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Chapter seventeen
The Jump
Delilah's POV:
A heavy weight sat on my heart as Samira was choosing to stay behind. She gave Eric the yellow cardigan she wore. Eric adjusted it on his body. Sam half smiled. She then turned to the rest of us. "Thank you." She whispered. She gave me a hug and I wrapped my arms around her. Small tears filled my eyes as she squeezed me. "Come with us." I pleaded. "No, it's better I stay. I don't want to suffer anymore. I promise it'll be better this way." She replied. Dakota sobbed quietly and Samira hugged her. "Don't go." Dakota said into Samira's shirt. Sam shushed her and rubbed her back. "I'll be ok, Kota. I promise. Don't worry about me, ok?" Haisley gave Sam a hug. Brooke and Blake did the same. We figured splitting up might be the best way for us to get to the boats quicker. Blake and Haisley went off to the side with Haisley's mom. Eric and Samira led while Dakota and I followed. Brooke was in the back of the group. Samira held Frodo as we walked, avoiding glass and other things that could make noise. We knelt down by a car, the boat's horn entering the air. The aliens were surrounding the shore, trying to get to the boat. They couldn't because they couldn't swim. Eric's breath quivered and he started to hyperventilate. Samira placed her hand on his chest and he immediately held it. "Breathe." She whispered. Eric nodded and started to take deep breaths. "It's ok." I told him. Eric nodded quickly and said "it's ok." Samira then kissed Frodo and handed him to Eric. Eric then started to cry. He held Frodo close to him and sobbed. He shook his head and Samira nodded. I threw my arms around her again. She was taken aback and I squeezed her. "I love you, Samira." She gasped softly and then pulled away. "Go." She said. Eric led the way as Sam headed back towards the cars. Car alarms started to go off, the aliens being distracted. Eric held Frodo as he started to run. Dakota followed him and I was behind her. Brooke was behind me, much slower. My thigh started to throb. I winced softly and followed Eric through the hole in the gate. He continued to run, accidentally kicking a can. A clanking sound entered the air. The aliens then started making their way back towards us. Eric looked over his shoulder at us and then kept running. Dakota started to pick up the pace and was directly behind Eric. I looked over my shoulder and held my hand out to Brooke so I could pull her closer to me. Brooke reached for my hand but was then killed. I covered my mouth as an alien pummeled her to the ground, blood splattering all over the street. From what I could see she was still alive. A scream of pain left her lips and she was quickly silenced by another alien. I whimpered into my hand and started to run faster, my thigh starting to hurt even more. I caught up with my sister and Eric, the three of us jumping into the water. The claws of the aliens barely missing us. Dakota coughed as she came up for air. I gasped and tried to catch my breath. Frodo clung to Eric as he stared up at Samira. Samira looked proud we had made it. "Goodbye, Sam." Dakota said. Eric sniffled and the crowd from the boat encouraged us to swim to the boat. The three of us swam over and Eric let Dakota go up first. He handed Frodo to her and she took him. I struggled to swim with my bag and my leg. Eric held his hand out and pulled me towards him. He gestured to the ladder and I couldn't pull myself up. I groaned weakly and a dark skinned man pulled me up onto the boat. Eric was close behind me, almost toppling on top of me. "You're safe." The man said. Eric started to cry. He broke down. Semi loud cries entered the air. A blanket was wrapped around me as I shivered. "You're bleeding." A little boy's voice said. I looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. Red blood had pooled around my right leg. "I'm ok." I told him. Dakota was given a blanket and Frodo was wrapped up in one." "Delilah! Dakota!" My uncle's voice said. "Uncle Harrison!" Dakota yelled. He rushed over to her, hugging her tightly. Eric had his head in his hands as he cried. I attempted to stand up but could barely move. Blake and Haisley rushed over to check on us. They had made it too. My uncle hugged me and said "don't you ever leave me again." I hugged him and was glad to see my family. "Let's get you warmed up." He helped me to my feet and Dakota was holding Frodo. "Eric." I said. My uncle once again was pulling me away from Eric. "E-Eric!" I said a little too loudly. Eric's head snapped up to look at me and he immediately jumped to his feet. "If you all need anything my name is Henri. I can get you whatever you need." The man that had helped us all into the boat said. Eric walked over to me and scooped me up into his arms. I moaned in pain and my uncle looked at Eric in shock. "Do not take her away from me again, Mr. Wells." Eric said firmly. Uncle Harrison looked at him and said "of course. I didn't know you two were..." "It happened during all of this. I will not be without her. We already had to lose..." Eric stifled a sob and I cupped his cheek. "We're over here. You can sit with us. It's a bit warmer over here." My uncle led us to an area on the boat. Alice and Niko were sitting there. "Oh my god." Niko said. Eric gently sat me down and he followed suit. My cousin hugged me and Dakota, sniffles leaving his lips. Eric took Frodo from Dakota and kissed his head. Eric took deep breaths and I said "it's ok." Eric's eyes widened and then he relaxed. "It's ok." His deep voice said. I half smiled and said "it's ok." His tense body seemed to melt. "It's ok." He replied. I brushed his wet curls out of his face and said "it's ok." "Please never stop talking. Need to hear your voice." Eric said. I hummed in response and said "I need to hear yours too, Eric." Eric leaned his head on my shoulder, nuzzling his head into the crook of my neck. Frodo nuzzled his head into Eric's chest. "Eric, my sweet boy. It's ok. We made it. We're ok." Eric sighed contentedly and said "it's ok. We're ok, darling." "We're ok." I said. Eric then sat up. I looked at him confused and he pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket. It was a letter from Samira.

