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Chapter nine
The Subway
Delilah's POV:
We all seemed to rush down the stairs, trying to get away from where we just were. Once we got down the stairs it didn't seem as bad. Things leading down into the subway looked chaotic. Eric held a flashlight in his hand, turning it on. It got darker and darker as we ventured down. The sunlight disappearing. Eric squeezed my hand and I nodded at him. Sam looked at Frodo in her bag. The black and white cat seemed un phased about everything in this moment. Dakota slowly stepped over some broken glass. Splattered blood coated the walls and floors. Blake took a breath and Haisley looked like she was going to be sick. We all seemed to gradually get closer, physically. Eric stood next to Samira with me on the other side. Dakota was in front of me while Haisley and Blake were on Sam's other side. An alien started to descend down the subway stairs. Eric covered his mouth and fear spread across his face. Dakota's eyes widened and she took a step back, bumping into me. I held her close to me and I tried to keep my breathing under control. Samira pointed to the side and we walked slowly away from the alien. Dakota held onto my hand, not daring to look up. The silence was deafening. We walked down towards the subway track and saw that it was flooded. Dakota shook her head and I knelt down in front of her. I held up the notepad after writing.

It's ok

Dakota looked up at Eric whose hands shook at his side. The flashlight in his hand flashed around the room as he couldn't keep a steady hand. Dakota took the notepad from me and then handed it to Eric.

Are you scared?

Eric's face softened and he knelt down next to me. He nodded and mouthed "terrified." Dakota half smiled. Blake took the notepad from Eric and Haisley looked around at the water. Sam noticed a guitar case in the water. She took a breath and took Frodo out of her bag. Haisley handed the note to me.

You guys lead. I'll stay in the back just in case someone needs help swimming. I am a lifeguard after all

I nodded at Blake's note and Eric did the same. Eric slowly got into the water that was below the waist. He was careful to not make any noise as he stood in the water. He motioned for Dakota to come to the edge of the subway platform. Dakota sat down and scooted towards the edge. Eric picked her up and set her down in the water. Dakota grimaced at her wet clothes and Eric handed her the flashlight. She took it from him and shined it all around the room. Sam slowly climbed down into the water. She set frodo and her bag onto the guitar case. I set my bag on top of it as well so Frodo had some stability. Haisley climbed down and Blake did the same. Eric held out his hand and I took it as I got into the water. Eric half smiled and I did the same. Eric took the flashlight back from Dakota. Samira led the way as she pushed the guitar case through the water. Frodo looked at all of us, seeming to be concerned. Blake stayed in the back. Haisley was ahead of Blake but still close by. Dakota was in between me and Haisley but I was closer to Eric. Sam immediately froze as Eric shined the light on an alien that seemed to be sleeping above us. Eric's shaky hand made the light bounce around the hole in the ceiling. Samira pushed Eric's hand down, the light no longer on the alien. We all started to walk again. The water started to get deeper. Before we knew it the water was at our waists. The water was cold and made me shiver. I couldn't wait to get out of this water. The water was rising even higher. Now it was at our shoulders. Eric's breath quivered and he started to gasp for air. It was a mix of him being cold and breathing heavy. He held back whimpers and his eyes closed. "It's ok." Samira said. Eric started to hyperventilate and his eyes welled up with tears. I reached for Eric's hand and said "it's ok." Eric nodded and he opened his eyes to look at me. Thudding was heard a while away. Dakota looked over her shoulder and gasped. Blake shushed her and I said "breathe, Eric. I need you to breathe. It's ok. Deep breaths." Eric nodded furiously and said "it's ok. It's ok. It's ok." He started to sob and the thudding coming towards us got louder. Eric's breathing got louder and a whimper almost escaped his lips. Samira cupped his cheeks and shushed him. "Eric, please." She whispered. I covered his mouth which made him cry harder. "Eric, you have to be quiet. Please." Eric's hold on my hand was tight and I put my head to his chest, his arm coming up to hold me close to him. His heart was beating so fast I thought it was going to explode. I shushed Eric softly as the thudding approached us slowly. The alien made it's way directly over us. Eric closed his eyes and I pressed my hand tighter against his mouth. Samira slowly let go of his cheeks to hold the guitar case closer to her. I looked up at Eric and mouthed "it's ok." He nodded and the alien seemed to disappear. Eric let out a relieved sigh against my hand. I removed my hand from his mouth, his hand letting go of mine. His arm didn't leave my waist. I rubbed his back and stood on my  tiptoes and whispered in the most quiet way possible. "It's ok." Eric nodded and sighed again. My hands went to his cheeks and I stroked his cheek with my thumb. He relaxed into my touch, sighing a bit too loudly. The thudding happened again. Our heads snapped in the direction of the sound. Frodo stared up at the ceiling where the alien had disappeared to. The alien was coming right for us. "Swim." Blake said. Samira pushed the guitar case ahead of us and we all started to swim as the alien was behind us. The water seemed to start picking up, the water rushing. I yelped as I was drug under but felt strong arms pull me back up above the water. Samira gasped as she went under to avoid a pipe. Blake held up Dakota as we all tried to escape. Then the water was at the ceiling. "Eric, I can't!" I yelled out of fear. Tears filled my eyes and I started to cry. Eric grabbed me and said "don't let go of my hand." I nodded and we all went under, swimming towards the sunlight. I gripped onto Eric's hand and hoped I wouldn't get left behind. When we all resurfaced, everyone tried to climb up onto the rubble. I looked around for Dakota. She was in the water next to me. I quickly hugged her and she clung to me. Blake offered Dakota her hand. Dakota took it and let her pull her up. Eric panted as he laid on the rubble. He lazily reached for me. I gave him my hand and he pulled me up onto the rubble with ease. I toppled on top of him slightly. He grunted softly and I let out a whimper. Eric's hand came up to cradle my head. I laid my head on his shoulder. Out of exhaustion I didn't care to move off his body, holding a handful of his sport coat. Frodo started to give himself a bath, trying to rid the water from his body. Haisley grabbed one of the notepads that somehow didn't get wet. Probably cause they were in my bag.

