What are my Chaos beings?

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Anyone who knows me knows I have some very powerful ocs-some examples being my Ice Demon Frost who can freeze time itself. Firefly who can use fire that literally cannot be calculated in how hot it is and shortens out electric energy. Nerozika who's born of the warp/void itself and is meant to keep gods in check.

Now Nerozika is in my top ten strongest ocs-but there's one group especially that servers as one of my final trump cards when it comes to oc warfare.

And that's my chaos beings.

However, they are also known by another ideal which I'll get to here shortly.

Part of what makes them have such high levels of powers are their two special abilities

"Divine ignorance" and "Divine locking"

Divine ignorance allows them to ignore virtually any set of rules in a universe, meaning if this subject or person cannot die to let's just say-poison for example-a chaos being can simply ignore that little fact and poison them to death anyway.

Divine locking is basically stating that one cannot force a chaos being into a new state, they are fully immune to reality warping magic no-matter how powerful their opponent is.

The main info-sheet I have made for them is as follows.

Name: Council of the Chaos Gates or simply "The gatekeepers" or even more simply just "The council" The Council of the Chaos Gates or rather the Gatekeepers are a collection of impossibly powerful beings that server as a multi-universal "government group" or a "cosmic congress" except the Gatekeepers actually do shit that'll help people most of the time, their main purpose is to serve as the overall symbol of balance and order within the infinite number of universes

They Embody the very concepts and ideals that most of us mortals think of even at a subconscious level, as such they are true immortal, and are incapable of ever being truly killed or defeated, and it's virtually impossible to defeat them regardless, on one end, they are alien and enigmatic to the extreme, possessing mindsets even gods struggle to understand, yet at other times living almost-simple lives, some have even appeared as random nameless wanderers and helped random people in trouble before vanishing in the dead of night never to be seen again.

That being said their overall main goal is to keep the order and balance of life and death within every world and universe, which means that while they while defend the innocent if need be, they won't hesitate to remove those who would seek to defile the order of life and balance within the universes, and to engage with one in combat is tantamount to the death of your own soul and very essence in a blink of an eye.

But again, that being said-their actually typically not..malicious for lack of better words, they don't step in personally unless the situation gets really bad, their aware of the vast majority of everything happening everywhere, but they don't just step in for everything, especially since a lot can be fixed by mortals just using a bit of common sense.

Currently the true number of "council members" is unknown, but it is very possible that there is an entity for every known ideal and concept, but some play a far bigger role in other affairs then others do, some even seem to contradict other groups who represent a far similar role. They have no true hierarchy and are all virtually equal in power (with a few exceptions), despite this some seem to have more authority or respect then others.

Much like what's said above, their true form is actually a shapeless form of glowing energy and smoke-that has a voice to it, they inhabit "mortal" forms or at least forms people can interpret properly as anyone save the chaos beings themselves will burn up and turn to ash if they gaze upon their true form unless the being in question chooses not to.

They can often assume the form that they wish too, though they all seem to have preferred forms, some more or less human, while some-very much beast-like. In terms of power, some may have a form of special power that almost seems unique to them, but all of them have nearly unmatched reality-bending powers, true immortality, nearly being omnipresent, and basically whatever else they may need, it is often very common for them to use reality magic, time magic, gravity magic, and so forth if they do happen to be forced into a conflict.

That being said the area or concept that a certain being inhabits often have the de-facto strongest amount of authority over said subject.

Originally, I made the council and Chaos beings as overall separate entities-but eventually I noticed how similar the two groups were and basically just went "fuk it" and put the two as the same, with my original batch of Chaos beings-being more so executors or something of that like.

Each Chaos being will sort of get their own chapter as well, I'll try and find art that could probably reference them-I don't have art of them myself since I suck ass at drawing smh


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