Soooo I saw the movie

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So I almost never go on opening night to see movies. But I was too afraid people would post spoilers to the internet. And I was right. People were posting pictures from the movie on Twitter. No warning or anything. I luckily caught myself on Thursday and was able to stay off Twitter. Sooo imma give my review of the movie and some thoughts I had below. And some stuff that I'll have upcoming in the book.

I wish we had more time with Eric and Samira. I know she was dying and they only had a certain amount of time to get to the rescue boat, but I wish there was more movie. The ending felt incomplete to me a little bit. I was also expecting both of them to live. (Not at first I just assumed they'd kill Joseph off) Lupita was an absolute force in this movie (as always) her character had a gut wrenching story and it broke my heart within the first few minutes. The subplot of her dad hurt as well. I wish we knew more about Eric's character. The vibe I got from him was he was studying abroad for law school and it was something his parents wanted. I feel like he wanted another career in life and he was only doing law school to appease his parents. I was devastated Alex Wolff died so early. I was hoping Reuben and Sam would actually survive a little bit together. Or he'd at least get to meet Eric. It's so unfortunate. The subway water sequence had me so stressed out. I went to see the movie with some friends and my mom, brother and grandma. My one friend kind of laughed when Eric was having his panic attack in the subway. I noticed other people in the theater seemed to get mad. I heard scoffs and groans. I feel like Joseph's portrayal as Eric was very accurate. There's no way in a world with aliens that have super human hearing, people would not be scared. It made Eric so much more human in a way and it made you feel for him. You rooted for him and you loved him because despite being absolutely terrified he was still trying to be a hero. And he was. Multiple times. And Joseph just brings so much to the characters he plays. They're nothing but a piece of paper until Joseph gets involved and he makes them be so much more. Whenever Joseph's characters cry, I cry. He has this way of just captivating you and is a scene stealer. Lupita's portrayal of Samira was amazing. All you want for her is to survive with Frodo. Not knowing about her father in the beginning of the movie and just knowing she was going to die and was in hospice, was enough for me to root for her the entire time. And seeing a strong black woman on screen (being black myself) is always very nice to see. The ending sequence made me cry. Eric just sobbing because he didn't want to leave Sam broke me. And Sam watching him leave on the ship broke me as well. I loved this movie and want to go see it again. So enough of me gushing about this film. So my plot is still going to be standing. But Eric has been going to law school on the side and Delilah doesn't know it yet. The plot of the movie will follow this book but will have my own twist to it. I hope you'll all enjoy this book and will stick through it with me. I haven't been doing well lately and getting to see Joseph on the big screen was helpful. I've been really down and alone lately. Seeing this movie helped tremendously. And if you guys have any thoughts about the movie please share them! I'd love to discuss it! And if you guys have any ideas you think I should explore and possibly write, just comment below please! Next chapter should be up tonight or tomorrow!

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