Eric, take care of my cat
Don't rub his belly, he doesn't like that
And don't feed him too much, he'll get fat
And thank you. Thank you for helping me live again
Delilah, you better hold onto Eric, he's a good one
You didn't have to come with me to Harlem but you did
You barely knew me and you risked your life
Thank you for being so kind. And thank you for making my last few days happy.
Tell Dakota she was the coolest girl I ever met. Had the world not ended we could've had some amazing adventures.
But I guess we kind of did
You were all so lovely and I think I fell in love with each of you
You all brought something special to me
Keep doing that in this world
People need it
Goodbye, my adventurers.
Keep helping people to live

I could barely see after reading the letter. I buried my face into Eric's chest and Eric exhaled. "I want her back." I sobbed. Eric whimpered and said "me too. And Brooke didn't deserve.." I shook my head and said "no, she didn't. I feel horrible." Henri and a young boy next to him brought over some bowls of soup. I wiped my face and Eric did the same, putting the letter back in the cardigan pocket. "It's not much but this is what we have right now. A cook whipped up some soup. Hope you all like chicken noodle." Henri said. Eric took a bowl and I did the same. Dakota reached for one as the young boy handed one to her. "This is my son, Osahar." Henri introduced the boy. Osahar smiled and said "hello." Blake and Haisley for a bowl of soup as well. I looked around at my family who would be getting soup next. "When we get to the island everything will be fine." Henri said before walking away with his son. I hadn't had any warm food in days. The hot soup running down my throat tasted like heaven. Eric brought a spoonful up to his lips. He moaned and said "my god." Dakota laughed softly and Eric said "I think this is the best thing I've ever eaten." Dakota laughed harder and I pulled two cans of cat food out of my bag. The little orange and white kitten I had yet to name was in my lap. She must've moved there when I wasn't looking. I opened two cans of food so the cats could eat. Frodo immediately went to eat and my kitten followed. "We've got to name her." Eric said as he slurped his soup. Uncle Harrison made a disgusted face and Dakota giggled. She mimicked Eric's slurping and Eric laughed softly. "I know. We have plenty of time to think of a name." I said to Eric. He nodded and I focused on my soup. I looked around at the other people on the boat. Soup was being passed around along with some water. I wondered if all of these people had been through what we had. Did some of them have it easier? Was there anyone that was completely alone? I was pretty lucky. I had mostly everyone in my group. I was sure people didn't have that. I was grateful. As I finished my soup I had a full belly. Frodo yawned after eating his wet food. My orange and white kitten did the same, curling up in between me and Eric. Frodo followed suit. Eric patted his stomach and yawned. He rubbed his eyes and I said "tired?" "Mmm-hmm." He hummed. I laid back against the very large bags of rice behind us. Eric laid his head on my chest, sighing. He wrapped his arms around me and I ran my fingers through his curls. "Oh, don't stop doing that." Eric mumbled. I smiled and scratched at his scalp lightly, wanting him to relax. I stroked his head up until I could barely keep my eyes open, my hand slowing. All I knew was that we'd be safe on this island. I didn't know where we would live when we got there and how we'd get along with these other people but I had Eric and my family. We were going to be ok.

So I finished this at 6:00 in the morning but it'll be hours later when I post this so just know I write this very early in the morning. I bawled writing this. I was back and forth on what I should do about Sam. She does die in the movie and as much as I hate it, I do understand why she had to die. It makes sense. She would've been in pain and suffered on the island. She went out on her own terms and things like that. But maybe she would've went into remission and the cancer would've been gone. I don't know. This was hard to write and I can't wait to write things after this! I'm definitely going to go on into A Quiet Place part 2. So the majority of the chapters after this will be fillers and things that come from my own mind. I'm very excited to write about Eric and life on the island! I can't wait for you guys to see what I have planned!!

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