The fight again

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I like the idea of thistle star and jagged tail fight
Let me tell you guys the story in jagged tails point of view


"It's not fair! We made a deal that my son will be the next leader!" I unsheathed my claws.
"And your son is no longer here! He killed one of our best warriors and you drove him out it is not my fault for any of this!" Thistle stars combat was pathetic. My fur bristled, " Well then let me be deputy! Or at least one of my kin!"
My tail was swaying side to side. "You will not be deputy! I chose Rowenfang for you and look at him! He looks horrible he's supposed to be in the elders den like you!" The she-cat stood up, her cold blue eyes glared at mine. "Your going to kill our clan! You will never stand a chance as leader! My son was a disappointment and so will you be! We had a promise! And you broke it." I looked at the leader. "First you say your son was going to be leader and say he's a are the disappointment here....trying to make me fall into your little trap....well if you want to lead then go make a clan of your own." I lowered my ears then snarled, "fine then! You just made the mistake to the end of the clans!" I ran out of camp not  caring the world about my mate. She was a disgusting she cat anyways, and thistle star will see....I'll be back...and ready unlike she will be....


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