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Chapter ten
Story's Apartment
Delilah's POV:
Thunderclaps brought noise to the world again. Rain poured in the streets and it was nice to be able to talk a bit. "Which one is it?" Samira asked. Dakota jumped in a puddle and pointed to a building. "How far up?" "Fifth floor." I told Samira. As we entered the building it was nice to be out of the rain. The orange and white kitten in Eric's arms seemed to enjoy it was no longer in the rain. A small mew came from the kitten. "We'll get you some food. Don't worry." I talked sweet to the cat. Eric's lips curved upwards at my voice. "What number?" Sam called out as we got to the fifth floor. "507." Dakota said as she stopped in front of the door. Samira knocked on it lightly. It was a minute or so before the door opened. "Max?" Story whispered. Dakota immediately threw her arms around Story. Story jumped and almost dropped her walking stick. "D-Dakota?" She gasped. I stepped forward and said "hi, Story." "Delilah. Dakota. Is Eric with you?" "I'm here, Story." Story smiled really big and said "you're all here. Are you guys ok?" "We need a place to stay. Can we stay here?" Dakota asked. Story rubbed the young girl's back and said "of course. Please come in." The group walked into her apartment. "We have some others with us. You remember Blake don't you?" I said. Story nodded and said "yes. Of course." "And then there's Haisley and Samira. Samira has her cat Frodo with her." Story held her hand out and said "hello, Samira." She awaited for Sam to shake her hand. Sam took her hand and shook it. Story smiled and Samira said "hello." Story nodded and then said "hello, Haisley." "Hi." Story used her walking stick and went to sit down in a chair. "Story, I've got something for you." Eric dug in my bag and pulled out the chocolates. He set the box in her hands and she gasped. "You brought them?" "I did. I figured we could come check on you. If we were still alive. We made it." Story smiled really big and said "thank you, Eric. Thank you, Delilah." "Anything for you, Story." I noticed her husband was missing. I was sure he wouldn't have just left her. "Where's Max?" Story shrugged and said "he went to get some supplies. He said he'd be right back." "How long ago was that?" Eric said. Story looked up and said "about an hour? He had to go to the drugstore. It's far from us when you have to walk. But it's a short drive when you're able to drive. It's a specific one we like to go to." Dakota gave Story another hug. Story hugged the young girl and said "how are you? You're ok?" "Yeah. Eric and Delilah have been protecting me." Eric half smiled and I felt my heart warm at the mention of us. "Where'd you guys come from? You're sopping wet." Story said. "The subway. It was uh flooded. We had to go through it." Eric said. Story stood up and said "I have some dry clothes if you guys want them. While your clothes dry. I'm sure Max won't mind, Eric. And if the rest of you need any clothes, you're more than welcome to look through my closet. It might be a lot of dresses though. Sorry for that." "Thank you, Story. I appreciate that." I told her. I dug through my backpack and grabbed a pair of fresh clothes for Dakota. "Dakota, go change." My sister took the stack of clothes and disappeared. Eric and I went to Story's bedroom and he shrugged off the heavy sport coat. He hung it up in the shower. He also took off the sopping wet slippers. I looked through Story's closet and sighed softly. I picked out a white dress that went to the knee. It was a lounging type dress. Eric stood next to me and grabbed a navy blue sweater and some sweatpants. "I'm gonna change. I'll be right back." I told him. Eric nodded and I closed the bedroom door behind me so he could change. I went into the guest bathroom to peel off my wet clothes. I quickly took them off. I was freezing. I put on a fresh pair of panties and slid the dress on. I looked at myself in the mirror and noticed how my curls were going every direction. I groaned and looked around for some conditioner. I grabbed the bottle and slathered it into my hair. I was hoping it would tame my frizzy hair. I then pulled my hair up into a ponytail. I set my wet clothes in the bathtub to dry, trying to wring them out as best I could. I then left the bathroom and walked into the living room. "Did you find something to wear?" Story asked. I looked at her and said "yes. I have one of your dresses on." Dakota giggled and said "you look pretty." I gladly took the compliment. "Thank you." She smiled and I went to sit on the couch. "There's some food in the kitchen. Max made some dinner a couple of hours ago. Please help yourselves." Eric came out of Story's bedroom. The fuzzy navy sweater looked unbelievably good on him. Dakota walked into the kitchen and looked around at the food Max had made. I was hungry but far too exhausted to get up from the couch. I felt the couch dip next to me and saw Eric. "Want me to get you some food?" I nodded at him and he gave me a smile before going into the kitchen.

