Day 1: 10/15/2020

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My pov:

Ok, I was with Krystal, AKA Moonlight_DragonX.

We don't have any screenshots because we weren't planning on making this. 

So anyways, we were playing a round and someone names Spotify joined. I didn't really care or mind. Well at first.

Then, we started the round and I was doing a task when Spotify called an emergency meeting.

I thought someone had died or something and everyone was WHY? Whats up etc. 

Do you know what he/she did?

"Don't want any adds? Get premium. Premium is a cheap thing which gets rid of adds-"

Krystal: "Alright, vote them out,"

Me: Really? Just really? And plus I already have premium.

That, was the end of Spotify.

Another round. Someone names Netflix joined. 

I was inno and Krystal was imposter.

First thing she does: *Kills him*

I did not know she was imposter btw.

After the round is over:

"Why did you kill netflix?"

"Because I thought the Spotify incident happen."

Netflix: I am now going to follow Krystal. The entire game.

Me: Dying of laughter

Krystal: NO, don't.

Next round: Netflix follows Krystal and doesn't stop. 


Netflix: NO

Me: *Still dying of Laughter*

2 rounds later.

Well until he gets voted out for killing her. 

Me: If you follow her, and she ends up dead, then it's obviously YOU!

Krystal: Finally he leaves me a lone.

Then they leave

Legend has it. Netflix follows Krystal from then on. 

Third thing that happened.

I was imposter and I went to admin and stayed with Krystal most the game. Then she does astroids and I say no- and then say yes so she doesn't think I'm sus and tell her I have trash. I go to O2 and fake trash then we went to upper engine to head and 'stop' reacter. ANd I kill her but it was cams and NO ONE SAW ME DO IT.

The Heck?

I also killed DG right In front of someone else and THEY DIDN'T SAY IT WAS ME!

Weirdest round ever. Krystal was raging at them lol.

Welp that's all for now!

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