Is anyone hurt?

She held it up. Sam shook her head. Dakota examined herself for injuries and shook her head. I gave her a thumbs down, too lazy to shake my head. Eric seemed to do the same. "Are you ok?" He whispered. I looked at him and nodded. His hand still rested on the back of my head. I cupped his cheek and mouthed "are you ok?" Eric nodded and Samira held the notepad up to the group.

We need to find some shelter for tonight. It looks like it's going to rain again

Eric slowly sat up, his arm going around me to keep me close to him. His hand left the back of my head to reach for the notepad and pencil. Samira handed it to him. His hand rested on my hip while his other hand tried to write out a response. I smiled at his response and he held it up to the group.

Story's Apartment

Dakota smiled really big and went to cheer but stopped herself. Eric handed the notepad to Blake who nodded. "Who is Story?" Samira mouthed. "A friend of ours. She'll let us stay there." I mouthed a reply. Samira nodded and gestured for us to lead the way. She put Frodo on his leash so he could walk with us. Eric let go of me to stand up. He swiftly pulled me up to my feet. Dakota motioned for everyone to follow her. Eric cupped my cheek and looked like as if he was going to kiss me. My eyes widened slightly as his face got closer to mine. Just as his lips were going to touch mine I felt something rub against my leg. I looked down at my feet to see a kitten. The kitten then sat on Eric's slippers. It was orange and white. Eric looked down and his lips parted in shock. Haisley picked up another one that had approached her. The one that had approached her was black. Samira smiled in disbelief at the fact we had just found two kittens. Frodo approached the one at me and Eric's feet. He smelled the kitten who seemed scared of Frodo at first. Eric leaned down to pick the kitten up. He scratched at the kitties head. We were all sopping wet from the subway and I took the kitten from him. We then started to make our way to Story's apartment. Where we could hide out for the night.

I'm like 100% sure this chapter isn't accurate to the movie! I saw it once and it was on opening night. I'm pretty sure I got some of it right but I feel like the chase scene I didn't get right. I hope you guys liked this!! Next chapter will be chill and might have smut so you guys have been warned and you can just skip over it if you don't like it. Please don't report! Anyways thank you guys for 2k again that means so much!!

8-1-24: I edited this chapter after seeing the movie at home!! Wanted it to be a bit more accurate so this chapter did get fixed!

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