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Isabelle POV

All my clothes were hanging in the dark wood wardrobe and my toothbrush and the other items Cass had grabbed for me were sitting in the bathroom. My backpack sat in the corner by the desk. All the rooms had the same basic layout, I just needed to bring more personality into mine. Hard to do when I left practically everything in my old house in Wichita. It was getting late and I had changed into my favorite pair of light blue pajama pants with dark blue curlicue designs and a robin's egg blue tank top.

I had just finished brushing out my long brown locks and had moved on to brushing my teeth when a pair of candy apple green eyes met mine in the mirror.

"You seem to have settled in nicely."

"I guess," I said after spitting out a mouthful of toothpaste.

"I'm sorry about your mom. Nobody deserves that."

"Yeah, well..." I trailed off, rinsing my toothbrush and turning to face my father. "Life's a bitch."

He chuckled slightly, leaning against the doorframe as we stared at each other. His eyes darted over my face, taking in everything. As I did the same with him, I realized just how similar our appearances were. Same hair, same freckles, same full lips... If it weren't for the blue in my eyes we'd have that, too.

"Did she ever tell you about me?" he asked.

"She didn't say much beyond your name."

He nodded, wetting his lips before sucking them in and slowly letting them back out. It was something I did, too.

"How long have you known Cass?"

"Forever. He's been popping in on me since I was little. He saved my life when I was born. Mom prayed for a miracle."

"What was wrong?"

"There were complications with the birth. I was sick, couldn't breath on my own," I shrugged. "Then Cass fixed me."

"I remember her. Vaguely, but I remember her."

"Poltergeist, right? November of 2000?"

"How do you know that?"

"Mom might not have talked about you much, but Cass and I talked a lot. I was a curious thing when I was younger, always asking questions. He'd tell me things I knew Mom would never answer."

"You and Cass are close, huh?"

I smiled to myself, glancing down and back up to meet his gaze.

"Yeah. Yeah, we are."

"You should get some sleep. Sammy and I are heading out in the morning to work a job, but Cass should be around if you need anything."

"Okie dokie."

We exited the bathroom, back into my new bedroom. I sat on the bed as he made his way to the door.

"Night, kid."

"Night, Dad."

Dean smiled slightly, heading out and to his room next door. I layed back in the bed, getting under the covers before turning out the light and closing my eyes.


Sam and Dean left after a quick breakfast. I barely had time to tell them good morning before they were rushing out the door to head wherever for whatever job they were working. Once they were gone, I was left in an eerily silent Bunker. Cass still hadn't shown back up from wherever he had disappeared to yesterday. After I had cleared my plate of eggs and bacon and drained my cup of orange juice, I placed the dishes in the sink and decided to explore my new home a bit.

The place was huge. I found a gym, library, and map room. I even found a dungeon behind a false set of bookshelves in the basement. I was browsing the shelves in the library when Cass finally showed up.

"Hello, Belle."

"Hey, Cass," I pulled a book from the shelf and started leafing through it, turning to face the angel.

"Have you settled in?"

"Yep. Everything's in my room. You know, I think I might need a few more outfits and things if I'm really going to be staying here full time."

"We could go shopping later if you'd like."

I smiled slightly, meeting his bright blue eyes.

"Ok, Cass."

"Where are Sam and Dean?"

"Dad said they were working a job. Left early this morning."

Cass did his adorable head tilt as he studied me.

"You said Dad... You're accepting them as your family already."

"Well, yeah... I mean, I have no reason not to."

The angel nodded his head, watching me place the book back on the shelf and grab another one.

"What are you doing?"

"Getting better acquainted with my new home."

I returned the book to the shelf after studying its pages a minute and turned to properly face him.

"Do you know if there's a park nearby? I want to get some fresh air."

"I think there might be one in town," Cass nodded.

I held out my hand and he took it as I led him up the stairs and out the door before letting him take the lead. He flew us to the outskirts of the town before we walked side by side down the streets, still hand in hand. We eventually came to a small park near a school and I let go of his hand as I headed over to the swings. As I had gotten older I never lost my love for the swings. Even though I rationally knew I would never fly, I still joked with Cass that if I could get high enough it would happen.

"You think I'll fly today?" I asked as I pumped my legs.

"You don't have wings, Belle."

"And you really have a way of crushing a girl's dreams," I stuck my lip out in a faux pout before breaking into a wide smile as the wind rushed past my face.

I tilted my chin up, letting the sun shine on my face and closing my eyes as I got higher and higher. I could feel Cass's gaze on me as my smile grew and knew he would have a small one tugging at the corners of his lips too. He smiled more with his eyes than his mouth around me, the pure blue getting brighter as he watched me. It was my favorite thing about him.

I don't know how old I was when I realized I had a crush on the angel, but I knew I felt more than just friendship toward him as I got older. I never said anything to him about it, but over time I noticed how my heart seemed to skip a beat and butterflies would dance in my stomach whenever he popped in to check on me. Although I had met plenty of boys at school who I thought were a bit cute, none of them ever came close to making me feel the way my blue eyed angel did.

A ringing noise interrupted the silence that had fallen between the two of us as I swung. I opened my eyes and looked over as Cass answered the phone.

"Dean. Is everything okay?"

I slowed down, coming down closer to the ground as I listened to the one sided conversation.

"Are you sure?... Alright... Of course... I'll be there as soon as I can... Goodbye."

"Everything ok?"

"They need my help. Will you be fine on your own?"

"Of course. I'm a big girl, Cass. Go to them."

He nodded slightly before disappearing. I stood up from the swing, having come to a complete stop as I had listened to Cass's side of the phone call. I slowly made my way back down the street and out of town as I headed back in the direction of the Bunker.

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