared at the sky. Stars lit up the night. He smiled to himself. " bob says hello" he whispered. Walking to the edge he swung his feet over the side and instantly began to swing them back and forth like a little kid. To be honest, he had always felt a little special, in some way at least.his mom had always called him special. Mom... a tear slid down his cheek. Dad... his dad had called him 'little light'. " your gonna light up the world kiddo! Never let anyone dull it cause one day your gonna chase away the dark" his dad had said to him.

Jack POV

pressed my hand to my face. When i pulled back it was wet. Not again please, please....
A racking sob shook my body. Nonono not again! But i was too late. The panic attack came faster than a hailstorm. My breath quickened. My heart rate went up. Calm calm PLEASE CALM i thought desperately. A minute later the panic attack left me.Stupid PTSD i said to myself bitterly.
" why.. Why...WHY!" I yelled to the darkness standing up in my anger and resentment. " because the world is cruel" a voice said behind me. I jumped and almost fell of the roof. " sorry!!! I don't mean to startle you!! Ugh I need to work on that one, Peter." The boy smiled. "Excuse me?" I responded, crossing my arms. " peter that's my name."  I glanced at him hope filling me." Like....oh I don't know.... PETER PAN" I nearly shouted. " ohmyforceohmyforceohmyforce!!" I yelled! This is a dream come true." Peter laughed. " yep the one and only" he said with a bow. " why are you here!! Are you looking for lost boys? Wendy? John? Hook?" " yes to the first no to the rest. I squealed. In my head though.   I am a fanboy but I can't do this now. It might ruin the chance of a lifetime. " Jack... listen. I know it's excite but think. Never land is... different. You have to leave forever. Probably never to return." " oh" I muttered. That put it in a different light. Looking back I replayed the memories. No. I wasn't staying. This place hadn't given me anything. NOTHING. It hadn't shown love, acceptance, or even acknowledged that Jack O'brien existed. " I'm coming. This place means nothing to me. " what are we waiting for!"with that he kept off the roof and soared up to the stars. I started to calm after him and then stopped. No I had to figure this out for myself. I stood at the edge of the roof and looked down. A hard fall. Then I looked up. Peter was getting farther away. Shutting my eyes tight. I lept off into the unknown.

Keep going

I opened my eyes. I was hovering half way between the ground and the top of the building. I yelped and jumped back but I still was flying. " THIS IS AMAZING!!" I yelled and willed myself upward. " Woah!" I went faster faster faster! My heart soared for the first time in forever. And with jack by my side we soared towards the brightest star. The second star to the right. I never looked back.

What's up! How'd ya like it! I'm sorry for any POV changes in the story. I tried. Couple puns and references in there :3  comment and tell me what you thought!

Ps should I continue? I've got the rest of the origins in my head. It's when he meets izzy and all that. Should I? Yay or na?

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