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Chapter two
The Aliens From The Sky
Delilah's POV:
Today started out like normal. Everything was fine. But everything turned sour very quick. For whatever reason the store was busy. Alice told me she'd be staying home and could keep Dakota busy. My uncle was going to our house that was a few streets over. I wondered why since he usually stayed in the house above the shop with us. He said he had some papers there and he needed to take care of stuff. Once again Eric was late to work. He rushed into the store, wiping sweat off his brow. The brown suit he wore looked good on him, a blue tie around his neck. The striped dress shirt seemed to fit him. "How're you doing, Lilah?" He said out of breath. I sighed in relief and said "I'm good now that you're here. How about you?" Eric smiled really big and said "I'm good. I think. Had a crazy morning. Sorry I'm late by the way." I shook my head and said "you're good. I can handle the store. Usually." Eric chuckled and said "what do you want me to start with?" "Whatever you like." Eric nodded and said "I'll stay here with you then. For now." I smiled and nudged him playfully with my hip. Eric quirked an eyebrow and poked my side. I jumped with a gasp. "Eric!" He laughed and grabbed me by my hips. A giggle escaped my lips as his large hands tickled me. I pushed him off of me and a man said "hello?" Eric and I both looked at the man standing at the counter. "Sorry. Hello, how can I help you?" I greeted. He set some chocolates on the counter and said "just these please." The man in front of us had long hair pulled back into a very small bun and he had a beard. "That'll be thirty dollars." I said. The man huffed softly and pulled out his card. Eric leaned against the counter as he bagged the man's items. "Reuben, come on. Let's get pizza." A female voice said from the front door. I couldn't see her that well and Eric paid her no mind as he handed Reuben his bag. "Thank you. Have a good day." He said with a smile. I smiled at Reuben and said "you as well." He left the store and Eric grabbed a bag of Supersugared Marshmallows. He opened it and popped one of them into his mouth. I reached for the bag in his hand, grabbing one to eat. Eric looked at me as he struggled to chew the sweet treat. I did the same. Eric giggled, giving me a closed mouth smile as to not be gross. I mimicked his actions, not being able to hold in my laugh. "Whatcha doing?" Dakota's voice said as she hopped up onto the counter. Eric offered Dakota one of the marshmallows. She gladly took one from him and he finally finished chewing on his. "Eating some candy how about you?" Eric said. Dakota shrugged and said "I'm bored. Alice is on the phone with Niko. It's been a long phone call." I sighed and said "you're more than welcome to stay down here with us." Dakota nodded with a shrug. The phone rang and Eric answered it before I could. "Wells' Candy Shop this is Eric." I smoothed out my skirt and Eric smiled really big. "Hi, Story. How are you?" "Hi, Story!" Dakota yelled. Eric chuckled and said "did you hear her?" I noticed we had a slew of people come in. I huffed softly. "D'you want me to bring it to you? I could bring it on my break. Sure. I could bring Delilah with me. Ok. We'll be there around 4:00. Bye, Story." I looked at Eric who said "Story wants us to bring her chocolates. She put the order in online and said me and you could bring it." "She wants both of us?" Eric nodded. A customer asked me for slow assistance and I went to help them, Dakota following me. "Delilah." I looked at Eric across the store. "When we take the candy to Story maybe we could make it-" Eric was interrupted by a loud explosion outside. A gray cloud of smoke billowed into the air, the ground shaking slightly. Dakota toppled into my arms, knocking me down. I yelped and Dakota gasped. I looked at the window and was trying to figure out what was going on. Dakota rubbed at her eyes and a man in the store stood up. "Is everyone ok?" He said. Everyone seemed to mumble a 'yes'. My mind immediately went to Eric. "Eric." I called out. I didn't get an answer. Screams were heard from outside. Dakota stared at the glass window. Someone ran in through the door and said "there's something out there! It's killing people!" The glass then broke as an alien creature came through and killed that person. Customers in the shop screamed and they were all being killed one by one. I watched in horror as people were dying in front of me. Dakota shook her head in shock and I rushed over to her, pulling her to my chest. Shelving fell over and glass shattered as people were trying to escape the creature. "You have to run!" A woman said just as she was killed. Dakota hid her face and I went to scream as her body only laid a few feet from me. A hand clasped over my mouth, my eyes widening. Eric put a finger to his lips. Dakota nodded and covered her mouth, tears filing her eyes. I looked at Eric next to me, whose eyes were transfixed on the creature wreaking havoc. My breath quivered and I felt Eric's hand press tighter against my face. He then quickly shielded me as debris fell all around the room. The creature then made it's way out of the building. Eric slowly removed his hand from my mouth. "We need to get out of here." He whispered. I nodded, the three of us standing up and sneaking upstairs. Dakota looked up at him. "Thanks, Eric." A half smile appeared on his face. "You're welcome, Kota." Eric went to the window and I followed him. We saw anyone who made noise was instantly killed. I see people who were silent escaping the creatures. Alice walked into the living room and said "what's going on?" I shushed her and fear etched onto Eric's face. I brought Alice to the window and whispered "we have to be quiet or we die. Look." Alice watched people be slain as if they were nothing. Dakota sat on the couch and cried softly. I left the window and sat down next to her. "We'll be ok. I promise." Alice grabbed her phone and started to text Niko. She hurriedly tried to get out a text as most of the electricity wasn't working. "What about uncle Harrison?" Dakota asked as her cries started to get louder. I shushed her and pulled her into my chest once again. "I'm sure he's fine." I whispered. Eric covered his mouth and I watched tears well up into his big brown eyes. He looked back to the window and seemed to break down even more. I looked at Alice and motioned for her to take Dakota for a minute. Alice walked over and sat down, hugging my younger sister. I approached Eric slowly and felt my heart break as I watched him cry. A sob left his lips and I quickly muffled it. His eyes widened and he went to say something and I pressed my hand tight against his face. I looked around the room and saw one of Alice's many notepads. I grabbed one and brought my finger to my lips as I pulled my hand away from Eric's mouth. He nodded and silently cried. I quickly wrote on the pad, attempting to communicate.

