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Chapter eighteen
The Island
Delilah's POV:
After being on the boat for about a day or so, we arrived to the island. There were some government officials who gave a big speech on how everything was going to go. "This island is mostly uninhabited. We'll have to build some stuff and make this place a home. If we could get everyone's information and how many people in your group or family that would also help. If everyone works together, we can make this place a sanctuary for all." A soldier said. Everyone started to shuffle off the boat. I wasn't quite ready to move. I was exhausted. Eric was still asleep in my lap. His chest rose and fell slowly and he looked to be at peace. I didn't even want to wake him. "We should go." Uncle Harrison said. I shook my head and said "let all of them go. There's so many people." He nodded. Henri and his son seemed to be doing the same, letting everyone go before them. Dakota laid in Alice's lap. I watched everyone seem to shuffle off the boat. I couldn't believe we had got here. I was so grateful that we would be safe. I looked back down at Eric. I ran my hand through his hair, one of my new favorite things to do. Eric shifted his body and squeezed me softly. I smiled and absolutely loved that Eric and I were going to take this new chapter together. Whatever it may be. After waiting a few more minutes my uncle told us we should go. I shook Eric gently, not wanting to startle him. Eric looked up at me, his eyes slightly widening at the noise but he took in his surroundings and then relaxed. "We made it. They want everyone off. They're going to write all our names down and take all our information I guess." Eric nodded and sat up. He stretched and his back popped. "How're you, darling?" Eric asked. His voice was a little bit deeper from sleeping. "I'm ok. Kinda ready to get off this boat. I didn't sleep much last night." Eric nodded and said "me neither. I think whenever I woke up you were asleep and whenever you woke up I was asleep." "I thought you had slept the whole night." "I thought you did." I laughed softly and Eric kissed my cheek. We all stood up and started to make our way off the boat. Henri and his son went first, giving their names and Henri was appointed some leadership positions. Henri accepted and him and his son stepped off the boat. "Name." A soldier said. "Harrison Wells." The solider looked up and said "Mr. Wells. How are you?" "I'm good. This is my family. My son and his wife Alice. My nieces Delilah and Dakota." The solider pointed to Eric and I said "Eric's my boyfriend." I rolled my eyes at the fact that my uncle didn't mention Eric. "There's some buildings we have put up. We can put you all in one if you'd like. Or you all can wait for one to be built or build one on your own. There's showers and fresh clothes if you need that as well. If you choose to build your own home, you'll be given a tent for the time being. But because you're of some kind of status, I can offer you all a lot." The soldier said. Harrison said "tonight we'll take one of the houses. Just so everyone has a roof over their head. My niece is young and has been through a lot." Dakota rubbed at her eyes and said "excuse me, sir." The solider looked down at her and she said "is there food? I'm really hungry. All we had was soup." Eric smiled at Dakota's comment and the soldier said "yes, there's food. It's being cooked as we speak. Breakfast actually." My mouth watered at the thought of eggs and bacon. Pancakes with lots of syrup. I looked over my shoulder again Blake who was going to register with Haisley and her mom. I then saw a head of red curly hair. "Story!" I said. "Delilah?" She called out. Dakota pushed past all of us and rushed to Story. Story gasped as Dakota hugged her. "Dakota, my sweet." She hugged Dakota and Eric said "how are ya, Story?" She smiled and said "very happy now that I know you're all here." Max smiled and said "we hope to see you guys later. When we all get settled in." I nodded and Dakota pulled away from Story. We stepped off the boat as my uncle held some papers, directing us towards a house. It would do for now. Eric held Frodo in his hands while I held the kitten I'd found. "Me and Alice are going to the showers." Niko said. My uncle looked at him and said "there's a shower here." "Yeah but we all can't shower here. One of you guys stay." The two of them left and started to make their way towards the shower building. Dakota looked up and said "should I go with them?" "If you want to, Kota." She