Blake's POV:
I watched Eric look longingly at my best friend. Haisley and I went into the spare bedroom to change. Haisley sighed and said "I'm glad we're somewhere safe. The subway was really scary. I felt bad for Eric." I thought back to when he was having a panic attack. He could hardly breathe. "Yeah, it was really bad. I felt horrible for him." My back was to Haisley as I changed out of my wet clothes. "I'm also shocked none of us have sustained any injuries yet. I'm dreading when that happens. But I'm going to make sure to help everyone when the time comes. I don't want anything to happen to any of us. Especially Dakota and Frodo." I finished getting dressed and Haisley did the same. "Are you scared?" I asked. Haisley nodded. "Yeah. It's going to suck when we have to go back to being quiet. This is so hard. Why did the end of the world have to be so quiet?" The both of us sat on the bed. "We've literally almost died so many times." I added. Haisley pulled her hair into a ponytail and sighed. "Haisley." I said. She looked at me and I took a breath before saying what I was about to say. "I know we've been working at the flower shop for a few months now and I never though the end of the world would make me say these words. Working with you has been amazing and I've loved being around you. I also think you're gorgeous and a kickass female." Haisley laughed softly. "I swear I'm in love with you. You're amazing. I've tried to see myself with other people and the girl with the orange and pink hair floats in my mind. You've always been so kind and I would rather tell you this than possibly die without telling you." Haisley smiled really big and said "I really like you too. You're so amazing and I totally agree about not telling you. If you died and I didn't get to tell you I'd hate myself forever. I'm also ninety percent sure we're not the only romance that's blossoming." I thought about Eric and my best friend. "Yeah I'm pretty sure there's something happening there." We both giggled softly and Haisley said "can I kiss you now?" I nodded and Haisley leaned in and I cupped her cheek. Haisley then placed a sweet kiss on my lips. I slowly moved my lips against hers, Haisley smiling into the kiss. The both of us smiled really big. "We should probably go and get some food. I've seen Eric when he's hungry and he doesn't look it but that man eats!" I said. Haisley laughed and said "I bet." The two of us walked into the living room and Dakota already had a plate of food. Story did as well. Delilah leaned her head on Eric's arm while holding onto it at rhe same time. I watched him make her a plate of the vegetables. "Could I have some more potatoes?" Delilah asked. "You want more? I've scooped almost the whole pot, darling." Eric replied. Delilah looked up at him and said "I really like potatoes." Eric chuckled and Haisley said "they're yearning." "Yes, they are." I said. The both of us looked at each other before stifling a laugh.

Delilah's POV:
"Thank you." I thanked Eric as he handed me my plate. "Of course." I took it and went to sit at the table. "How bad is it? Everything outside?" Story asked. "It's pretty bad. Everything is destroyed." Samira said. A loud thunderclap made everyone in the room jump. Eric held his hand over his heart. "That scared the hell out of me." He muttered. "You ok?" Dakota said. Eric nodded and said "yeah, I'm good Kota." Story ate her food and seemed to be happy we were all here. Eric sat down next to me with a large quantity of chicken on his plate. "I think you might need some more chicken." I said as I nudged Eric. Eric rolled his eyes and said "piss off, Lilah." I smiled to myself and Eric said "if you eat any more potatoes you might become one." I gasped playfully and then ate a fork full of the boiled potatoes on my plate. Haisley and Blake sat down across from us. I took a sip of water and was loving the fact I was eating some warm food. I hadn't eaten in a while. None of us had. We kind of scarfed the food down. After I had a full belly my mind started to wander. Eric took everyone's plate. "Eric, you don't have to." Story said. Eric looked over his shoulder as he walked. "Might as well while the rain is still here. We won't be able to make a sound soon." My heart sank at the thought of having to be quiet again. I wished the rain would last forever if it meant I got to hear Eric's voice. I'd heard it for months before this but not being able to talk to him during such a difficult situation was slowly killing me. Dakota went over to Eric and whispered something to him. He quirked an eyebrow and said "are you serious?" "Shh! It's our secret. I'm telling you something." She replied. Samira went to lay on the couch, curling up with a throw blanket. I walked over to her and sat on the floor. "You doing ok?" I asked. Sam shook her head. "I need my medicine. It's getting bad. We might need to find something tomorrow. I'm in a lot of pain." I frowned and said "I'm so sorry, Samira." She half smiled and said "it is what it is. I know I'm going to die." I shook my head and said "please don't say that, Sam." Frodo rubbed up against the small orange and white kitten I'd found. The two cats were lying on a chair across the room. Samira smiled at them and I did the same. "Eric!" Dakota squealed a little too loudly. Eric shushed her and said "even though there's rain we still have to be a little quiet." "Sorry. Sorry." She apologized. Eric handed her a plate to dry and she quickly dried it. I took in Eric's features. His brown eyes sparkled from across the room even though there was barely any light. His curls seemed to be even curlier from getting his hair wet. "You better tell him." Sam said. I immediately looked at her and said "tell him what." "Delilah, I can see how much you like him. Tell Eric. You might not get a chance to." I looked down and said "I don't think I'm his type." "Why?" I shrugged and didn't answer. "Delilah, he looks at you like you're his whole world." "No way. It's because we're in the end of the world. It's