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Chapter twelve
The Quest for Medicine and Unplanned Injuries
Delilah's POV:
Eric's hand that wasn't holding mine shook at his side. A car next to us had been on fire but the fire was out so the car was just smoking. I stepped over a large piece of glass and Eric looked around for a pharmacy or a drug store. My eyes drifted to Eric who looked to be scared. The evening sun shined through his curls and his brown eyes sparkled in the sun. I grabbed the notepad out of his pocket. He furrowed his eyebrows as I let go of his hand to write something down.

You look so pretty

Eric shook his head and pointed to himself. I nodded and he mouthed "no way." I nodded and mouthed "yes." The sun was slowly setting and Eric and I finally stumbled upon a pharmacy. Eric picked up a flashlight and shined it around. Eric looked around for the medicine Sam needed. I picked up a bag and started grabbing lots of different medicines. And some first aid stuff. Bandages, gauze, Neosporin. You never know what you might needed. A soft noise was heard and I looked over my shoulder. Eric jumped at the sound and shined the light behind us. Frodo sat there, watching our every move. Frodo jumped off the shelf he was on and approached Eric. He rubbed his face against Eric's hand as he went to pet him. Eric smiled really big and I smiled at their cute exchange. I stood up and went towards the back of the pharmacy, looking around. I wanted to see if there was anything we needed. My mind drifted back to Brooke. My heart hurt a little bit and I turned around to look at Eric. I picked up a flower that had fallen out of the display that was knocked over. It was a rose. I was careful not to let the thorn hurt me. I knelt down and handed it to Eric who had a playful smile on his face. I grabbed the notepad from the bag and Eric's smile disappeared when he read the notepad.

For Brooke. Give this to her

Why would I give this to her? I'm not with her anymore

I didn't answer him and just shrugged. My heart started to ache at the thought of not being with Eric. I'd poured my whole heart out to him the previous night and it seemed like Brooke could take Eric away from me. I looked down and Eric cupped my cheeks, making me look at him. I couldn't help the tear that fell. His eyes widened and he pulled me into a hug. I didn't hug back at first as I was trying not to cry. "Y-You can be with her. If you want." I whispered. Eric groaned in discomfort and squeezed me. I slowly put my arms around him and buried my face into his shoulder. "I don't want to be with her. I want you, Delilah." Eric said. My body shook with a sob and Eric pulled me into his lap. "Me and her broke up because she was moving back to America and I was staying in England. It was a mutual break up. No ill feelings. And overtime I fell out of love with her. I hadn't thought about her in a very long time. Ever since I met you, you were all I could think about. I still think about you. Brooke and I are over. You don't have to worry about it. I want to be with you, Lilah." Eric whispered and I pulled away from him. His hands went to cup my cheeks again. My lip quivered and Eric wiped my tears. He kissed my forehead and my cheek. "Can I kiss you?" Eric asked a little too loud. I nodded and met Eric in the middle. Eric kissed me feverishly, his lips moving in sync with mine. Eric slowly pushed me down onto the floor. He hovered over me as we kissed each other desperately. Eric's hand left my cheek to hold me close to him. "Mrrow." I pulled away from Eric to see Frodo sitting beside us, his tail swishing back and forth. Eric kissed my neck which made me sigh. I tapped Eric's shoulder and he pulled away to look at me. I pointed to Frodo who squinted when Eric looked at him. Eric held in a laugh and I did the same. Then both of us sat up and Eric handed me the rose. "For you." He said softly. I threw my arms around him and he nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck. After grabbing some more stuff we started to head back. Frodo lead the way, his tail swishing happily in the air. He then veered off towards a brightly lit area. "Frodo!" Eric said in a hushed tone. I attempted to call him quietly but couldn't do much. Eric groaned softly and I said "it's ok." "It's ok." He replied. The two of us went down the slope that Frodo had. It seemed to be an abandoned area. Kind of like construction. I struggled to keep my footing against the gravel covering the slope. Eric was ahead of me, rushing towards Frodo. I stumbled and lost my footing, landing on my stomach as I fell. I felt a sharp pain in my leg and immediately covered my mouth. I tried to muffle the moans of pain that were escaping my lips. Eric turned around and put the bag of medication down. His eyes were wide and his breath started to pick up. I pointed to my leg and tears welled up into my eyes. Eric carefully went to examine it. "It's a shard of glass, darling." He whispered. I shook my head and Eric's arms went up under me. He slowly pulled me up. I kept my mouth covered as the pain shot through my body. Eric was quick to flip me over onto my back, holding me in his lap. Eric looked down at my leg and his eyes widened. "You're bleeding. It's your thigh." He said a little too loud. I reached up to cover his mouth. A chittering sound was heard. Our heads snapped up to the direction it was coming from. Eric looked around and saw Frodo on a beam above us. "I need you to get up. Can you do that for me?" Eric asked. I nodded and the two of us stood up. I held in the groan of pain that threatened my very existence. I grabbed the bag off the ground and made my way to the beam. I slowly climbed up the beam, trying not to make any noise. The throbbing in my thigh hurt so bad and hurt even more as I climbed. Once I got up there, Frodo approached me. He rubbed his head on my arm and pawed at me. I scratched his head and he kept pawing at me. I looked down to see Eric climbing up. My eyes widened at the aliens coming down the side of the building behind us. Eric made it up to the top and pressed his back against the vertical beam. He pulled me closer to him, my back to his chest. Frodo sat in front of my legs. I started to feel woozy from the blood loss. I leaned my head against Eric and could barely comprehend that there were many aliens around us. They were up to something but I wasn't sure what. I grabbed ahold of Eric's hand, holding it. Eric squeezed my hand and I did the same back. One of the aliens came up on the side of us. It's face opened up and I nudged Eric weakly. I couldn't see him but from the way his body shook with fear I knew he was terrified. A hole in the alien's head was eye level with us. It looked like an ear. This is how they could hear the smallest things. Their hearing was enhanced. It was like they had superhuman hearing. The aliens face closed up and it lowered itself down below us. A bunch of smaller ones were nearby feasting on something. I could barely hold my eyes open due to the pain. I slowly closed my eyes and I felt Frodo nudge my good leg. He pawed at it and I opened my eyes to see him looking at me intently. I struggled to stay conscious. I exhaled and then slumped against Eric.