nodded and then took off after them. Eric chuckled softly and I said "do you wanna go first?" Eric looked at the bathroom, setting Frodo down in the house. I set my kitten down and the cats started to explore the house. "You should go." Eric said. I shook my head and said "are you sure?" Eric nodded and said "go ahead, darling." I half smiled and grabbed some spare clothes. I set my bag down on the bathroom floor and noticed some clothes falling out of it. I furrowed my eyebrows. I saw the dress I had on at Story's and the sweatpants and sweater Eric had on. I shook my head as I realized Eric shoved them into my bag. I thought about it and figured I'd wear the dress and surprise him. I got into the shower, deciding to take a bath. I quickly washed my hair and I sighed happily when I saw the razor. "Thank god." I mumbled. I shaved my legs and my arm pits, grateful to be clean. I was extra careful with the wound on my thigh. Haisley had sewn it up with thread. It probably wasn't the best thing to do but she had to do what she could. I wondered if a doctor would see us all and make sure we were healthy and ok. Once I was finished in the tub, I dried off, did my hair and made sure the bathtub was clean of any dirt I might've left behind. Toothbrushes laid on the counter with toothpaste. I quickly brushed my teeth. Everything we needed seemed to be here. It was if everything was prepared for this. I came out of the bathroom and said "your turn, Eric." Eric looked over and his lips parted, his mouth starting to hang open. "So pretty." He said softly. I blushed as I looked down. "There's some fresh clothes in the bathroom. And the underwear is under the cabinet. There's also toothbrushes and toothpaste. I used the pink one." Eric nodded and said "ok. I'm uh gonna go." He took off Samira's cardigan and set it on the couch before going into the bathroom. I went to the kitchen and looked around for any pet food. I huffed when there wasn't any. I poked my head out of the house and saw a solider. "Excuse me." The solider looked over and I said "is there any way I could get some cat food? Wet and dry. If there is any?" He nodded and said "yes ma'am. I'll go check where the supplies are. I'll bring it back here for you." "Thank you so so much." I said. He gave me a smile and then left. I closed the door behind me and my uncle was standing in the kitchen, looking around at everything. I heard the shower turn on and was wondering why Eric hadn't turned it on sooner. "So, you and Eric are together?" I nodded and said "yes, uncle. He saved my life, you know." My uncle looked at my thigh and said "he did that?" "No. Haisley did. But if Eric hadn't of got me to her when he did, I would've died." "I never expected you to end up with Eric." I furrowed my eyebrows and said "I thought you liked Eric." "I liked Paul more." I huffed and walked away from my uncle, going to sulk in one of the bedrooms. As I walked by the bathroom I heard soft crying. I knocked on the bathroom door and slowly opened it. Eric stood over the tub, sniffling. "Eric." I closed the door behind me and touched his shirtless back. He jumped and turned around to look at me. "Eric." I cupped his cheeks and he cried harder. "What's wrong?" I asked. His breath quivered and he said "is this real? We're safe? I'm scared." My heart broke. "We're safe, Eric. I need you to get cleaned up. You'll feel so much better, baby. I promise." Eric nodded and I said "it's ok." "It's ok." He replied. "Deep breaths." Eric mimicked my breathing as I inhaled deeply. I exhaled and Eric did the same. "It's ok." I whispered. Eric nodded again. "It's ok." I removed my hands from his cheeks. "I need you to shower for me. I'm gonna be right outside." I went to walk away and Eric grabbed me. "Don't go. I'm scared." I grabbed his hand that was on my arm. He immediately removed it and said "I'm sorry. I didn't hurt you, did I?" "No. Of course not. How about you get undressed and get into the tub? I could wash your hair for you. I'll help you relax. I'll be right here." Eric nodded and said "ok. Ok. Ok." I gave him a quick kiss on the lips and stepped outside. I heard him plug the tub and he mumbled to himself. I quickly grabbed a cup from the kitchen. My uncle furrowed his eyebrows at me and I looked at Frodo who jumped on the couch. "Lilah?" Eric called out. I went into the bathroom and closed the door behind me. Eric looked relieved as I sat down next to the tub. "How's the water?" I put my hand in the water and felt it was hot. "Is that ok?" Eric nodded while exhaling. "I'm