We'll be ok. We just have to be quiet

Eric took the notepad from me and wrote two words. My heart ached as I saw them. I felt so bad and I stared at them.

I'm sorry

I knew he was apologizing for making a sound. It was an accident and nobody got hurt. We were ok. I pulled Eric into a hug and I felt his body shake with sobs. He held me tightly and I rubbed his back. "It's ok. You didn't do anything wrong." I whispered into Eric's ear. He nodded and I pulled away to look at him. I wiped his tears and Eric's lip quivered as he tried to stop crying. Eric's hands fell to my hips and I went to leave him and his hands on my hips tightened. I knew we'd have to not make any noise. I grabbed the notepad from its place on the windowsill.

We have to be careful not to make noise. We should take off our shoes and if we have to leave, wear shoes that don't make noise

I showed it to Eric who nodded. I leaned down and started untying his dress shoes. Eric carefully took them off his feet. Eric pointed to my heels and I then sat on the arm on the couch. He knelt down and undid the straps on my heels. He gently took them off my feet and gave me a half smile. Alice looked at me and I knew we were in trouble. I was sure we had plenty of food and water to last us for a couple of days. Then we'd have to venture out. Dakota had stopped crying and motioned for the note pad. Eric handed it to her.

I'm hungry

I nodded and Alice took it from her.

I'll make you something to eat. It might take me a while because I have to make something quietly. Maybe soup or something. Or I can cut up some fruit

Alice stood up and headed into the kitchen. I kissed Dakota's forehead and went into my bedroom to change out of my dress. I changed into a pair of leggings and a sweater. When I came out into the living room I motioned for Dakota to change. She nodded and walked off. I was just hoping that we would be ok. Eric sat on the couch and took off his sport coat. We awaited Alice to make everyone food. It was a soup. We couldn't do much to heat it so we had to eat it cold. After dinner I put Dakota to bed. She was terrified to sleep alone and Alice went to sleep next to her. I silently thanked Alice and she half smiled. I went to the hall closet to grab Eric a blanket. He looked up at me with furrowed brows as I handed it to him. "Goodnight." I mouthed. I went to leave when Eric grabbed my wrist. I looked at him and he grabbed the notepad, writing fast.

Don't leave me alone

He then wrote something else just as fast, barely letting me read the first sentence he'd written.

I'm scared

I nodded and held my hand out to him. He shakily took it and I pointed to his blanket and he picked it up. I led him to my bedroom and Eric's hold on my hand got tighter as we walked to my bedroom. Helicopters flew over us. The loud sound made me gasp and Eric looked to the window. Explosions were heard along with the pounding footsteps of the aliens. The building shook slightly as one ran over the roof. I braced myself against the wall and Eric's eyes were screwed shut as his breath quivered. Once the sounds started to get farther away I decided it was safe to start moving again. Eric stumbled as we walked. He didn't know we had started moving again. I put my hands on his chest causing me to let go of his hand. I gave him a thumbs up with one hand while my other was still pressed against his chest. Eric nodded and the two of us entered my bedroom. Eric took everything in even though it was dark. I sat on my bed and handed Eric a pillow. He set it on the small couch in my room. It was surprisingly big enough for him but small enough to be in a bedroom. I laid down on my bed and looked over at Eric who was settling into the couch. "Goodnight." I said barely audible. Eric half smiled and said "goodnight." It took me a long time to fall asleep and I just hoped we could figure out what exactly was going on in the world. And how would we make it?

Okkk so here's the first chapter!! I hope you guys like it so far!! The early chapters will be character building for sure and I will have fillers here and there just to keep the story going. And I'm so excited to write this book!

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