The Cousins arrive.

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It was a bright and beautiful morning in Dubai. everyone woke up and gto ready to welcome the guests.

Maitha went down stairs and opened the shop, Even though the shop is usually opened  hour later. Maryam,Mubina,and Mira came with their belongings and were greeted by Maitha and her daughters. they got dressed and began to help out, they would get payed 16 US dollars an hour each.

The girls came in and we all began to clean the shop and the customers began to flood in. As evryone began to help out and serve the customers. A fimilar face walked in to the Cafe. It was my former classmate Sultan.

I saw my mom go up to him and greet him, I just giggled , my mom is a very energetic person. I was at the counter cleaning the casher. I looked at a photo with me and my family, my dad was in the picture smiling. I
miss him so much. I snapped out of my trance when I heard a gunshot.

" This is a robbery gimme all your money now!" Demanded the theif. " Like heck it is." said Moza . "Hey enough, who do you think your messing with huh?" the guy then pointed his gun at Sultan. Suddenly I heard Uncle jassim's voice: Turn yourself in, we have the area surrounded. The guy  shot his gun at Sultan and I used my bracelet to push him out of the way. Then the police barged in and arrested the man. Umi bargedin and hugged us both tight.

At dinner .
After finished eating, I got a call  from an unknown number." Asalamualaikum, who is this?"
" Waalaikumusalam It's me Zoom remember." " Oh hey , Long time no see, so why did you call me?"  We kept chatting until he asked me if he could bring his teammates tommorow for lunch again. I just chuckled , (sigh) he was so silly. I agreed and we bid eachother goodbye.

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