here, Eric. Look at me." He looked at me and I said "we're safe. After this bath, we can get some food and actually sleep in a bed. Doesn't that sound great?" "Mmm-hmm." He hummed. I used the cup and wetted his curls. I held his head back as I let the hot water run over his head. I then squirted some shampoo in my hand and started to put it into Eric's hair. "Talk to me. Tell me about something you like. Get your mind off things." I told him. Eric cleared his throat and said "can I talk about you?" "You can talk about anything, my love." Eric's cheeks turned pink and I massaged his head as I scrubbed his scalp. He moaned contentedly and I smiled to myself. "You're amazing. Bloody amazing. The first time I saw you, you looked like a character of a book or something. You didn't seem real. You looked like a character out of Candyland." I giggled and said "Candyland?" "Yeah. You reminded me of Princess Lolly. Well, Lolly technically. Isn't she called Lolly now?" "I think so." "Anyway you reminded me of her. In your dress and the heels. Standing in the middle of a candy shop that looked like Willy Wonka's factory." My heart swelled at the way he talked. I scratched at his scalp with my nails lightly. "Oh, that feels so good." I rinsed his hair and then washed it again, wanting to rid all the dirt from his hair. The water was turning gray from all the dirt that ran off his body. I grabbed some conditioner and ran it through his hair. I used a comb to make sure the conditioner got all the way through. And to get rid of any tangles. Eric had curly hair, much like my own. I wanted to make sure he didn't have to wash his hair for a few days. "Can we go and get some breakfast food after this? I'm starving." Eric said. I nodded and said "of course. We can do whatever you want." I turned the faucet on to make sure I could use clean water to rinse Eric's hair. Once I was finished I went to leave so Eric could get dressed. "D-Delilah?" He said. I looked at him and said "I'll be right outside." "I just don't want to be alone again. I don't want to be away from you. It scares me. I'm really scared." I shook my head and said "you have nothing to be scared of. Absolutely nothing. I'm right here, Eric. I'm right outside this door. And then we can get some eggs and bacon." "Waffles too?" He asked. "Waffles too." I replied. I left the bathroom and sighed to myself. "You're so good with him." My uncle's voice said, making me jump. I hadn't seen him when I walked out of the bathroom. I figured he had went to the showers. "How are you so good with him?" I shrugged and said "I don't know. I had to do what I had to. At one point Eric was all I had." Uncle Harrison nodded and a knock on the door broke us out of conversation. I walked over to see the same soldier from earlier with some cat food. "I found some. I brought you a lot of it. I don't know if there's any other cats on the island." "My friend has one but we can share." I told him. He gave me a smile before handing me the cat food. He then walked away. I set it on the counter and grabbed two bowls, pouring it in them. My kitten seemed to yell as it realized it was getting food. "Alright, alright. Food's coming." Frodo let out a meow as I didn't put the food down fast enough. Once I set it down, I grabbed a bowl and filled it with water. Both cats seemed content. "Uncle, if I leave you here with the cats will you make sure they won't get out? I was going to take Eric to get some food." My uncle nodded and said "sure. Be careful when you go. Your leg doesn't look good." The stitching job on my leg will most likely leave a scar. I frowned at the thought of that. Eric came out of the bathroom, wearing the navy blue sweater and pants. "Ready?" I said. Eric nodded and went to put his reeboks back on with fresh socks. I put my sneakers back on as well, having already put socks on. "Make sure you get some food, Uncle." "I will. You two have fun for now. I'll probably shower and set things up here." Eric and I stepped out of the house. The sun was high in the sky as it was the afternoon. Eric squinted at the bright sun and I seemed to do the same. "I think the mess hall is over there." I said. Eric nodded and the two of us started walking. Eric reached for my hand as we walked. He took a deep breath and looked around at all the other people that were on the island. Everyone talked and seemed grateful to be there. Eric squeezed my hand and said "we're safe." I nodded and said "of course we are, Eric." As we approached the mess hall, lots of people were there. Eric held