because there isn't anyone else. He's settling." Sam hit my shoulder. Hard. I grabbed my shoulder and said "ow." "That man is not settling. All he talked about was you when we first met. He was separated from you and your group. All he cared about was you. Eric cried because he wasn't with you. In the moment I didn't care and I wanted him to go away. But after literally stumbling across you guys and seeing how he was with you and you with him...he needs you just as much as you need him. And he wants you just as much as you want him." Samira finished. I looked at Eric who playfully pushed Dakota out of his way. I played with the hem of my dress that rested on my thighs. "Tell him." I took a breath and made sure Samira was comfortable before slowly walking over to Eric. "Hey, could I talk to you?" Eric nodded and I led him back into Story's bedroom. I closed the door behind us and the two of us sat on the bed. "You ok?" Eric asked. I nodded and said "I just need to tell you something. I'm terrified to say it. I don't know what you'll think but in case one of us dies-" "No. that's not going to happen. I promise. I've got you. I've got you, Lilah." Small tears welled up into my eyes. "Eric, I think I've liked you since the day I met you. You were so caring and so so sweet. You never treated me with disrespect. You always helped me with the shop. And when you were gone those couple of weeks, it broke my heart. I thought you were going to leave. It hurt. And now we're in this situation where any one of us could die. And I don't want to possibly die without telling you this. I like you, Eric. I might even love you. And if you don't feel the same that's ok. Just don't leave me. I know I'm not as pretty as other girls and you could do so much better. So much better than me. So, there it is. I like you, Eric. A lot." Eric looked at me and then looked down at his lap. He cleared his throat and said "why do you think I wouldn't like you?" "Eric." I said. Eric grabbed my hands, holding them in his. "You're gorgeous. Don't let anyone tell you different. Ever. And I really like you too. And those days I wasn't there at the shop, I was going to law school. It's what my parents wanted. I never wanted to be a lawyer. I wanted to be a magician. It makes me happy. And I would've worked in the chocolate shop the rest of my life if it meant I got to be with you every day. Getting stuck in the end of the world with you has been the best thing that could've happened to me. You make my heart race." Eric placed my head on his chest. His heart was beating super fast. I pulled away and looked at Eric in shock. "You mean that?" I asked. Eric nodded and said "every word." I then kissed him quickly, the spark between us becoming a fire. Eric's lips moved against mine. My hands went up to cup his cheeks and he swiftly pulled me into his lap. Eric's large hands went to my hips, squeezing slightly. I pulled away for air and I wrapped my arms around Eric. He held me tightly and sighed into my ear as I kissed his neck sweetly. I looked at him and adoration swam in Eric's eyes. I kissed his lips again, a soft smacking sound entering the air. I held handfuls of the navy sweatshirt he wore. Eric's hand went up to my cheek, deepening the kiss as he pulled me even closer to him. "Mmm. Mmm." Eric moaned. The soft smacking sounds of our lips got louder as the kiss got more passionate. I pulled away, Eric chasing after the kiss. I kissed his cheek and the corner of his lips. Eric was quick to pull me in for one more kiss before pulling away. I pressed my forehead to his. "Don't leave me, Eric. Stay with me forever." Eric chuckled and said "I don't plan on going anywhere, Delilah." I got off his lap and laid on my back. Eric's eyes took in my body. "You look so pretty." Eric said as he played with the hem of my dress. I noticed it had bunched up on my thighs. "You look so handsome, Eric." Eric blushed and look down. "You'll sleep with me? Keep me safe?" Eric nodded and said "of course." The two of us went back into the living room. Story stood up and said "someone can take the guest bedroom and the couch makes out into a bed. Max also installed one of those Murphy beds that fold into the wall. It's over there." Story pointed to a small alcove in the wall. "We should make the couch out for Samira. She's not feeling good." I said. Eric nodded and said "I'll grab her while you do it." "Sam, I'm gonna make this out into a bed." I told her. She sighed and went to stand up but Eric scooped her up into his arms. She looked up at Eric and I quickly made the couch out into a bed. Eric set her down on the bed gently. "Thank you." She said softly. Eric nodded and Blake said "I think me and Haisley will take the guest bedroom." "Where do I sleep?" Dakota said. I looked at her and said "wherever you want." "Can I sleep with Story?" Story smiled and said "of course. Come on." She held her hand out for Dakota to take. Dakota walked over and took her hand. Story and her then went into the bedroom. Eric grabbed my hand and we walked over to the Murphy bed in the wall. Eric pulled it down, a squeaking sound entering the air. The both of us jumped. Eric's breath quivered and he froze in place. The rain seemed to have gotten harder, blocking the sound out. Eric grabbed a blanket and the two of us laid down on the bed. I snuggled up close to Eric, laying my head on his shoulder. Eric hummed softly. I kissed his cheek and Eric turned his head to kiss my lips sweetly. "I've got you, Lilah." "And I've got you, Eric."

Ok now my heart is so full after writing this! I listened to Cigarettes After Sex's new album and it only helped fuel the love I have for Eric and this sweet moment!! So this book has made it to 3k?!?! That's crazy. I appreciate all the comments and the votes you're all so sweet. And if you guys are fans of Eddie Munson I have an Eddie Munson fic as well. It's not finished but very closed to being finished! I'm very happy you're all enjoying this so far!!

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