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Considered to be one of the most human-like Chaos beings known-was actually human at one point and thus one of the youngest known Chaos beings.

She has a set gender unlike most other Chaos beings, and still looks almost fully human, she embodies the aspect of courtesy and to an extent generosity of the humans/mortal races, but also their lust and Greed.

She is known for being friendly, and often sarcastic and even playful, she still holds a strong love for humanity, and is known for using gauntlets armed with chainswords as well as a magical staff/spear that also has chainsword ends, as well as has a crystal-like dragon as her servant that acts as an extension of her will.

https://youtu.be/IevsaST5LOE She looks like this overall

Other facts

Her dragon is also sentient despite being a part of her and overall controlled by her.

She has a..fondness for chainsaws if her choice weapons haven't made that apparent.

She was believed to of been a princess-turned Queen of a long-lost kingdom from ancient times on Earth, anything about said kingdom is unknown.

She was known by a secret group in Japanese society during Japan's Samurai age, and they had dubbed her "the ripping one".

It is unknown why she was turned into a Chaos being upon her mortal death of old age, but some believe that it was due to the Chaos beings needing fresh outlooks on everything around them.

Her dragon has two names a name that it commonly goes by which is "Seraphim" and "Jagged lock" it is unknown which one or either of them are its true name

Her dragon is believed to be male and might be the reincarnated soul of a lost pet that she dearly loved during her mortal life.

It can perform the same attacks as she can through its own magic.

At full sized it is eagle in size to Godzilla-or larger if it needs too.

She is one of the most sought-after Chaos beings to summon, as she's far more likely to truly help you then a few others such as Okori at least in a fair manner.

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