me close to him as we walked inside, going to where the food was. "Take as much as you want." A woman said. I grabbed a plate and grabbed a lot of eggs and bacon. I grabbed some orange juice and watched Eric get some waffles. I found a place for us to sit and then grabbed some more food. Eric sat down next to me and drizzled some syrup on his waffles. I ate a forkful of eggs and sighed. I ate with precision as if I had to be quiet and caught myself. Eric shoveled food into his mouth not being able to eat properly. I put a hand on his arm and said "slow." Eric nodded and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. He chewed the rest of the food in his mouth, his mouth closed. I turned back to my plate, gently getting some eggs on my plate. "What's wrong?" Eric said. I shrugged and said "I feel like I still have to be quiet. I don't know why. It's weird." "Not anymore, love. We're ok." Eric reassured me. I nodded and the two of us ate our food. We definitely had alot to eat. Alice and Niko came in with Dakota as we were leaving. Dakota was talking to a younger girl around her age. "Did you guys eat?" Alice asked. I leaned my head on Eric's arm and said "yeah. I think we're going to go rest now." Niko nodded and looked at Dakota. "I think she's settling in." "Yeah. I think so too." I replied. Alice the nudged Niko and the two of them walked over to get some food. Eric and I made the walk back to the house. "It's so nice here." Eric said. I looked around at the trees that surrounded the island, the beach that was a small walk away. There was a radio tower in the distance, I wondered if that would be used. Some soldiers were already constructing some houses. It warmed my heart to see that all of us would be living here. Eric took my hand and I said "yeah. It is. I wonder how pretty the sunset is." Eric hummed in response and when we reached the house, my uncle was gone. He had probably went out to explore. "Wanna find a bedroom and take a nap?" I asked. Eric nodded and we walked around the house. It was a two story house. "What if we took the master?" Eric pointed. I stepped into the room and gasped softly. It was very cute. And Frodo had claimed the bed. My orange and white kitten had curled up on the floor, barely being able to jump up onto the bed. I picked her up and set her next to Frodo. "Shall we?" Eric said. I smiled and closed the bedroom door behind us. I kicked off my sneakers and Eric did the same. I walked over to the curtains and drew them a little, wanting the sun to hide away so we can nap. Eric wrapped his arms around my waist, my back to his chest. "Ooh." I said as I was pressed up against him. Eric leaned his head on my shoulder and said "m'so glad I'm here with you." "Me too." I interlocked my hands with his. Eric sighed and I felt him press his lips to my cheek, then to my jaw, then to my neck. I gasped softly at the feeling. Eric kissed my neck multiple times, moving all over. I leaned into his touch, relishing in the feeling. I turned around to face Eric. He was taken aback and he wrapped his arms around my waist again, closing the gap between us. "Hold me." I said breathlessly. Eric pecked my lips and said "of course." He let go of me so I could turn the bed down. The air conditioning felt amazing. The room was cold, perfect for a nap. Frodo and my kitten had made their spot at the edge of the bed. Eric gestured to the bed and let me get in first. He then sat down next to me and I immediately laid my head on his chest. "My god." He said. I looked up at him and he continued. "This bed is so fucking comfortable. I want to lay here with you forever." I nuzzled my face into the sweater he wore. "I like you in this sweater. You look very handsome." I told him. Eric played with the dress on my body. "I quite like this on you. You look absolutely stunning. I want you to wear this forever." "That's not practical." I giggled. I sat up a bit to get a better look at him. Eric kissed my neck again and a soft moan escaped my lips. "You like that, then?" "Yes, Eric." "I'll be sure to remember that." "What about you?" "What about-" I cut Eric off as I kissed his neck. His body stiffened and his eyes fluttered closed. "Oh." He said. Eric's hands went to my hips and I nibbled at the skin on his neck lightly. "Shit, Lilah. Don't start something I'll have to finish." "My leg is currently injured, Eric. Couldn't do anything if I did." Eric rolled his eyes playfully and said "wanna hold you. Come 'ere." The two of us laid down and the sound of Eric's heartbeat was lulling me to sleep.