Eric's POV:
When I felt Delilah become limp against me, my mind started racing. I had to get her back to the church. Her and Frodo. I felt my heart rate pick up and my breath started to shake. I shook Delilah and she didn't move. I laid my head on her shoulder, getting close to her ear. "Lilah? Darling?" I said almost inaudible. She didn't move. I knew the aliens would leave. I just had to wait it out. It seemed like time was going agonizingly slow. I just wanted to get back. Once I was sure they were gone, I picked up Delilah and threw her over my shoulder. Frodo pawed at her curly hair that hung down. I slowly went to the ladder and started to climb down, gripping into Delilah for dear life. Frodo made his way down and then I situated Delilah in my arms so I was carrying her bridal style. Frodo seemed to lead the way back to the church, wanting me to follow him faster. I walked as fast I could without making any noise. I kissed her head and once we reached the church Frodo ran over to Haisley, pawing at her. Blake's eyes widened as I walked in with Delilah. I carefully set her down on the floor and that's when the tears started. I rummaged through the bag a little too loudly and Blake shushed me. I got the patch out for Samira and she showed me where to put it. I set it on her body and Samira looked at Delilah in shock. I buried my face into my elbow as I tried to hold in my sobs. Someone rapidly tapped my arm. Samira held up a notepad.

What happened??

I pulled the one out of my pocket and tried to write a response. I gasped softly as I saw blood on my hands. Delilah's blood. I was crying so hard I could barely see. My handwriting was shaky and sloppy, the paper coated with blood and tears.

She fell on a piece of glass and we had to hide from them. She was bleeding a lot

Brooke knelt down and covered her mouth at the sight of Delilah's bloody leg. Haisley tapped my arm and mouthed "I'm gonna help her, ok?" Dakota dropped to her knees as she approached the group. She crawled over and shook her older sister. She went to yell out her name and Blake covered her mouth. Dakota looked at me and saw the state I was in. "I'm sorry." I whispered. Dakota's eyes went wide and she shook Delilah again. I felt arms wrap around me and I jumped. Samira had sat up, her legs on either side of me. Her arms were around my neck and I was quick to turn around and bury my face into her stomach to muffle the sobs. Samira ran her hand through my hair and shushed me softly. It was nobody's fault but mine. I told her to come with me. I wasn't going to blame Frodo for being a curious cat and wandering off. I should've been more aware of our surroundings. I should've kept her closer to me and I didn't. It was my fault and I'd never forgive myself because of it.

Thanks for 4k you guys are so amazing!! And anyone who is in San Francisco is lucky cause Joseph is coming to a con near you!! I've yet to meet him but I am going to the Upside Down con in Jackson, Georgia to meet a few of the stranger things cast members! I wasn't sure how I was going to write this chapter originally but I think I did a decent job. Another update will be up soon!!

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