I woke up to a soft knocking on the door. I immediately sat up and my heart started beating out of my chest. "Sorry." Alice said. A relieved breath left my lips as I took in my surroundings. We were on the island. We could speak. We were safe. "The island's doctor is here. He wants to check on everyone and make sure nobody needs medical attention. I figured you'd want him to look at your leg." I nodded and Alice said "I'll give you a few minutes." She left the room and I took a deep breath. Eric and I had slept until the next day. That wasn't intended but him and I were exhausted. Eric laid next to me, an arm draped lazily around my waist. I shook him softly and said "Eric." "What's wrong, darling?" His voice extra deep from sleep. I stroked his head and said "the doctor is here and wants to check us out." Eric stretched and said "m'kay." I kissed his forehead and I climbed out of bed. I stretched and used the bathroom before going to leave. I bumped into something broad. "Hello." Eric said. I looked up at him and said "I'm sorry." "You're fine. Let me brush my teeth and then I'll go out with you. Wait for me, yeah?" I nodded. Eric went into the bathroom and I smoothed out my dress as I waited. Eric wiped his mouth as he came out of the bathroom. "Did you brush them good?" I said. Eric nodded and said "yeah. I mean it was a bit quick but they're all clean." He barred his teeth and showed them to me. I rolled my eyes playfully and the two of us went into the living room. "Hello, I'm James. I guess I'm going to be filling the doctor occupation here. So, I've been going around to everyone to see if they need medical attention and checking if everyone is healthy." I nodded to him and said "hello, James. I'm Delilah and that's Eric." Eric half smiled and rubbed at his eyes. James' blue eyes went to my thigh. "What happened here?" "A huge shard of glass. I fell on top of it. My friend sewed me up." "Haisley?" "Yes." "She's quite good. I think she'll be my nurse. I need someone with skills to help me." James knelt down and said "do you mind if I look at it?" I shook my head and James examined my leg. "This might scar. And was it bleeding?" "When we got on the boat it was. We had to run and jump off the dock. Then we had to swim. I guess from all the activity it started to bleed." I said. James chuckled in disbelief and said "you guys were the ones that jumped?" "Yeah. Almost didn't make it." Eric said. James' eyes widened at Eric's accent but his attention quickly went back to me. "Are you having any pain in it?" I shook my head and said "I took a bath yesterday. Was that ok?" "Yeah that should be fine. If this gives you any problems please let me know. We're building a doctors's office or an infirmary. Whatever you want to call it." James said. Eric put his arm around me and said "this won't hurt her, right? No lone term effects or anything. I'm just a bit worried about her." My heart swelled at Eric's words and James said "no, sir. Not at all. From looking at the wound she's lucky." "I carried her back to where we were hiding. She passed out from the pain I think. I was thankful she did. Haisley operated on her with nothing to numb the pain." My mind drifted to if I had been awake. There would've been no way I could've stayed quiet. I would've killed us all. "You're all very lucky then. The city became so dangerous." I leaned my head on Eric's shoulder and said "my knight in shining armor." Eric blushed and kissed my head. "Well, everyone looks fine here. If you guys ever have a problem, come by the infirmary." James said. Niko nodded and said "thanks." My uncle shook James' hand and walked him to the door. Dakota yawned and Eric did the same. "Wanna go back to bed?" I said to Eric. He nodded and Dakota stood up, going to the kitchen. Eric and I left the living room, going back into our bedroom. I fell back onto the bed, my eyes fluttering closed. I heard Eric make his way into the bathroom. The toilet flushed and the sink was running. The plush bed was slowly taking me back into dreamland. Hands on my waist made me jump. I opened my eyes and Eric slowly crawled up onto the bed, hovering over me. "Hi." He said. I blushed and said "hi." I leaned up to kiss his lips. Eric kissed me sweetly and sighed softly. "Hold me." I said against his lips. Eric pecked my lips and said "of course." He then moved to my neck, kissing up and down. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me. He bit at my neck in a soft manner. "Oh, Eric." I whispered. I felt Eric's hips buck against mine. I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and Eric sucked on my neck. I ran my hand through his hair as a moan escaped my lips. Eric's head fell onto my shoulder as his hips slowly started to move in a rhythm. Eric's hold on me started to get tighter and I saw that the door was open. Much to his dismay I stopped him and pointed to the door. Eric rolled off of me and I went to the door, closing it and then locking it. I then went back to the bed and Eric immediately got back on top of me. "N-Need this." Eric said. I quirked my eyebrow and said "I've got you. We can do this together, yeah?" Eric nodded and I kissed his lips sweetly, Eric's lips moving feverishly against mine.

Ok I know I've been gone a while but here's a new update! I'm warning everyone now there will be smut in the next chapter! 7k is actually crazy and I'm so grateful! I've been busy with work and life loves to kick my ass so I hope this chapter finds you all and makes you happy!! Also, how do we feel about extra long chapters like this??

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